Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4525 Red Dragon Pearl


Su Chen hesitated for a moment and released the first Dao Ji.

The foundation seems to be made of stone, ordinary, but there is a terrifying coercion gently shaking, as if he is an emperor in the foundation, looking down on the world.


The next moment, all the women knelt down and worshiped Su Chen.

"Why do you call me master?"

Su Chen asked in confusion.

The woman who kidnapped Su Chen and came here seemed to be the leader of this group of women. She respectfully replied: "According to our ancestral teachings, if you encounter someone who has cultivated the stone Taoist foundation and is not affected by our soul attack, that is Our master."

"Who ordered this? Who are you?"

Su Chen asked.

"We don't know our origins. We only know that our ancestors have lived here for generations and are guarding a key."

The leading woman said.

Su Chen's heart moved. It is said that there is an ultimate creation in this secret realm. Could it be opened by the key guarded by these people?

"What key?"

Su Chen asked.

The woman immediately turned around and merged into the wall with a whoosh.

After a while, she came back, holding a key in her hand.

He walked up to Su Chen, knelt down respectfully, and handed over the key.

Su Chen took it and the key sank in his hand, it was very heavy.

After glancing at it, I didn't know what kind of metal it was made of. There were already strong traces of age on it.

Su Chen put the key into the space ring, and then asked: "Where are the people you kidnapped? Are they okay?"

"Master, we didn't harm those people, we just need to use them for breeding."

the woman replied.


Su Chen didn't know if he should sympathize with those people. After a moment of silence, he asked curiously: "You don't have any male members?"


The woman said, "Only girls can be born in our clan."

"Then how can you reproduce if no men come here?"

Su Chen was also curious. After all, this secret realm only opened once every ten thousand years. It would be impossible for them to wait for ten thousand years for a new batch of people to come in.

"After we die, a life crystal will be left behind, which can be nourished by underground energy and form new life."

The woman replied, "However, the new life will not retain the memories of the past."

"I see."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Where are those people?"

"Master, please come with me."

Su Chen followed the woman to a large sand house and saw many people neatly lined up on the ground. They were the ones who disappeared for no reason.

"Master, we did not harm them. The breeding has been completed. We will return them to the ground soon."

The woman said.

"You have been living in the desert. Do you know how big this desert is?"

Su Chen asked.

"Master, it's actually very easy to leave the desert."

The woman said.


Su Chen motioned for her to continue.

"It only takes a quarter of an hour or two to leave from here."

The woman said, drawing a schematic diagram for Su Chen.

It turns out that this desert is indeed amazingly large, and the sand is still flowing. Therefore, it may look like it has been walking, but in fact it may have been spinning in circles. Whether you can go out often depends on luck.

If you're lucky, you might be able to get out in a day or two. If you're not lucky, it's not uncommon to be trapped for several months.

However, if you walk underground, it only takes a quarter of an hour or two to leave the desert area.

Of course, if you are not very familiar with this place, you will not know which direction to go even if you come underground.

"Master, I wonder if you need this?"

As the woman spoke, she held out some red beads, each one crystal clear, as if made of red agate, and about the size of a longan.

"What's this?"

Su Chen asked.

"We call them red dragon beads."

The woman said, "Actually, the blazing sun energy here condenses underground, and when it encounters the frost energy underground, it forms ice crystals. We have been eating this since we were young."

"You have no mouth, how can you eat?"

Su Chen asked.

The woman took a red bead to demonstrate and held it in her hand. She saw that the size of the bead quickly became smaller and soon disappeared.

Su Chen also took one, activated the Chaos Immortal Record, and felt a blazing energy pouring into his body, growing the True Yuan Sea and nourishing his body.

In other words, this bead is also equivalent to a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure, which is beneficial and harmless to cultivation.

"How many red dragon beads are there?"

Su Chen asked.

The woman took him directly to the place where the red dragon beads were stored, and Su Chen discovered... Good guy, there is a whole room full of red dragon beads!

"Master can take them all if he needs them."

The woman said respectfully, "We can collect dozens of red dragon beads every day. Even if there is a newborn, it is completely enough. In the past, there were too many red dragon beads, and some red dragon beads took too long, and their energy disappeared again. ”

When Su Chen heard this, he put most of the red dragon beads into the space ring. Anyway, rather than leaving it here to waste, it's better to take it yourself.

In the end, a few hundred were left for these women to use as needed.

"By the way, Master, if these red dragon beads are brought to the ground, they will evaporate immediately. Only by storing them in the environment here can the red dragon beads maintain their current state."

The woman said again.


Su Chen slowly held his forehead. If that was the case, what was he going to do with so much?

It could only be stored in the environment here, that is, even if the red dragon beads were stored in the mustard seed space, they would evaporate.

Su Chen could only ask the woman for a sand house and told her not to disturb him, and then he began to refine the red dragon beads.

He would refine as many as he could.

One by one, Su Chen's cultivation immediately began to soar.

In fact, the effect of the red dragon beads was not much better than that of the Yuling Pill. However, if the Yuling Pill was taken too much at one time, the medicinal effect would also be greatly attenuated, while the red dragon beads were much better in this regard, at least Su Chen had not yet discovered the problem of attenuation.

It was not until more than 20 days later that Su Chen cultivated from the early stage of the fifth level of the Return to One Realm to the middle stage of the fifth level of the Return to One Realm, and then to the late stage, that the effect of the red dragon beads became weaker and weaker, and finally completely ineffective.

Although he failed to cultivate to the peak of the fifth level of the Return to One Realm, Su Chen was already very satisfied with this progress. After all, he had three Dao bases, and the energy required for a breakthrough must be much greater than that of a normal person.

Su Chen decided to leave, there was no need to stay here any longer.

"Master, are you leaving?"

The woman asked.


Su Chen nodded.

"Master, new life has been nurtured in our sisters' bodies, and these men are useless."

The woman said.

Su Chen understood, and he grabbed those people in mid-air with his true essence, then broke through the sand layer and went to the ground.

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