Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 381 The Demon Lord retreats

"Damn it, damn it!" The Blood Fiend Demon Lord looked up to the sky and screamed in anger, "When I was at my peak, I could crush ten thousand little scum like you to death, but now I have been injured. , I’m really pissed off.”

"If you're going to be so angry, do it now so that I don't have to spend more energy dealing with you." Su Chen shrugged.

This kid!

How dare you say sarcastic words!

The Blood Demon Lord was furious, but unfortunately he couldn't say anything now. The body he took was already weak, but Su Chen had once again weakened it by more than half. What could he do now besides being beaten passively?

"Hmph, you are powerful. Now that I have just escaped from the trap and am not strong enough, I will spare your life. If I see you again in the future, I will tear you into pieces."

After the Blood Fiend Lord said sternly, he gave up on Su Chen and ran toward the entrance of the treasure house hall.

"Where to run?"

Su Chen chased him to the entrance of the treasure house and stopped him with his sword.

"You can't hurt me." The Blood Demon Lord said proudly.

After speaking, he opened his mouth and exhaled a cloud of milky white breath, covering his whole body.

"Demon essence of life."

Su Chen recognized this milky white aura, which turned out to be the demonic warrior's natal demonic essence. It seemed that the Blood Demon Lord really did not hesitate to defeat him at all costs.

You must know that the natal demonic element is different from the ordinary demonic element. It takes an extremely long time to practice before you can possess one. If the natal demonic element is damaged, you will also suffer great backlash. Now, in order to fight, the Blood Demon Lord actually sacrificed all his demonic essence.

Isn't he afraid of backlash?

Su Chen shook his head and swung his sword to perform "Large Wave Slash", superimposing the secrets of two sword energies and the secrets of the sword manual to form a sword with peak strength.

This sword collided hard with the Blood Demon Lord's natal demonic element.


After a loud noise, bang bang bang, earth fires spewed out on the ground of the hall, and streams of hot magma also spurted out from the ground and flowed. The power looked particularly terrifying.

Click, click, click...

It seemed that even the surrounding space was unstable, with cracks appearing.

Su Chen looked around and saw that after receiving the sword, the whole body of the Blood Demon Lord was shaking continuously, and then many places on his body continued to turn into green smoke, revealing the dense white bones inside.

The Blood Demon Lord screamed in pain and kept sucking in cold air.

"Su Chen, just wait, this demon lord will definitely kill you with his own hands in the future."

The Blood Fiend Lord said sternly, and then his body stopped moving, as if he was suddenly petrified.

Bang, suddenly, a line of black smoke escaped from the body of the Blood Demon and fled toward the entrance of the hall.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Su Chen immediately activated the "Six Transformations of Wolf Shadow", chased behind the black smoke, raised the Blood Demon Sword in his hand, poured in the power of sky fire, and slashed hard at the black smoke.

boom! The black smoke almost collapsed on the spot under Su Chen's sword.

But soon, the black smoke struggled to gather together, got out of the gap at the door of the hall, and then disappeared.

"Let him escape."

Su Chen shook his head. In the final analysis, it was because he was not strong enough that he could not completely eliminate the Blood Demon Lord.

Wrapped in that black smoke is a trace of the blood demon lord's soul power. As long as this trace of soul power still exists, it means that sooner or later the blood demon lord can make a comeback.

Fortunately, Su Chen's sword strike just now put his own soul mark on the Blood Demon Lord's soul power. In this way, if the Blood Demon Lord wants to leave the mountain in the future, Su Chen will be able to notice it immediately.

Moreover, the Blood Demon Lord was so seriously injured that only a trace of his soul power escaped. If he wanted to return to his peak strength, it would take at least ten or twenty years to recuperate.

At least for a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the Blood Demon Lord making a comeback.

Su Chen breathed a long sigh of relief. Only now did he feel a huge sense of fatigue coming over his body, and he sat down on the ground.

The situation just now was indeed very dangerous. If the sword failed to severely injure the Blood Demon Lord, Su Chen would have no choice but to risk using Space Dust.

Fortunately, that sword played its due role.

However, even so, the battle with the Blood Demon Lord did consume a lot of energy for Su Chen. Regardless of whether it is true energy, spiritual consciousness, or physical strength, they have all reached their limits. At this moment, there is no remaining strength at all. Even if a ten-year-old child comes now, he may be able to easily poke him down with one finger.

Su Chen threw a few healing elixirs and essence-restoring elixirs into his mouth, swallowed them in large gulps, and barely recovered a little strength.

Then, he glanced at the Blood Demonic Sword in his hand, with a smile on his face: "Although it was not easy to win the battle just now, the harvest was huge, and I actually got a fifth-grade demonic weapon. Hehe, If it were taken to the outside world, those guys would probably go crazy with jealousy.”

The fifth-grade magic weapon is equivalent to the fifth-grade magic weapon. If it were placed in the outside world, it would be a treasure that even the Lingtai Realm powerful would be jealous of and snatch madly.

It was naturally impossible for Su Chen to take out such a good thing so arrogantly.

He looked around, took down a long black cloth for wrapping items from a shelf, wrapped the Blood Demon Sword, and carried it behind his back.

"It would be nice to have space to store the ring."

Su Chen muttered, but now he naturally has no way to get a storage ring, he can only think about it.

Then, Su Chen turned his attention to the body left behind by the Blood Demon Lord. To be precise, it should be the body of the Seventh Prince.

"It's a pity that the magic weapon armor he was wearing was damaged."

Su Chen muttered, naturally he would not sympathize with people like the Seventh Prince at all. No matter what result the other party got, it was all his own fault.

Regardless of the reason why the Seventh Prince fell into the devil's way, it is a fact that he fell into the devil's way. The cruel behavior of the devil's warriors is first of all fundamentally unfair. Anyone who has a trace of righteousness in his heart is unlikely to fall into the devil's way.

There is really nothing to sympathize with for someone like the Seventh Prince who sold his soul to the Demon King.

It's a pity that the armor of the seventh prince was damaged when the Blood Demon Lord seized his body just now.

Su Chen reached out and searched the Seventh Prince's arms, but found a black-covered secret book. It was the "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" that the Seventh Prince had secretly taken away from the core area just now.

"From the Seventh Prince's perspective, there are so many treasures in the core area, so he would not choose just one sword formation secret book. This sword formation secret book may be the main one for the Blood Demon."

"This is interesting. What does the Blood Demon want to do with this sword formation secret book? He is well-informed, will he be able to read a sword formation secret book from Anyang County?"

"Isn't there any secret in this sword formation secret book that can make even the demon lord tempted?"

Su Chen hesitated for a moment and put the "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" into his arms.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor.

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