Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 449 Invitation from Tiandan Palace Headquarters

In an instant, Prince Anyang's heart became bright.

In this light, countless inspirations and countless ideas are like shooting stars, constantly coming one after another.

At this moment, Prince Anyang's body suddenly started to tremble continuously, and he burst into tears unknowingly: "Yes, the Tao lies in oneself, and the Tao lies in one's own heart. The Tao of this king has already been in one's own heart." In my hand, it’s a pity that I didn’t catch it.”

"Because, as the head of a county, I have too many concerns and worries in my heart. I am worried that if I attack the Lingtai realm with all my strength, I will fail. I am worried that if I fail, I will go crazy. I am worried that the eldest prince will not be able to assume the important task of the county king."

"I have always been worried and looking forward and backward. How can I fight with all my strength? As for warriors like us, if we don't have the consciousness to fight with all our strength, how can we talk about breaking through to the next level? If I can't bear the risk of failure, how can I be sure? My own way?"

Prince Anyang murmured to himself, but there was a light of understanding in his tears.

Su Chen's words just now were like an enlightenment, awakening him all of a sudden, causing the thin layer of shackles in his mind to tear instantly, and countless martial arts inspirations about the Lingtai realm came to him instantly.

"Su Chen, you really surprised me. I feel that the bottleneck of the spiritual platform that has troubled me for twenty years is finally going to be broken. This time, it seems that I am really going to break through. Those countless inspirations seem to be about to come. Break through that barrier.”

"Haha, then I will congratulate the prince here first." Su Chen said with a smile.

At noon that day, Prince Anyang held a lively celebration banquet in the palace.

Celebrating Su Chen's return and the complete cure of the plague in Anyang City.

The three Grandmasters, except Grandmaster Huang who had something to do, all came to the banquet, as well as Master Mo and Master Sun.

The dignitaries from all walks of life in Anyang City also rushed to congratulate him.

Even Mr. Mu, who had not appeared in front of outsiders for many years, unexpectedly left Mu Mansion and came to the banquet in person, just to cheer up Su Chen.

The eldest prince, Princess Xiling, Gu Qianyin, Gu Qianxue, Li Shitong, Xue Yong, Ling Fang, Mrs. Yu, Xueying...

Xu Yin also came to the scene with a group of senior officials from the Jiang family.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very lively.

The banquet ended after a lively three hours.

Prince Anyang immediately went back to his residence to retreat after the banquet. He got too much martial arts inspiration from Su Chen's words today and urgently needed to retreat to digest it.

If nothing unexpected happens, when the Anyang County King comes out of seclusion, Anyang County will give birth to the first Lingtai Realm powerhouse in a century.

Su Chen did not leave in a hurry, but stayed in the banquet and chatted with everyone.

He had not seen many people for a while, and he was casually chatting about various topics at this moment, very leisurely.

"Young Master Chen, thanks to you this time, we can completely eliminate the plague."

Grandmaster Gongliang came over with the other grandmasters and masters and expressed his heartfelt thanks.

"Grandmasters and masters, there is no need to be polite. This is what I should do." Su Chen said with a smile.

"By the way, I have something for you." Grandmaster Gongliang said, taking out an exquisite brocade box from his arms.

The brocade box was opened, and a gleaming golden badge lay in it. There were three stars on the badge. It was the badge of a third-level alchemy master.

"What does Grandmaster Gongliang mean?" Su Chen asked confused.

Grandmaster Gongliang picked up the badge and saw that Su Chen's name was engraved with true essence on the reverse side of the badge, as well as when he was certified as a third-level alchemy master. The witnesses were two third-level alchemy masters from the Tiandan Palace.

"This is your third-level alchemy master badge." Grandmaster Gongliang said, "In fact, from my perspective, your alchemy level is even higher than third-level, but the Tiandan Palace in Anyang City only has the authority to certify third-level alchemy masters at most."

"Grandmaster Gongliang helped me certify me as a third-grade alchemy master?"

Su Chen took the third-level alchemy master badge from Grandmaster Gongliang and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Grandmaster Gongliang."

In fact, Su Chen has long been able to certify as a third-grade alchemy master, but he has never been certified because the certification requires him to go to the Tiandan Palace to refine a third-grade elixir in person, and Su Chen is too lazy to run.

Unexpectedly, Grandmaster Gongliang skipped the step of refining the elixir and directly helped him obtain the status of a third-grade alchemy master. This saved Su Chen a lot of trouble.

"Haha, Master Chen, why do you need to thank me? You deserve this third-grade alchemy master badge." Grandmaster Gongliang said with a smile, "In addition, there is another thing in the box, which is also for you."

"Oh? What?"

Su Chen cast his gaze into the brocade box and found that there was another card in the brocade box.

He took it out and saw an invitation letter, inviting him to go to the Tiandan Palace Headquarters located in the northwest of the Yunyuan Empire. It was signed "Tiandan Palace Headquarters".

"Young Master Chen, you are less than sixteen years old, but you are already a third-level alchemy master, and you single-handedly suppressed the plague in Anyang County. When the headquarters of Tiandan Palace heard about your deeds, they were very shocked. I hope you can go to Tiandan Palace. Let’s talk about it at the palace headquarters.” Grandmaster Gongliang said with a smile, with a look of envy that couldn’t be concealed in his eyes.

At the headquarters of Tiandan Palace, there are ten Alchemy Kings sitting there. Each Alchemy King is a famous figure. Now, an invitation letter will be sent to Su Chen to come and talk about it. What a rare honor is this?

However, compared to the sincere envy of all the alchemists, Su Chen's attitude seemed a bit indifferent and he was not flattered at all, let alone ecstatic.

They were just a group of alchemy kings. They were not even worthy of carrying his shoes in the previous life. Instead, they were calling him here and there in this life, which he did not care about.

With a flip of his palm, Su Chen pressed the invitation back into the box and said, "Let's talk about it later."

He looked uninterested, which also surprised all the masters and masters.

Even the invitation from the headquarters of Tiandan Palace is not uncommon. You know, there is a resort in the alchemy world of Yunyuan Empire.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about this for now, drink, drink."

Guo Tong raised his wine glass and said in a good mood.

"Brother Chen, you didn't come back some time ago. My sister and my senior sister were very worried and were in a state of disbelief! By the way, when are you going to marry them?"

Gu Qianxue suddenly made a shocking statement.


This sentence made Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong next to them spit out the tea in their mouths, their faces instantly turned red, and they looked very embarrassed.

Gu Qianxue, this damn girl, was okay if she didn't speak. As soon as she spoke, all the eyes at the scene were focused on them.

Besides, what does it mean to marry them both? Is it possible to marry two at the same time?

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