Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4415: A Battle That Everyone Is Watching

Su Chen withdrew from the Nine Underworld List and left the Nine Underworld List space.

In just less than two hours, he had already set off a storm on the Nine Underworld List. Now, everyone will remember the name "The Lord of Ten Thousand Realms", and countless forces will begin to look for him.

Su Chen did not intend to pay attention, but began to practice the Four Gods Fist in seclusion.

Before the Return to One Realm, the Four Gods Fist was undoubtedly extremely powerful. But now after the Return to One Realm, the power of the Four Gods Fist is slightly less than expected, otherwise he would not be unable to hit the first place in the Fist Power List.

According to the characteristics of his dual Dao base in the Return to One Realm, Su Chen began to deduce that he wanted to improve the Four Gods Fist and form a new Four Gods Fist suitable for his Return to One Realm strength.

He quickly entered a state of forgetting to eat and sleep, and time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

A month later, Su Chen ended his seclusion.

When he logged into the Nine Underworld List again, he immediately received a lot of friend requests.

"Daoyou, I have something important to discuss with you."

"My friend, I'm with the Yudao Sect."

"Brother, please approve it."

Most of the application messages come with notes. After Su Chen read a few of them, he chose to ignore them all.

This time he logged into the Nine Underworld Ranking not to fight for ranking or make money, but because he heard that the Nine Underworld Ranking has a special function called the Time Chamber.

In the Time Chamber, the flow of time will be many times faster than in the outside world. For example, two days in the Time Chamber will only take one day in the outside world, but it only applies to consciousness.

However, the charges for the Time Chamber are very exaggerated.

For example, one day is accelerated by two times, and 100 Nine Underworld gold coins are charged, three times by 500 Nine Underworld gold coins, ten times by 10,000, and one hundred times by 5 million.

Although Su Chen also made some money, he could only choose to practice in the Time Chamber twice for a few days.

However, that is better than nothing. In the Time Chamber, it is just right for deducing and studying martial arts, which is much more efficient than normal practice.

Su Chen chose a double time room and practiced for a week.

After the Nine Nether Gold Coins were used up, Su Chen left the time room and came to the Force Hall.

He came to the fist force test crystal again.

"Hey, the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms is here again."

"It's been almost two months, and his ranking is still the same."

"It's really strange. With his strength, he can be ranked in the top 200 even in the third level of the Return to One Realm. Why doesn't he play a ranking battle?"

Someone found Su Chen and immediately started sending messages and calling friends. Friends called other friends, and more and more people came.

Because Su Chen didn't read personal messages, those big forces had to come to recruit him in person.

Accompanied by the sound effects of swooshing, big figures appeared one by one, at least the seventh level of the Return to One Realm, and there were also strong men of the tenth level of the Return to One Realm.

Su Chen ignored anyone, but activated the Four God Fists, entangled with annihilation energy, and then blasted towards the force measurement crystal.

Boom, golden light emanated from his body, as if a demon god had merged with him, exuding a trembling breath.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

"Oh my god, there is such a powerful martial arts."

"This person's origin is definitely extraordinary."

"Forget it, everyone go back. To have such martial arts, he must have a very strong background and it is impossible to be recruited."

A powerful person was observing in secret, and when he saw Su Chen punch, he immediately exclaimed. And there were more than one such powerful people, and they all spoke up to agree.

If the backers behind the other party are not only high-level in the Destroying Void Realm, then the high-level forces in the Destroying Void Realm are not qualified to recruit.


Su Chen punched the force measuring crystal, and suddenly, a terrifying number jumped out.

"Three hundred and forty-eight thousand nine!"

"Oh my god, he broke his own record!"

Su Chen broke the record of punching power, but it was equivalent to breaking the explosive power item.

Everyone was extremely surprised. This was not just a slight refresh, but a full increase of more than 30,000 in the record number.

It was simply abnormal.

Su Chen was thinking that he had not developed the Four God Fists enough. The launch of this martial art was far from this, but his current cultivation level was not enough, so the power was not fundamentally different from before the development.

Su Chen left the Power Hall, queued up for the ranking battle, and fought a battle.

After the battle, Su Chen just left the arena and received a new friend request.

The initiator of this friend request was... Youquan!

Youquan, a mysterious super genius, now there are many records he created in the Power Hall.

Su Chen accepted Youquan's friend request, and the other party responded quickly, sending a word: "Fight?"

Simple and direct.


Su Chen also replied with a word.

After a while, Youquan sent a string of numbers, which was the number of the ring.

Su Chen looked at it and found that the ring was set to the absolute realm. In such a ring battle, both sides will be pulled to the same small realm, which can be said to be an absolute battle of the same level.

There is no gambling condition setting for the ring, but there is an entry restriction, and only Su Chen can enter the ring.

But there is no restriction on the audience, everyone can watch the fight.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

"Everyone come quickly, Youquan is going to fight with the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms!"

Youquan vs. the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms!

This is extremely explosive news. Both of them have created strength records and surpassed the geniuses of countless years in history, with only a year difference.

In the same era, there can be two such geniuses.

When Su Chen broke the strength record created by Youquan more than a month ago, many people began to speculate who would win if Youquan and Su Chen fought at the same level.

Many people also posted topics in the discussion area, most of which were to encourage Su Chen to challenge Youquan, or to encourage Youquan to challenge Su Chen.

But Youquan remained silent, and Su Chen had not been on the Nine Underworld List for more than a month, so passers-by could only worry in vain.

And now, Youquan finally took the initiative and challenged Su Chen.

Will Su Chen agree?

Many people have already entered the arena impatiently, waiting for Su Chen to appear.

But Su Chen has not shown up yet.

"Don't you dare to fight?"

"Yes, the news should have been passed on long ago, but the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms did not show up, he must be afraid of fighting."

"What Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, you are so bold."

"Yes, if you don't even dare to fight at the same level, what Lord of Ten Thousand Realms is it."

Everyone was contemptuous.

But just as they were talking excitedly, they found that they all left the stage automatically.

What happened?

They then found that it was Youquan who closed the stage.

Did the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms not respond to the challenge and anger Youquan?

They soon found out that it was not the case.

"Look, the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms opened another stage and invited Youquan to fight."

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