Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4116 The Day of Decisive Battle

The only variable is that the emperor leaves confinement within these eight days, but this possibility is slim.

Su Chen walked out of the hall and saw Song Xing still lying on the ground outside the hall. Su Chen smiled and walked over grandly.

Song Xing's eyes were filled with fire. This guy actually left so openly?

He, the captain of the Imperial Guard, was beaten in vain?

Where is the dignity of the royal family?

But no one cares about this now. If Su Chen is to be handed over, is there any need to care about such a trivial matter?

When Su Chen returned to his residence, he just pretended that nothing happened and did whatever he had to do.

It didn't take long before someone came to visit.

The person who came was the sixth prince Jiang Chan.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for speaking out today."

Su Chen thanked him first.

The sixth prince waved his hand and said: "As a prince, how can I weaken the power of the dynasty? My father has been strong all his life and there is absolutely no way he will succumb to the power of the Jiuchen dynasty, so I just told the truth."

Su Chen nodded. It is true that the other party only told the truth, but telling the truth is often not an easy thing. Too many times, in the face of pressure and temptation, people unknowingly say things that go against their will.

"I still have to thank you, Your Highness."

Su Chen said.

The sixth prince nodded and said: "But the current situation is very serious. The Jiuchen Dynasty is indeed very strong. If a war breaks out, our dynasty will be defeated. But this matter has nothing to do with you. The enemy is strong and we are weak. Even without you, The Jiuchen Dynasty will attack sooner or later."

I have to say that the Sixth Prince saw it clearly, unlike Grand Master Duan who only cared about personal revenge but did not know that even if Su Chen was handed over, it would only be the beginning of the Jiuchen Dynasty's invasion.

Not only the sixth prince, but also the third prince, at least in terms of mind and city, are not comparable to ordinary people.

"If my father cannot leave the country within nine days, then when war breaks out, we must be prepared."

The sixth prince looked at Su Chen solemnly.

"What preparation?"

Su Chen asked.

"If my father cannot get out of seclusion in time, we will lose this battle."

The Sixth Prince said, "But we cannot fight alone. If that happens, all the main forces of the Black Moon Dynasty will die. Therefore, we need to preserve our vitality."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, what did the Sixth Prince mean?

"When the war begins, you will leave with me. I have already made arrangements. Even if the dynasty is in chaos, it can rise again."

The sixth prince said again.

Su Chen looked at the Sixth Prince in surprise, did this mean he wanted to be a deserter?

The Sixth Prince smiled slightly: "Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. I don't want to see lives destroyed. But if it is unavoidable, we must not continue knowing that we will die. At least we must preserve the strength worth preserving."

Su Chen understood that the sixth prince in front of him was ambitious and capable, but he was not a benevolent lord with the world in mind, but a tyrant waiting for opportunities.

The sixth prince only cares about his own imperial hegemony, and in his eyes, only "valuable people" deserve to be protected. As for the sacrifices that would accompany it, it was not within the scope of his consideration.

When working with such people, you must be very careful, otherwise you may be sold one day.

In the eyes of the Sixth Prince, people are divided into three, six or nine levels, arranged according to their value. If there is no value, it will be sacrificed, and valuable people may also be sacrificed because of greater value.

At this moment, Su Chen decided that he would not get on the Sixth Prince's boat no matter what. He did not want to be cheated one day.

"I believe the situation will not worsen to this."

Su Chen smiled lightly.

"Optimism is a good thing, but blind optimism may be detrimental to yourself."

The Sixth Prince patted Su Chen on the shoulder and said, "Think about it carefully. I am still looking forward to cooperating with you and working together to achieve great things."

Su Chen smiled. He didn't want to break up with the Sixth Prince, but he just couldn't have any deeper contact.

Different road non-phase plan.

"I will go back first, and you can think about it carefully."

The sixth prince turned and left.

Asking Su Chen to think carefully twice in a row shows that he still values ​​Su Chen very much.

Unfortunately, Su Chen has decided not to cooperate with him.

He smiled immediately and watched the sixth prince leave.

Time passed day by day, Su Chen was still prohibited from leaving White Dragon Academy, and the atmosphere in the imperial capital became more and more tense day by day.

The deadline given by the Jiuchen Dynasty is getting closer and closer, but the big shots still have not made the final decision, and the Black Moon Emperor has been in retreat.

If the Jiuchen Dynasty's army presses on the border, how will it be resisted?

The timid people are already preparing to move their families, or at least go to the mountains to escape this disaster.

People are panicking. Emperor Black Moon doesn't show up, and everyone feels like they have no backbone and no confidence.

On the contrary, Su Chen was very calm and calm. He was practicing and studying the alchemy formations at the same time, and his days were extremely fulfilling.

In this way, eight days passed.

The big shots held a meeting again, but this time Su Chen was not called over.

It is said that at the meeting, only the third prince and a few other princes insisted on starting a war, while the military, Prime Minister He and Grand Master Duan strongly opposed it.

By the early morning of the next day, a decision was finally made.


Su Chen didn't know how those princes persuaded the four generals, prime ministers and others. He guessed who might have a bigger fist and listen to whom, because several princes had reached the intermediate level of Nirvana and wanted to "persuade" Of course it is not difficult for the four generals, prime ministers and others.

Once the decision is made to start the war, it means fully mobilizing to prepare for the invasion of the Jiuchen Dynasty.

Su Chen was also informed that he would join the army and take the lead.

Su Chen had no objection to this point. Although the invasion of the Jiuchen Dynasty was not caused by him, he could be regarded as the trigger of this war. It was not an exaggeration to participate in the war, and he had originally planned to do so.

Su Chen was a little excited instead, wanting to experience the power of Jiuchen Dynasty's army.

The aristocratic children of the imperial capital were also mobilized, most of them were students from Bailong Academy, as well as senior Tonglijing students who had already graduated from the academy, and they were the backbone of the fight against the Jiuchen Dynasty.

Most people are pessimistic, but they also hold on to a glimmer of hope, that is, their Emperor is out of isolation and can single-handedly reverse the situation.

Otherwise, everyone's resistance will just be in vain. Even if they can withstand the Jiuchen Dynasty for one day or ten days, can they withstand it for a month or a year?

The students of White Dragon Academy will gather in the academy square. The four generals will come over to mobilize them, and then rush to the front line.

When Su Chen arrived, he immediately received many hateful looks.

In the eyes of many people, it was Su Chen's fault that they were standing here. And once they go to the battlefield, most of them may not be able to come back.

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