Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4443: Finding the Prisoner

Everyone couldn't believe their ears when they heard this.

Is this new captain so powerful?

"it is true?"

"Of course it's true. I have a cousin who works in the main office. He told me personally that this fierce man has been assigned to our Qingque District Office!"

The soldiers who heard this shook their heads. It seemed that their captain was going to be in trouble.

"You guys come together."

In the field, Su Chen smiled.

"Humph, you kid is really good at pretending."

"Since you said so, I'll grant you my wish!"

These captains don't talk about martial ethics, and they don't think there's anything shameful about group fights. Originally, their purpose was to teach Su Chen a lesson. It didn't matter what method they used. Besides, wasn't this what Su Chen asked for?

They were laughing and joking, but they had already dispersed their formation and were ready to take action at any time.


I don't know who screamed, and more than a dozen people took action at the same time, attacking Su Chen.

Su Chen stood proudly motionless, as if he didn't take these attacks seriously at all.

"Pretend to die quickly!"

These dozen captains are all aggressive, doesn't this guy have to pretend? Then let him pretend to be happy!

The moment their attack was about to hit, Su Chen had a thought in his mind, and the real dragon rushed out with pressure. ,

The breath surged through, like an overwhelming force. The dozen or so people shuddered involuntarily, and then fell to the ground.

There was silence all around, and the soldiers had their mouths wide open, completely stunned.

No way?

A dozen captains fell down like that?

They knew that Su Chen was powerful and could defeat even He Kairui. However, without even making a single move, the dozen or so captains seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and fell down.

That's too outrageous.

Su Chen had a faint smile on his face and seemed to be walking casually. In fact, every step he stepped on the captains' backs accurately made them moan in pain.

They were shocked, how could Su Chen be so powerful?

"Did you enjoy the sparring?"

Su Chen asked.

How can you be happy? Do some people find it happy to be stepped on?

They were all complaining in their hearts, but when they saw Su Chen's half-smiling expression, they didn't dare to complain and could only nod.

"Want to play again?"

Su Chen asked again.

The thirteen people quickly shook their heads together, their movements surprisingly consistent.

Su Chen nodded and walked out of the martial arts training ground.

He was already very busy, and he still had to investigate the case and find the murderer.

After this comparison, there were only two breaths left that could not be eliminated. But it was getting late, so Su Chen decided to stop here today and continue tomorrow.

Su Chen didn't go back to Zhizi Mansion and lived in Jinyi Branch Mansion in Qingque District.

In fact, in terms of conditions alone, the Proton House is better, but how can a gorgeous prison cell be compared with the free air?

One night passed, and as soon as Su Chen got up early the next morning, he heard many noisy sounds in the house.

When Su Chen went out to take a look, his expression turned gloomy. It turns out that someone died again last night, and their blood was sucked dry.


Su Chen went up and asked.

"Lane 56."

Su Chen immediately took action and headed towards Lane No. 56, and soon arrived at the crime scene.

The surrounding area has been cordoned off by soldiers, and no one else is allowed to enter.

Su Chen walked in and saw a corpse lying on the ground with a look of fear on its face.

There were two on the corpse's neck

The teeth marks, although deep, should not be fatal. Therefore, the cause of death was excessive blood loss.

Su Chen used little ladybugs to identify the smells and eliminated them one by one again.

Originally there were only two suspects left, but after further comparison, there was only one suspect left.

Su Chen asked the ladybug to start tracking, and the ladybug immediately started crawling in one direction.

"You, you, and you, come with me."

Su Chen randomly selected three people among the soldiers.

The three men quickly followed suit. Su Chen knocked down more than a dozen captains yesterday with one move, instantly convincing them and establishing a strong prestige. Therefore, these three people did it without any hesitation.

Every time Su Chen reached a corner, he used Ladybug to reposition himself.

This move left the three people baffled. Seeing Su Chen tinkering with a ladybug, they had no idea what he was going to do.

Just like that, half an hour later, Su Chen stopped in front of a small and dilapidated courtyard.

Following Ladybug's directions, this is the right courtyard.

Su Chen stepped forward and knocked on the door, but no one responded. Knocked again, still no answer.

I released my soul power to investigate and found that there was no one in the courtyard.

Su Chen simply pushed the door open and entered. With a slight vibration of his true energy, the door latch broke.

"Captain Zhang!"

The three people hurriedly followed, all of them complaining in their hearts. This person is really strange. Why did he break into a civilian's home without any trouble?

Su Chen moved out a chair and sat down in the yard to wait patiently. The three soldiers had no choice but to squat beside Su Chen.

At noon, the door was opened and a tall figure walked in.

When this person came in, he found that the door was ajar.

In this state, he looked towards the courtyard very vigilantly. When he saw Su Chen and the others, he immediately shouted: "Who are you? Why did you break into my house?"

"We are from Jinyi Mansion. As for why we are here, don't you know?"

Su Chen chuckled.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The man said coldly, "Even if you are from Jinyi Mansion, you have no right to break into my house casually. Leave immediately!"

Su Chen stood up and walked towards the other party.


The man stepped aside and shouted.

"Why do you want to suck other people's blood?"

Su Chen didn't walk by, but stopped and looked at the other person and asked.

The man's expression changed drastically. He originally thought that the people from Jinyi Mansion appeared here by chance, but Su Chen's words made him understand that Su Chen had a purpose.

But he didn't understand, how did Jinyi Mansion discover him?

Obviously he has done it perfectly and no one will notice it.

No, you have to kill people and silence them.

As soon as he thought of this, the man immediately opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white teeth, and bit Su Chen's neck. He also opened his hands and grabbed Su Chen's shoulders.

His true colors were revealed so quickly?

"Captain Zhang, be careful!"

"He's the serial murderer!"

The three soldiers shouted quickly, without even thinking about how Su Chen accurately found the murderer.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the other person's neck with a snap. Under the strong pressure, the man couldn't even move.

"Is it just the realm of Nirvana?"

Su Chen concentrated his attention and couldn't help being surprised, "Where is the blood you sucked? Where did it go?"

This man's face was surprisingly white, so Su Chen sensed it and found that there was very little blood in this man's body.

Pity, less than one-twentieth of a normal person.

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