Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4493: Cave Exploration

Although new disciples would come here out of curiosity every time, they would be quiet after a little scare.

Now being caught by a new disciple is the first time in history.

"You are a freak!"

The dwarf, who was as big as a child, said weakly.

Su Chen rolled his eyes. How could a dwarf dare to say that he was a freak? Why did it sound so wrong?

"Are you the only one here?"

Su Chen asked.

"How is it possible? Our underground clan is a huge clan!"

The dwarf retorted.

"The underground clan?"

Su Chen frowned calmly. Didn't the ancient underground clan become extinct? Why did it appear here again?

"It seems that we need to have a good chat."

Su Chen smiled.

"Can't say, this is the clan rule!"

The dwarf said repeatedly.

"Oh? Really?"


In just half an hour, the dwarf told everything.

It turned out that in ancient times, the cave clan encountered natural enemies and was on the verge of extinction. The remaining group hid in a deserted place. As a result, many years later, they were in danger of extinction again. At this time, a strong man from Moye Dao Sect passed by and rescued them, and they all came to Moye Domain.

As the name suggests, the cave clan can only live in the cave. Even in Moye Dao Sect, they dug holes and tunnels and lived in them.

However, these cave clans did not live here for nothing. They have a great specialty, which is to grow spiritual medicine.

In the huge underground space of Moye Dao Sect, they planted a large area of ​​spiritual medicine to supply the consumption of Moye Dao Sect.

Therefore, one party provided safe shelter and the other party provided spiritual medicine, which was also mutually beneficial.

Su Chen's eyes sparkled: "Let's go and see your spiritual medicine."

"Do you want to steal?"

The cave clan member was about to cry. He regretted why he was so frightened and actually said all these.

"I am such a righteous person, could I be a thief?"

Su Chen glared, "Just for a visit."

The underground clan had no choice but to take Su Chen to the spiritual medicine field.

No one knew about the underground clan, but there was a legend of a bottomless dry well. I believe this was due to the bad taste of the powerful Moye Taoist in the past, and maybe the truth of the other legends was similar to this.

Su Chen was speechless. After Moye Taoist hid his unique skills, he played with the descendants of later generations, and these descendants also tried every means to tease the disciples of later generations.

Soon, the underground clan took Su Chen to a huge spiritual medicine field. And this was just one of the spiritual medicine fields.

"This is a little secret between us. Have I never been here?"

Su Chen smiled and asked the underground clan.


The underground clan nodded quickly.

Su Chen turned and left. Whenever he wanted to make pills in the future, this should be a good resource library. He only needed to use the Void Array Armor to cover his tracks.

Su Chen returned along the same route. After he got out of the dry well, everyone asked him hurriedly.

Su Chen also looked confused, just like Jiang Xi before, the only difference was that Jiang Xi was really confused, while Su Chen was pretending.

And he also had a palm print on his face like Jiang Xi, which disappeared when it saw the light, and naturally did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Then, Su Chen went to see the "stone that could not be moved". This was a stone the size of a head. It did not look like a precious stone, but ordinary, but no one could move it.

Su Chen also tried many times. This stone would absorb power. No matter how powerful your power was, it would be absorbed and could not act on the stone at all.

He left the stone and went to the cave where the ghost cried. There were people in the cave who were forming a group and wanted to go in for adventure.

According to an old man from the Moye Dao Sect, there is a secret method hidden in the cave, but the cave is very dangerous. Although entering the cave will not put your life in danger, you will at least get seriously ill.

But when these people heard that there was no danger to their lives and they might get the secret method, they were naturally more excited.

"Brother Zhang, do you want to go in and explore together?"

Someone took the initiative to invite Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head. He was more flexible on his own.

"If we join forces, we have a greater chance of winning."

The man wanted to persuade him again.

"Don't waste your breath. They don't think highly of us at all."

Someone on the side said sarcastically.

Someone quickly covered his mouth. Did he forget how Tong Hui was beaten? He dared to provoke this evil star.

Su Chen smiled faintly and walked into the cave.


After just a few steps in, there was indeed a strange sound, which sounded like wind and ghost howling, which made people shudder and was even more destructive to the soul sea.

As he walked in, these sounds became more and more incessant, turning into swords and rushing straight into the soul sea.


Su Chen shouted, Buddhist music rolled, and the swords and knives immediately shattered.

Su Chen strode forward, but the sound of ghosts crying started again.

Su Chen uttered the word "Om" again, fighting against the sound of ghosts crying, with ease.

This cave is very large, and the terrain is complex, winding around.

After walking for a long time, the temperature around him suddenly dropped, and even Su Chen felt that the blood flow in his body suddenly slowed down, and even seemed to be frozen.

Is there something with ice properties in this cave? That's why it is so cold?

Just then, Su Chen suddenly saw a figure floating out of a stone pillar in front of him.

How could a person emerge from a stone pillar?

Unless it was a ghost.

Of course, phantoms can also do this, but combined with the current environment, Su Chen tends to think it was a ghost.

The ghost screamed and attacked Su Chen. However, Su Chen showed a mocking look, and only punched when the ghost approached, and the annihilation energy boiled.

The ghost was immediately frightened, and hurriedly stopped his body, and then retreated.

Su Chen chased, punched and killed the ghost.

Su Chen continued to move forward, and soon a new ghost emerged and attacked him.

This is very regular, as if all the ghosts are arranged in a fixed area, and only when they enter that area will the ghost attack.

In this way, this ghost should be set here to test future disciples.

Annihilation energy is specifically designed to defeat evil spirits such as ghosts. Therefore, ghosts that are extremely difficult to deal with in the eyes of others are very easy for Su Chen. Moreover, the "Om" character formula also has a certain restraining effect on ghosts.

Su Chen spent some time and finally reached the end of the cave.

There is a very smooth stone wall here. It is obvious that the stone wall was deliberately cut out, but it has a long history and no traces of grinding can be seen on the stone wall.

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