Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4519: The Vast Desert

"Then tell me about your understanding of Shen Yan's secret realm."

Su Chen patted He Yong's shoulder and said.

He Yong didn't dare to hide anything, so he told everything he knew.

His strength can only be said to be average, but his family is very strong and got him a spot. This is also because he has always boasted about fighting against Wu Zhou, so he has some reputation. Otherwise, the family's face alone is not enough to give him a place.

Su Chen couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that bragging could lead to a spot. This was quite a skill.

After talking for a long time, Su Chen nodded: "You can leave."

"Can you really leave?"

He Yongyixi is still a little incredible.

"Do you want to stay?"

Su Chen smiled.

"Hehe, thank you, thank you."

He Yong quickly bowed to thank him, and then hurried away.

Su Chen naturally wouldn't take such a small person to heart, but from the other person's mouth, he also learned some more information about this secret realm.

Su Chen also continued on the road. After another two days, the wasteland finally came to an end.

During the past two days, Su Chen met some more people, but there was no conflict with them. After all, there are no treasures involved, and there are very few people who would be inexplicably provocative.

At the end of the wasteland is a mountain of flames.

This mountain of flames is full of holes, and from time to time a flame will emerge from the hole, leaping two or three feet high.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Flames rise and fall one after another, as if playing a mysterious piece of music.

Su Chen did not rush forward, but observed it first and saw broken runes beating in the flames.

Obviously, this destructive power is extraordinary.

Su Chen activated the meridian light curtain, stepped forward, and stood there motionless, wanting to test it out.

Soon a flame shot out, touched the meridian light curtain, burned through it, and then burned towards Su Chen.

Su Chen was mentally prepared and quickly dodged to avoid the flames.

Fortunately, although the flames are powerful, their speed is not fast.

But even the meridian light curtain is difficult to resist. The power of this flame is at least the sixth level of the Guiyi Realm, or even higher than the sixth level of the Guiyi Realm.

There are so many caves on this mountain, they are densely packed, and from time to time, flames will spurt out from one of the caves, which is hard to guard against.

Unless the rules can be found.

Su Chen stood still, but his eyes took in everything.

He was analyzing and calculating, but the flame spurt kept changing, as if he could never find its pattern.

However, just when Su Chen's head was getting big, he suddenly discovered that someone took out two stones, tied them under his feet, and then stepped into the Flame Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene appeared, flames spurted out, but did not burn the two stones.

The man stepped on two stones and walked away smoothly.

Su Chen could clearly see that the stone was the stone that could be seen everywhere in the wasteland just now.

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh, this is the experience of people who have been there.

Turning back to the wasteland, he picked up two stones and put them into the space ring. After thinking about it, he picked up some more.

Afterwards, Su Chen returned to the front of the Flame Mountain and followed the same pattern, heading up the mountain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped onto the Flame Mountain, a burst of flames burst out, burning the stone until it exploded.

Su Chen quickly urged Qing Zou Bu and narrowly avoided the flames.

Why can't he?

Su Chen took out the stones from the space ring and threw them up the mountain one by one. As a result, one piece is thrown away and the other is burned, without exception.

Soon, Su Chen's eyes stopped on one of the rocks. Among all the stones, only that stone was not burned.

Su Chen stretched out his palm and sucked the stone back from the air.

After careful observation, I found that there was a thin red line on this stone, but there were none on the other stones.

Is this the key?

He went back to the wasteland to look. Sure enough, most of the stones had no red lines.

Su Chen found a few stones with red veins and brought them back to the Flame Mountain for experiments. Sure enough, he found that the stones with red veins could not be burned.

No wonder the man before was so generous and let others see the way he passed through the Flame Mountain. It turned out that there was something special about it. If you just look at the surface and imitate it, you may die without knowing how.

Su Chen tied two red-striped stones to his feet, jumped out, and leaped across the Flame Mountain like flying.

Soon after, he climbed over the Flame Mountain, and a desert appeared in front of him.

After looking back, Su Chen continued to move forward.

This desert is huge. The sun is in the sky, and the sunlight is so hot that it roasts the place like a furnace. Even though Su Chen was powerful, he was still sweating profusely, and he felt dehydrated after walking for a long time.

Su Chen could only open the meridian light curtain, and immediately, the burning sensation disappeared a lot.

However, this high temperature also has a strong destructive effect on the meridian light curtain, and he must continuously replenish the consumption of the meridian light curtain.

The sun was blazing, and the air was evaporated into billowing heat waves. The temperature was so high that the vision was severely distorted.

Fortunately, Su Chen was protected by the meridian light curtain, so the heat wave could not invade, and he felt refreshed.

However, Su Chen discovered that the magnetic field of heaven and earth here was very chaotic.

For formation geniuses, judging direction is the most basic basic skill. However, the magnetic field here is constantly changing, and it is extremely chaotic, as if the directions of east, west, north, and south do not exist at all.

Obviously, there is a super-large formation here, which affects the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

In this case, to determine the direction, the only way is to use the most primitive method - observing the sun.

However, after observing for half an hour, Su Chen found that the movement trajectory of the sun here was completely inconsistent with common sense, just like a child's random graffiti, sometimes this direction, sometimes that direction.

In other words, it is impossible to judge the east, west, south and north by the trajectory of the sun.

After another two hours, the sun went down, and the temperature immediately began to drop rapidly. Before, it was hot and dizzy, but soon it was cold and shivering.

Very abnormal.

"It seems that this secret world has its own rules, and the person who created it is definitely a person with great means."

Su Chen removed the meridian light curtain. Although it was cold at the moment, he could still withstand it, so there was no need to waste his true energy.

After a night's rest, Su Chen continued on his way.

But the problem was that he really lost his way.

He decided not to care about the east, south, west or north, just to identify one direction and keep going forward until he got out of this desert.

After strengthening his faith, Su Chen flew forward all the way.

There was no gravity here, so Su Chen flew higher and higher. However, after a certain height, he could not go up anymore, and a force suppressed him.

Su Chen fell down and continued to walk in one direction.

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