Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4466 Forced Landing

After all, with his wealth, the highest level of acceleration can only be turned on for a few days, so it is better to use a lower level of acceleration, which can last longer.

After the flying boat team sailed for a full twenty days, the resource-rich Yunjin Domain finally appeared in everyone's sight.

From a distance, the Yunjin Domain is composed of five parts, a main domain, surrounded by four sub-domains, like a group of stars surrounding the moon.

Most of the main domain is covered with a purple color, which is a kind of rock unique to the Yunjin Domain. The reason why it can produce high-level minerals is closely related to this rock.

The flying boat team began to land. When they were halfway down, they suddenly saw a beam of light shooting up from the ground and hitting one of the flying boats, and a dazzling light exploded immediately.

Fortunately, the flying boat had been turning on the defense shield, otherwise it would have been torn apart by such a hit.

"Enemy attack!"

All twelve flying boats entered the combat state in an instant, but they could not find out which corner of the ground the attacking light beam was shot from, so they naturally could not launch a counterattack. Moreover, although the beam of light could hit the flying boat, the attack range of the flying boat was not so great that it could not hit the ground.

It can be inferred that the attacker must be an extremely powerful person, most likely a great power in the realm of extinction.

With a whoosh, another beam of light hit. The flying boat could not dodge so quickly and could only take the attack head-on. The shield on the surface kept shaking, creating circles of water ripples.

"Quick, land quickly!"

The twelve flying boats were all landing rapidly. If they stayed in the sky, they could only be hit, and the shields could not last long.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Many beams of light bombarded, all aimed at the same flying boat. Sure enough, after being attacked by dozens of beams of light, the shield of the flying boat was finally blown up and was broken into countless pieces.

In this tragic scene, some people were strangled to pieces, while others were lucky enough to survive. They all hurriedly tried to get to other flying boats or land on land. However, their speed was still too slow compared to the speed of the flying boat. Even if they were flying at full speed, they were ridiculously slow in front of the flying boat.

Fortunately, Su Chen was not on that flying boat.

However, after those light columns smashed one flying boat, they targeted another one. Unfortunately, this one was the flying boat where Su Chen was.

When Su Chen saw the light column coming, he sacrificed the Nine-Layer Cauldron and dropped golden energy to prevent any accidents.

"Bang bang bang..."

The flying boat was shaking, and the shield was in danger.

Looking around, it can be seen that the flying boat was in chaos and everyone was in danger.

Many people came with great ambitions, but they were hit head-on before they saw the enemy, which naturally made many people's mentality collapse at once.

Soon, the defense shield of this flying boat was also broken. A beam of light blasted in, cutting the huge flying boat in half. The residual energy shattered the broken flying boat into hundreds of fragments, floating in the void.

Without the protection of the flying boat, the endless cold air of the void immediately enveloped Su Chen, and his body was soon covered with frost. At the same time, waves of turbulent void began to pull him, trying to pull him into the terrifying void cracks.

Su Chen activated the meridian light curtain to protect himself, and then immediately flew towards the nearest sub-domain.

There was no way. Once pulled into the void crack, it would be a life-and-death situation. It was necessary to go to land immediately to get rid of the turbulent void.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, it was better to go to the nearest sub-domain immediately to avoid it.

Su Chen started at full speed, and kept seeing another flying boat being blown up along the way. And many people on those flying boats also chose to fly towards a certain sub-domain like him.

Of course, some of them flew directly to the main domain of Yunjin Domain, but those people were pulled away by the turbulent flow of the void before they flew to the place, or were killed by the sudden white light.

Su Chen estimated that there should be a strong man on the ground of the main domain of Yunjin Domain who shot and sniped the expeditionary army of Shuntian Dynasty.

That strong man might even be at the level of Miexu Realm, because there were high-level strong men in Guiyi Realm among the expeditionary army of Shuntian Dynasty, but they could not resist the white light at all, and even could barely protect themselves.

After a while, nine of the twelve flying boats were blown up, two retreated, and one went around to another direction and might land safely.

However, it was not certain whether there would be troops of the Corona Dynasty waiting for them near the ground.

The intelligence sent back before showed that the Corona Dynasty had occupied half of Yunjin Domain. However, that was 20 days ago. Will there be changes now, and the entire Yunjin Domain will fall into the hands of the Corona Dynasty?

Of course, it is meaningless to ask these questions now.

Su Chen finally landed in that sub-area. This sub-area was very large, so although many people landed in the sub-area like him, they were very far away.

This sub-area seemed to lack vitality, and there was no green anywhere. However, this was not a dead place. Some rocks were very wet and had dark red moss.

In addition, the gravity here was very weak, so as long as you jumped a little, you would jump very high.

"Find a place to hide first. After the first wave of attacks from the Corona Dynasty, they will definitely send troops to encircle and suppress these fish that escaped the net."

"Where to go?"

The Eye of Heaven was activated, and Su Chen saw a mountain in the distance.

At that moment, he moved his feet and flew towards the mountain.

Half an hour later, Su Chen arrived at the foot of the mountain.

This is a big mountain, but the mountain is basically bare rocks, some of which are shining with metallic luster.

"Maybe there will be some gains here?"

Su Chen planned to look around the mountain first. Anyway, he had the Void Array Armor to hide himself. Only a strong man above the high level of the Return to One Realm could see through him.

While surveying everywhere, he suddenly sensed a breath. Looking up, he saw dozens of small dots in the sky on one side approaching quickly. They were flying boats, but much smaller than the flying boats when Su Chen and his team came.

After these flying boats left the main area of ​​Yunjin Domain, they dispersed to four sub-areas. Each sub-area had about ten flying boats landing, all distributed in different locations.

One of the flying boats landed at the foot of the mountain where Su Chen was.

The flying boat stopped steadily, and teams of soldiers walked down from it. In groups of ten, they dispersed in all directions and launched a carpet search.

Su Chen had already hidden himself with the Void Array Armor, and was watching a team of ten people passing by on the side of the road.

He could see clearly that the team of ten people was led by a fifth-level Guiyi Realm, and the other nine were all at the initial stage of Guiyi Realm.

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