Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 436 Three Nether Fire Formations

"Li Shitong is in your hands?"

Su Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Demon Emperor Huntian, and suddenly asked.

Demon Emperor Huntian was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "You mean that girl with good soul power? Yes, I caught her to sacrifice, so what? It's her honor!"

"Hand her over."

Su Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with the Demon Emperor Huntian, so he said directly.

"Hand it over? What are you talking about in your sleep?"

Demon Emperor Huntian said lazily, "Her soul power is powerful, and she is suitable as a sacrifice for this Demon Emperor to activate the Three Nether Fire Formations."

"I believe that after the formation ceremony, this Demon Emperor's soul power will be restored a lot."

After saying that, Demon Emperor Huntian seemed to have made up his mind to ignore Su Chen, and said indifferently: "The people inside the cover, you'd better be sensible and cooperate with me obediently. Otherwise, I don't mind swallowing him up now." The essence of your martial arts.”

Everyone inside the cover was as silent as a cicada. Their life and death now depend on the hands of Demon Emperor Huntian. He will live if Emperor Huntian wants them to live, and he will die if Emperor Huntian wants them to die.

How dare you say even half a word?

After Huntian Demon Emperor said what he just said, he fell silent, as if waiting for something.


There was a soft sound like the wind blowing leaves.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow came from the steps

Soon, everyone saw clearly that this black shadow was another soul-eating Gu worm.

This soul-eating Gu worm is also very huge, but it is still smaller than the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm. It is at least half smaller than the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm, and its tentacles are far less than those of the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm. many.

It crawled all the way, leaving a trail of venom on the ground. If you look closely, you can see that the venom is a real liquid, not a lot of small bugs tangled together.

This means that this is an ordinary soul-eating Gu worm, not the ancestor of the Gu worm.

And with the appearance of the soul-eating Gu worm, the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm, who was lying quietly next to Su Chen, suddenly raised his head and roared at the soul-eating Gu worm from a distance, his eyes The middle is full of fierce light and full of hostility!

The soul-eating Gu worm seemed to be extremely afraid of the ancestor of the Soul-eating Gu worm. It immediately accelerated its speed and rushed towards the cover in an almost escaping manner.


The ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm showed its fierce appearance, dozens of tentacles instantly stretched out, and more than a dozen venom covered the sky, intertwined into a poisonous net, and headed towards the head-covering attack of the soul-eating Gu worm.


At this moment, Su Chen suddenly discovered that the soul-eating Gu worm seemed to be carrying a human figure, and immediately stopped the ancestor of the Gu worm.

The ancestor of Gu worms actually obeyed Su Chen's words. Not only did he stop attacking immediately, but he also retracted the poisonous net he sprayed out.

The soul-eating Gu worm got a chance to breathe, and immediately rushed to the cover at an extremely fast speed, lowered its head and arched into the cover.

When everyone in the hood saw the soul-eating Gu worm entering the hood, they were all frightened and all the blood drained from their faces.

Could it be that Huntian Demon Emperor wanted to use them as food to feed this insect?

However, they soon discovered that the Soul-Eating Gu Insect did not seem to be interested in them. They just kowtowed in a certain direction in the void from the cover, as if they were worshiping.

Immediately afterwards, the soul-eating Gu worm placed the figure on its back on the ground.

It was a very beautiful girl, but her eyes were closed tightly and she was in a coma.

Su Chen was outside the cover. He glanced over and saw that the girl was Li Shitong.

His eyes lingered on Li Shitong, confirming that she was just unconscious and had no injuries on her body.

"It turns out that Li Shitong was controlled and kidnapped by that soul-eating Gu insect."

Su Chen secretly thought, Huang Ying'er said before that Li Shitong was traveling with a man. This should be a way for the Soul-Eating Gu to hide from others. The man was also controlled by the Soul-Eating Gu.

At the same time, Su Chen also understood why the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm was so angry when he saw the soul-eating Gu worm.

Because that soul-eating Gu worm was also bred by the ancestor of the Gu worms in the Realm of Demon Netherworld. However, after growing up, he betrayed it and became loyal to Demon Emperor Huntian.

Although the ancestor of the Gu worm no longer possesses the spiritual intelligence of the past, the instinct to be hostile to the Demon Emperor Hun Tian is still deep-rooted. That's why it was so angry when it saw that the offspring it had conceived had surrendered to Demon Emperor Huntian.

The ancestor of the Gu worm stared fixedly at the soul-eating Gu worm in the cover, and kept making gurgling sounds from his throat in annoyance.

"Big guy, be quiet. I will teach you a lesson for your unscrupulous descendants."

Su Chen used the martial art of "gathering sound to form a thread" to transmit these words to the ancestor of the Gu insect.

After listening, the latter calmed down slightly and lay down on the spot.

Just a pair of eyes, still staring angrily at the soul-eating Gu worm in the cover.

"Help this Demon Emperor arrange the Three Nether Fire Formations!"

The commanding voice of Demon Emperor Huntian came out.

The soul-eating Gu worm immediately nodded, opened its mouth, spit out a lot of spirit stones, and began to place them on the ground.

The soul-eating Gu worms were placed in a triangular formation. The texture of the formation was very strange and gave off a strange aura.

After the formation was completed, Su Chen also frowned.

"This is a formation to restore soul power. Huntian Demon Emperor is only a ray of soul now and cannot be integrated into the nine-thirds of the remaining body. But as long as he uses this formation to restore his soul power, he can be with those nine One-third of the body got in touch, and one-ninth of the body was completely out of trouble.”

Su Chen thought to himself, no wonder Emperor Huntian wanted to capture Li Shitong, apparently because he wanted to use Li Shitong as the core sacrifice of the formation.

In other words, Li Shitong is a key part of the Huntian Demon Emperor's plan to escape from trouble.

In this way, it is absolutely impossible for Demon Emperor Huntian to hand over Li Shitong.

Su Chen turned his attention to Li Shitong. If Demon Emperor Huntian sacrificed her, her soul would be severely damaged. Even if she could survive, she would be just an empty body without a soul.

"We must rescue Shitong before Demon Emperor Huntian activates the Three Nether Fire Formation."

Su Chen's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of countermeasures.

"Hey, do you know that girl?"

Li Chan'er looked at Li Shitong in the mask worriedly. With her intelligence, she could naturally see the situation Li Shitong was facing now, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy in her heart.

"Servants of this Demon Emperor, lift up the sacrifices of this Demon Emperor and place them in the center of the formation."

The Huntian Demon Emperor's voice sounded again, commanding.

"Those who help the emperor do evil will not end well."

Su Chen said.

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