Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4179: The Tenth Level of Passing and Leaving the Realm

"You say villager to the left and common man to the right, which makes me very angry. What should I do?"

Su Chen smiled.

"Then what can I do? Do you still want to take action against me?"

Jiang Ran laughed loudly. He wished that Su Chen would take the initiative to attack him. If someone with a low level of cultivation challenged someone with a high level of cultivation, the formation here would not weaken the strong person's level of cultivation. It would be too easy for him to kill Su Chen. .

Of course, before killing him, he would also squeeze out Su Chen's secrets.

"Why are there always people looking for death?"

Su Chen shook his head and activated the Great Dao Wuji Formation.

At the same moment, the soul power flying knife also shot out and flew towards Jiang Ran.


Jiang Ran's complexion changed drastically, and he found that his cultivation level had been reduced to the high level of Tongli Realm.

What's going on? The formation shouldn't be activated, so how come my own cultivation has been reduced?

Could it be?

Jiang Ran was suddenly startled. Could it be that this kid actually has a similar formation on his body?

Oops, I was so careless this time!

Jiang Ran wanted to dodge, but at this moment, his cultivation level had dropped to the high level of Tongli Realm, which was too far from his real cultivation level, and the speed at which he could activate his movements was far from what he wanted.

In a hurry, Jiang Ran could only hold his hands in front of him. As soon as he raised his hands, the soul power flying knife had already struck, and with a swish, both his hands were cut off.

The soul-power flying knife did not stop its force and pierced into Jiang Ran's ribs, causing blood to surge rapidly.

Jiang Ran's face suddenly turned pale and he screamed, but he turned around and ran away without hesitation, as fast as lightning.

Originally, he was not so vulnerable, but he never thought that Su Chen had a trump card like the Dao Wuji Formation, and he had the idea that he could not activate the Peak Formation, so he deliberately did not take action first, and He waited until Su Chen made a move before fighting back.

This left him with very little reaction time, so he was naturally helpless.

Jiang Ran ran far away, then turned back and glanced at Su Chen bitterly, then stood up and disappeared into the distance.

"Master Zhang is really good at it."

Concubine Du Yun also said with emotion that she was filled with joy at this moment. Fortunately, she had not done anything to Su Chen just now, otherwise Jiang Ran's current situation would be her current situation.

Just now, she thought that Su Chen took action because he was tricked by Jiang Ran, but the result was far beyond her expectation.

"Miss Du praised me."

Su Chen smiled and cupped his hands towards Concubine Du Yun, "I'll take the first step."


Concubine Du Yun nodded, then turned around and turned her gaze to the stone carving.

Since Su Chen could comprehend the secrets in the stone carvings, there was no reason why she couldn't comprehend them.

Su Chen left the stone wall and walked up for a short time. He saw a huge garden in front of him, with green grass and flowers as tall as a man in bud.

These flowers grow very densely and seem to have no pattern, but if you look closely, they seem to have patterns, but you can't find them for a while.

At a glance, you can see that the garden is full of people lying in different postures, some lying on their backs, some lying on their sides, and others lying on the ground. Judging from the rosy complexion, it was probably not a corpse.

Soon, Su Chen saw one of them getting up and taking a few steps forward in a daze. A flower bud next to him suddenly opened, and the man fell down again.

After a while, the blooming flower closed again.

This scene continued to repeat. From time to time, someone would get up and fall down again. The scene seemed a bit funny.

Su Chen understood that the pollen of these flowers should have the effect of making people comatose, and this effect is very strong. If you smell it, you will be comatose for a long time.

Su Chen focused on one of them and observed patiently, and found that after the person fell to the ground, he did not wake up for more than an hour.

After another half an hour, the man woke up.

Not only him, but also everyone else in the garden. Most people woke up after being unconscious for about an hour and a half. Only a handful of people could wake up early, but not much early.

Su Chen continued to observe, wanting to know the blooming pattern of those flowers.

It may be extremely difficult to figure out all the flower blooming patterns in the entire garden, but if you just want to find a path that you can pass through, you can still do it.

In this way, Su Chen first calculated a small area, then moved forward according to his calculation, and then calculated the next area, and so on.

Occasionally, there will be miscalculations, and you will be accidentally hit and knocked unconscious for a period of time. Su Chen tried his best to avoid this situation, but he still got hit twice.

But even so, his speed is already much faster than ordinary people, which is completely different. The advantage of powerful soul power is fully revealed here.

In this way, while constantly calculating and moving forward, the night passed. By noon the next day, Su Chen had become the leading person in the entire garden.

Unless someone has passed through the garden before, he will be the first.

Another day passed, and when Su Chen was about to walk out of the garden, he unexpectedly discovered that one of the flowers had actually grown fruit. Even from a long distance, he could feel the powerful energy contained in it.

Obviously, this fruit is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it is a treasure of heaven and earth of a high level, at least a high-level one in the Nirvana Realm.

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. With his current level of cultivation, taking high-level treasures of heaven and earth from the Nirvana Realm would at least unconditionally elevate him to a small level, that is, breaking through from the ninth level of the Tongli Realm to the tenth level of the Tongli Realm.

Because the treasures of this world are so much beyond my own level of cultivation, the effect will inevitably be extremely significant.

However, this treasure of heaven and earth is not on Su Chen's only route, and it has to deviate a lot from the normal route, which will inevitably waste a lot of time.

"However, picking the treasures of heaven and earth cannot be considered a waste of time."

Su Chen did not hesitate and turned in the direction of the treasures of the world.

The flowers here are denser, and no one is exploring the way in front. Su Chen can only use his third eye to check little by little. The progress is very slow and there is a risk of being tricked.

After spending two days, Su Chen finally arrived in front of the treasures of that day.

Su Chen was very satisfied after getting the treasures of heaven and earth. This trip was really not in vain, it was full of rewards.

He returned to his original route and continued moving forward.

Another day passed, and Su Chen finally walked out of the garden and came to a dense forest.

"Just right, we can break through here."

Su Chen wanted to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and he just happened to have a rare treasure from the world that he could use.

The opportunities and benefits contained in this secret realm were beyond his imagination, so he was determined to win the first place.

Although previous battles have been able to suppress the opponent's cultivation, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case in the future.

Therefore, the most reliable thing is the strength of one's own cultivation.

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