Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4333 Why don’t you all come together?

"I come!"

"I'll fight you!"

"No, I'll do it!"

Including Yu Buyi, many visitors from outside the realm shouted out.

They all wanted to fight Su Chen. After all, in a backward place like Shuangyue Territory, how could any real genius exist?

Therefore, whoever strikes first will get the treasure.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said: "Whoever wants to challenge me, please first bring out a treasure of equal value."

Everyone was stunned. When did you become a challenge to you? Didn't you run out first?

However, with the treasure in front of them, they had no time to worry about it.

"I have a ginseng plant here, which is no less valuable than yours."

Yu Buyi was the first to say, then took out a jade box and placed it on the table.

"Okay, let's fight."

Su Chen nodded.

Yu Buyi walked over, suppressing his cultivation as he walked, and the aura of Guiyi Realm gradually disappeared.

Soon, he became a state of silence.

Su Chen stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "Those who want to challenge me, please line up. Remember to bring good things. I will not accept the challenge without good things."

Everyone was speechless again. Did this guy think that he had already won before the fight started?

Yu Buyi was naturally even more furious. He didn't expect that in this backward place, there would be people who dared to despise him so much?

"You really don't know what to say!"

Yu Buyi snorted softly and rushed towards Su Chen. The other party's rudeness had already angered him. He wanted to use the fastest speed to completely defeat Su Chen.

"I'll give you ten moves."

Su Chen parried at will, only defending but not attacking.

Yu Buyi didn't know about Su Chen's strength. He just thought that Su Chen had no ability to fight back, but he still kept his mouth shut. He snorted and attacked more urgently.

After just a few moves, Su Chen was sure that Yu Buyi should be a one-star genius, but now that he had suppressed his cultivation to the realm of annihilation, his combat power could reach close to two stars, which was very extraordinary.

No wonder Yu Buyi can sweep through all the princes, even the eldest prince with his innate body is no match for him.

When everyone saw that Su Chen only defended but did not attack, they thought it was normal.

After all, they are visitors from outside the land. Didn’t you realize that even the eldest prince and the others were defeated? Is it any wonder that Su Chen is defeated?

However, he was so high-profile just now, and now he is slapped in the face. I wonder if his face hurts?

This embarrassment also brought the Black Moon Dynasty's face into disgrace.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that if Su Chen shows off his power, he can defeat Yu Buyi with one move, but if that happens, no one will come up to challenge Su Chen, and he won't be able to earn treasures.

Therefore, when Su Chen did this, he was taking a long-term view to catch the big fish.

In this way, after several hundred moves, Su Chen finally exerted his strength and defeated Yu Buyi with a "weak advantage".


Su Chen walked over, searched out the Moon-Mounting Ginseng plant, and then made an arrogant look, "Who else is there? Is there anyone else who can be beaten? What kind of visitor from the outside world, I think he is vulnerable."

Hearing this, the other visitors from the outside world were furious. This kid was too arrogant. He just narrowly defeated He Busu with one move. It was purely luck and did not represent strength. What was there to be proud of?

"Everyone, let me take care of this kid."

A man in green clothes came out, took out a piece of blue metal and slapped it on the table, "Is this enough as a bet?"

"It's the precious gold and green steel of Guiyi Realm."

The knowledgeable people present all exclaimed in low voices.

There might be a slight gap in value between this thing and the Frost Cold Jade that Su Chen brought out, but that didn't matter to Su Chen, it was just to make some extra money anyway.

"It's not enough, but it doesn't matter. You will lose anyway."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said.

"You are really crazy!"

The men in Tsing Yi rushed over and launched a fierce attack.

Su Chen was still the same as before, instead of seeking victory with one strike, he fought with the opponent, giving the opponent the illusion that the two were of similar strength.

After several hundred moves like this, Su Chen stepped up his offensive and defeated the opponent.

Two consecutive wins!

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Chen with admiration.

If Su Chen was just lucky in the first battle, then two consecutive wins would explain the problem.

Su Chen put away the piece of green clam steel again and sighed: "Oh, I can't even send a decent opponent to fight."

Everyone almost lost their temper, this was too arrogant and crazy.

"You're just a pawn from a backward place. Where did you get such a big tone?"

Another visitor from the outside world stood up and put down a pill bottle, "This is the True Martial Pill. It can help you break the shackles in your body, making it easier for you to break through the Guiyi Realm in the future."

Su Chen couldn't help but feel disappointed. This pill was indeed suitable for him, but the problem was that he had already taken the Shengwu Kaitian Pill, so taking similar pills would not make much sense.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to refine two Holy Martial Opening Pills and take them?

However, if you don’t use it yourself, you can also give it to others.

"Just barely."

Su Chen waved his hand.

Everyone was speechless again, this guy even felt disgusted.

"Come and fight."

When the battle began, Su Chen followed the old rules and took three hundred photos to defeat the opponent.

Three consecutive wins.

Su Chen became more and more arrogant. To him, drawing hatred was as simple as eating and drinking. It was a skill that he was born with.

One after another, visitors from other regions came forward to challenge, but they were all defeated by Su Chen. No one could beat Su Chen.

Nine battles and nine wins!

At this moment, all the visitors from other regions were stunned.

Nine battles and nine wins, although they were all very reluctant, but it was enough to explain the problem.

This kid is very strong, very strong. Although he is very arrogant and makes people hate him, he is indeed very strong.

"Is there anyone else?"

Su Chen smiled and looked around, but no one responded.

Now everyone who goes up has to weigh whether they are stronger than the previous nine people, otherwise it will only be embarrassing.

"I'll do it."

After a long time, a young man came out.

This is one of the stronger visitors from other regions. If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last challenge.

After all, no one is a fool, especially the visitors from other regions who can come here, all of them are Qilin sons in their families and sects, and all of them are extremely smart.

Su Chen won nine battles and nine times, although each time he won was very "hard", he would still be seen through.

He pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger, deliberately setting a trap, this is not difficult to guess.

"Is there only one?"

Su Chen deliberately looked around, "I don't mind if you have more, five, how about we go together?"

It was quiet all around.


Su Chen relaxed the conditions again, "I will fight ten by myself, if you lose, you keep the treasure, if you win, you take my treasure away."

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