Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4181: Walking around blindly

But Li Qingya was always calm and calm, standing on his commanding position, constantly issuing instructions from his mouth, directing his own chess pieces to move and launch attacks.

"We're going to win! We're going to win!"

Everyone was excited. Even if their chess skills were not very good, it was not difficult to judge the situation. Li Qingya had already gained the upper hand, leaving the opponent unable to parry.

After another dozen moves, the opponent's general was finally killed, and the chess game ended.

Li Qingya smiled proudly and strode across the entire chessboard to the opposite side. As he walked by, none of the pieces attacked.

After he passed by, the broken chess pieces quickly recovered and the chess game returned to its original state.

"You all saw clearly just now, how did I win?"

Li Qingya turned around and glanced around the crowd, his face full of pride, as if he was waiting for everyone's worship.

"Brother Li, I obey you!" someone said immediately.

"I was able to pass the test this time, thanks to Master Li."

"Master Li, I owe you a favor!"

Many people expressed their opinions, but a few people remained silent.

Li Qingya was obviously a little dissatisfied with those who didn't express their opinions. After snorting "white-eyed wolf" in a low voice, Fang said leisurely: "The chess game is ever-changing. Even if you follow my routine, changes will inevitably occur. How are you doing?"


When everyone heard this, their hearts felt cold.

Yes, even if it is the same move, there is no guarantee that the opponent's response will be exactly the same. As long as there is a slight deviation, the next step will definitely be different, and it will be impossible to completely replicate Li Qingya's move in the game just now.

Thinking of this, everyone's attitude changed, and they rushed to show their goodwill to Li Qingya, hoping that if such a situation really happened, the other party could kindly give some advice.

Li Qingya looked proud, but secretly made a small calculation in his heart.

For those who are not competitive, he doesn't mind giving advice and selling favors. But if his strength makes him feel threatened, he doesn't mind "making mistakes" and letting the opponent die.

Someone soon came to the end of the game. Sure enough, even if he completely followed Li Qingya's previous move, there were still some changes. It was only thanks to Li Qingya's guidance that the chess game returned to its original direction and helped. The man was victorious.

Su Chen thought to himself, this seems to be an obvious mistake in the setting of this level. People outside the field can actually give advice. Doesn't it give cheaters a lot of room?

But looking at the layout and structure of this place, it should be impossible for such a big mistake to happen. It should be intentional. Just like the previous garden, as long as one person passes through, those who come after can easily pass through.

Those who passed by were naturally grateful to Li Qingya, but Li Qingya held his position very high and ignored him.

Next, someone else came out to play chess. This time Li Qingya still gave instructions and helped the other party pass.

The third, fourth, fifth... more and more people passed, but something unexpected happened when the eighth person passed.

That array spirit seemed to have suddenly "improved in chess skills". No matter how Li Qingya racked his brains, it was useless. He could only watch the man lose the game and be beaten to death by the chess pieces.

"Oh, it was my mistake. One mistake and everything was lost."

Li Qingya sighed.

"Master Li, don't take it too seriously. As long as you are human, you will inevitably make mistakes."

"Yes, don't think it's your fault. It's also the guy's bad luck."

Everyone offered words of comfort and spoke for Li Qingya.

However, having said that, no one immediately stepped forward to challenge, apparently because they were afraid that Li Qingya would make another "mistake."

But soon after, the desire for strength finally defeated the fear, and someone started to challenge again, and won.

Everyone regained their confidence and began to scramble to finish the challenge again. They had to hurry up while Li Qingya was still here. He would definitely not be waiting for them here forever, and he might leave anytime.

Su Chen was also observing carefully, but he was not observing the moves of the chess game, but the operation of the formation.

After such a long time, Su Chen finally figured out some tricks. There is a very important detail in this chess game formation, that is, after each move, both sides only have thirty breaths of thinking time. If the time passes and there is still no move, the game will be judged as a loss.

Someone has been crushed to death by a chess piece before because he took too long to think about it.

Su Chen felt that it was unrealistic to break the chess formation in a short period of time, but if it temporarily hindered the operation of the formation and prevented the formation spirit from making moves within thirty breaths, it could still be a try. .

As long as the formation spirit can be held back for thirty breaths, the formation spirit will be defeated.

Of course, before that, Su Chen still had to get off the court and experience the chess game for himself. Some changes required him to play in person before he could understand them.

Therefore, after the current player won the game, Su Chen took the lead in taking the lead.

"Hey, why didn't you end up according to Master Li's arrangements?"

Someone immediately shouted. Li Qingya had arranged the order of endings before to establish his authority. Since everyone wanted something from him, they naturally had no choice but to obey the arrangement.

"Be bold!"

"How dare you disobey Master Li's orders?"

Those who have not yet passed the test are all talking and are very dissatisfied.

Li Qingya smiled proudly: "Don't worry, I won't give him any advice."

"Haha, then this kid is in a terrible situation. There is only one way to die."

"It's really stupid to have to sacrifice your life just to be the first."

"He deserves it. Whoever makes him disobey Young Master Li deserves to die."

Everyone was dismissive. This guy was unruly and offended Li Qingya. He should die soon. There was nothing to pay attention to.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to these gossips, and the game began soon.

Su Chen had no intention of winning this game, so he played very casually. It can be said that every move was a stinky move.

"You actually don't follow Mr. Li's way?"

"Even if I'm not good at chess, I can still see that this is just a blind move."

"How dare you come up first with such a bad chess skill?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

Everyone shook their heads and regarded Su Chen as a fool.

He moved randomly like this. None of the opponent's chess pieces were lost, but a lot of his own chess pieces were eaten.

Li Qingya sneered, even if he went into battle in person, he would not be able to win this round. This kid is dead.

"If he doesn't take three steps, he will definitely die!"

Someone asserted.

"I don't think I can take more than two steps."

"No, it should be one step!"

While everyone was discussing, Su Chen suddenly took action, throwing out formation flags one after another and planting them one by one beside the opponent's general.

Then, Su Chen casually made another bad move.

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