Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 461: Show your identity

"Grandmaster Huang, what do you think? Why don't we all sit down and talk?"

Commander Yan looked at Grandmaster Huang.

Grandmaster Huang looked at Su Chen and asked for instructions: "Master Chen?"

The tone of Grandmaster Huang's request made Commander Yan think that he had heard wrongly. Grandmaster Huang was actually so polite to a young man? Even taking this young man’s lead?

Just now, Commander Yan thought that Su Chen was just a disciple or follower of Grandmaster Huang, but now, Commander Yan's eyes when he looked at Su Chen had obviously changed.

This young man must not be a simple person. To be able to make an arrogant third-grade alchemist be so polite must not be a simple person.

Su Chen said calmly: "There is no need to talk, just kill him."


This tone directly made everyone present take a breath. That was Chu Yang's brother-in-law. How could he kill him on the spur of the moment?

"Who's talking about whether to kill or not?"

A loud voice rang out, and then, in everyone's sight, a short and stocky man walked out of the Tiandan Palace.

Although this man was not very handsome and tall, he exuded an aura that could not be ignored.

Inlaid on his chest is a shining golden medal—a third-grade alchemist badge!

However, everyone present knew that this short and stocky man was by no means as simple as a third-level alchemist. He was a quasi-fourth-level alchemist, and there would be a good chance of breaking through to a fourth-level alchemy master in the future.

In addition, this stocky man is less than thirty-five years old and has great potential. He is definitely a famous figure in Tiandan Palace.


As soon as Liang Fang saw this short and stocky man, he immediately beamed. Just as he was about to go up to him, he was stopped by Grandmaster Huang.

"Meet Grandmaster Chu Yang!"

Everyone at the scene knelt down one after another, even Commander Yan knelt down. This Chu Yang was a quasi-fourth grade, half a head higher than Grandmaster Huang in terms of rank. No one dared to neglect him.

This time, only Su Chen and his group were left standing, which seemed extremely awkward.

"Be bold!"

When someone saw this scene, they directly yelled at Su Chen and others, "If you are not polite when you see a quasi-fourth-grade alchemist, who will give you the courage to do so?"

"Hmph!" Li Shitong snorted coldly, "What does a prospective fourth-grade alchemist mean?"

Hearing her words, everyone present was shocked. What kind of person is a potential fourth-grade alchemist? Isn't the tone of this woman's words too loud?

Chu Yang glanced at Li Shitong and said calmly: "How dare a second-grade alchemist girl dare to talk nonsense in front of me? It's ridiculous!"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "The funny thing is you. In this world, a fourth-grade alchemist is nothing. If you continue to let Liang Fang do evil outside, not only will he die in the end, but you will also be implicated." "

Chu Yang suddenly changed his color. He was indeed very indulgent towards his brother-in-law. He also knew that Liang Fang did a lot of bad things outside, but so what? His brother-in-law Chu Yang, does anyone dare not give him this face?

But now, some people really don't give him face. Not only do they not give him face, but they also have a threatening tone in their tone.

"Let Liang Fang go immediately, immediately!" Chu Yang said in a commanding tone.

With that said, Chu Yang clapped his hands, and two strong men of the third level of the Lingtai realm came out from behind him and looked at Su Chen fiercely, with eyes like vicious dogs, full of threats.

Su Chen laughed dumbly and said, "I won't let him go, so what? To tell you the truth, you have no right to speak in front of me."

"Haha, I'm not qualified?" Chu Yang sneered and said, "I'll say it one last time, let him go immediately. We can consider keeping your whole body."

It was because Liang Fang was in Su Chen's hands that he could bear to say so much. Otherwise, with his personality, he would have ordered his death long ago, and he would have wasted so much saliva.

"I said you have no right to speak in front of me, don't you believe me?" Su Chen chuckled and took out a badge. The shiny badge immediately blinded everyone.


A third-grade alchemist badge?

This young boy is actually a third-grade alchemist?

This kid definitely doesn't look twenty years old. Even if he started learning alchemy from his mother's womb, he wouldn't be able to become a third-grade alchemist, right?

Liang Fang also opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the third-grade alchemist badge in Su Chen's hand, completely unable to believe what he saw.

But soon, he came to his senses, pointed at the third-grade alchemist badge in Su Chen's hand, and said emotionally: "It's fake. This kid's third-grade alchemist badge must be fake."

How could this kid be a third-grade alchemist? Even his brother-in-law Chu Yang, known as the most talented genius alchemist in Tiandan Palace Headquarters in recent years, did not become a third-grade alchemist at the age of fifteen.

"Hahaha, boy, you forged the badge of a third-grade alchemist and pretended to be a third-grade alchemist. This is a capital crime. You are doomed." Liang Fang laughed as if he thought he had caught something against Su Chen.

However, Su Chen and the others looked at him as if they were idiots.

Grandmaster Huang shook his head and said, "Is the third-grade alchemist badge so easy to forge?"

Chu Yang still had some brains and was not as stupid as Liang Fang. He said solemnly: "The name of the alchemist, the time when the third-grade alchemist was certified and the witnesses are engraved on the back of the third-grade alchemist badge. You only need to turn over the badge to read it. Just look and you’ll know if the badge is real or fake!”

Su Chen smiled lightly and turned over the third-grade alchemist badge.

Liang Fang's eyeballs suddenly protruded like goldfish, and he looked at the back of the third-grade alchemist badge in disbelief. Sure enough, Su Chen's name, as well as the certification time and witnesses were engraved on the back.

Chu Yang also frowned and looked at Su Chen. He didn't expect that Su Chen would reveal such a trump card, which surprised him.

However, Chu Yang immediately sneered. It would be okay if Su Chen was not an alchemist, but if Su Chen was actually an alchemist, wouldn't that just suit his own wishes?

"Haha, a third-grade alchemist does have a few brushes. But don't forget that the level of the alchemy world is even stricter. A low-grade alchemist must obey the orders of a high-grade alchemist!"

Chu Yang looked at Su Chen with a sneer, "Now as a quasi-fourth-grade alchemist, I order you to let Liang Fang go immediately!"

The hierarchical system in the alchemy world is an iron law. If anyone does not abide by it, he will not be able to get along in the alchemy world in the future.

Therefore, Chu Yang felt that Su Chen's revelation of his identity as a third-grade alchemist played into his own hands. In this way, he could order Su Chen to do anything, and Su Chen could not resist.

However, what Chu Yang didn't expect was that Su Chen still looked lazy and said, "I told you, you have no right to speak in front of me."

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