Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3782 I don’t have the courage

It is not easy to completely obtain the power of Suzaku's bloodline.

"Hey, human boy, don't die here! Think of your relatives, think of your friends..."

The Thunder Ice Ray was also a little anxious, but it also knew that if it rushed to help, it might harm Su Chen, so it could only shout through words to try to wake up Su Chen.

Miraculously, during its call, Su Chen slowly came back to his senses, just like a sleeping person being woken up. The confusion on his face just now was wiped away, replaced by a trace of clarity. color.

Immediately, Su Chen's mind moved, and a strong will surged out. All the remaining true energy in his Dantian roared out, blowing through his body like a strong wind.

But under this strong wind, the extremely domineering flame was extinguished quietly!

The bloodline returned to calmness again, and a faint smile appeared on Su Chen's face.

The red color on its body gradually receded, and the high temperature gradually cooled down.

Seeing this scene, the Thunder Ice Ray finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Su Chen, there was also a bit of amazement in his eyes.

Although it didn't know the specific situation, it knew that Su Chen's situation just now must have been very dangerous. If Su Chen hadn't been determined, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

"Did you make it?"

Su Chen's mind moved, and a powerful coercion suddenly spread out from his body. Under this kind of pressure, the Thunder Ice Ray's body couldn't help but tremble.

This kind of coercion does not come from the suppression of strength level, but from the pressure in the blood!

Su Chen could feel that although the true energy in his body had not skyrocketed, his control over the true energy had reached a new level!

Now, he is confident that he can defeat the ordinary fifth level of transformation realm!

However, what troubled Su Chen was that he had absorbed all thirty-six strands of Suzaku essence and blood, but still had not broken through to the transformation realm.

"That's all, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Su Chen could only comfort himself in this way, and then looked upward, with a cold light gradually flashing in his eyes, "After chasing me for several months, now it's time to settle the accounts."

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Thunder Ice Ray saw Su Chen's expression and quickly said, "Troublemaker, do you know how many intermediate transformation realms are out there? Are you looking for death?"

"Want to come with me?"

Su Chen chuckled and asked.

"Forget it, I don't have the courage."

The Thunder Ice Ray said quickly, as if he was afraid that if it refused too late, Su Chen would drag it out to die.

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily."

Su Chen smiled lightly, stepped on his foot, and his figure suddenly shot up.

"Crazy, really crazy!"

Seeing this scene, Thunder Ice Ray couldn't help but sigh. From its point of view, the five hundred strong men in the outside world were already existences that it could never compete with. What was the difference between Su Chen going out hastily like this and risking his own death?

Yuncang Peak.

At this moment, the part from the mountainside upwards has been smashed into pieces, and huge rocks are scattered everywhere.

If the lower part of the mountainside was not still there, it would be doubtful whether this was once a towering mountain peak.

At this moment, in the void above, more than five hundred figures stood in the sky, and the powerful auras made people within a hundred miles around tremble.

And these people's eyes were fixed on the mountainside covered with huge rocks below, and whispers could be heard from time to time.

"Strange, how did this guy find a place like this?"

"Could it be that this kid's hiding place is another secret place?"

"It seems not, but there must be secrets here like the secret realm."

"Hmph, after chasing for such a long time, isn't this kid not tired at all?"

Even knowing that Su Chen was here, someone paid the price with their life.


Just when they were hesitating, the pile of rocks below was suddenly pushed away, and a figure shot out from it like lightning. Finally, he stood firmly in the air and faced off with more than 500 people.

"This kid, why do you feel like he's become stronger again?"

"How many secrets does he have?"

"Kill, let this little brat taste our power!"

"Don't be careless and attack with all your strength!"

The intuition belonging to the strong made them realize that Su Chen was now much more dangerous than before!


Streams of violent true energy soared into the sky, and so many strong men acted at the same time, as if they were going to destroy the world.

For such a long time, they had been played by Su Chen, and no matter how good their mentality was, they would still be angry.

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