Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 480: Li Chaner’s Candidate

King Shi Dan's real name is Shi Yan.

Originally, he thought that curing the moon-feathered beast's condition would not be difficult for him.

I can use this to show myself well in front of beauties, and at the same time become famous and become a great benefactor to everyone in the Qingxuan Sect.

However, when he really started to make a serious diagnosis, he realized that things were not that simple. He had tried his best to examine the Moon Feather Beast, but he still couldn't find the location of the disease.

But Shi Yan knew that if he messed up, then his volunteering to be diagnosed again would become a complete joke, and he might really become the laughing stock of everyone.

For a moment, Shi Yan's back was sweating. He bit the bullet and checked again, but the result was still the same as at the beginning, finding nothing.

Time also passes minute by minute.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

The expressions on the faces of the three sect leaders who originally had high hopes for Shi Yan also became calmer little by little. They would not blame Shi Yan for this, but their feelings towards Shi Yan in their hearts had dropped greatly.

Because Shi Yan had created so much momentum just now, everyone thought that he could solve the problem with just one move. But now they find that this is not the case, and there is inevitably a sense of disparity.

King Long Dan was not so polite, and even sneered: "When I made the diagnosis a few days ago, King Shi Dan was absent-minded. He thought King Shi Dan was planning to recharge his batteries and wait until today to become a blockbuster." . Why, is it possible that King Shi Dan can’t diagnose it now?”

King Zou Dan also said calmly: "King Shi Dan, are you taking care of the face of our two old guys? Don't worry, our faces can still be maintained. If you get the diagnosis, you must Say it."

The two old Dan Kings usually didn't speak so harshly, but at this moment, both of them were resentful of Shi Yan's actions, so they naturally spoke without mercy.

Everyone thought that Shi Yan would be embarrassed, but unexpectedly, this guy was unexpectedly thick-skinned. He pretended to cough dryly, then cupped his hands and said, "Three sect masters, this junior has just carried out a comprehensive systematic review of the Moon Feather Beast. Although the examination did not find the specific location of the lesion, I did find some clues, which are also some places that I think are suspicious. In the next step, I will take these suspicious clues back to Danxuanzong to check some information. I believe that one day I will definitely do so. It will give your lord a satisfactory result.”

After hearing this, the disappointment in the eyes of the three sect leaders did not diminish at all, because everyone could tell that Shi Yan's words were completely perfunctory. It sounded very convincing, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, It's all nonsense.

The lesion was not found, but some clues were found, but they were suspicious. They needed to go back to Danxuanzong to check the information. The results would definitely come out "one day".

Who knows what day "someday" is? Maybe by the time grass grows on Moon Feather Beast's grave, his "one day" may not have arrived yet.

However, out of respect for the Danxuan Sect, the three sect leaders did not show any emotions on the spot. They just said politely: "Then we look forward to the good news from King Shidan."

Shi Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Thank you to the three sect masters for your love. Shi Yan will definitely do his best to find the location of the Moon Feather Beast's disease."

Of course, for Shi Yan, this is just a face-saving talk. After he returns to Danxuan Sect, whether he will actually check the information and continue research is another matter.

But King Longdan couldn't hold back and said: "King Shidan, I am very curious. I wonder which places the suspicious clues you mentioned just now refer to? Because I also found a few If you have any doubts, why don't you mention it, let's confirm it with each other, and study it some more, maybe we can make a breakthrough?"


Shi Yan's face changed slightly, and he was a little angry. He didn't know whether King Longdan meant it, but King Longdan's words were actually no different from trying to undermine him.

What he said just now was just a show of words, but King Longdan broke the casserole and asked him to find out the suspicious points. In fact, where did he find any suspicious points? It's all just random nonsense.

"Ahem... Those suspicious points involve a lot of professional knowledge, and I'm afraid it's not clear here. If King Longdan is really interested, why don't we find an opportunity to sit down and discuss it another day... …”

Listening to the bickering between Shi Yan and King Longdan, the eldest sect master couldn't help but wink at the other two sect masters, and the three of them quickly walked out of the hall together, followed by several true disciples.

Arriving at the door of the main hall, the sect master said with a worried face: "I didn't expect that the condition of Moon Feather Beast is so difficult. Even if we invited three alchemy kings, there would be no results. Looking at it like this, I'm afraid even if we invite other alchemy kings, When King Dan comes, the chance of finding the lesion is not very high.”

There is naturally a difference in strength between the Alchemy King and the Alchemy King, and the gap is not small. However, King Long Dan and King Zou Dan are already considered to be the most powerful old Dan Kings among the Dan Kings. Shi Yan is also known as the future successor of the Danxuan Sect Master. Even the three of them are helpless. So how can others find out? The possibility of lesions is indeed unlikely.

"Do you have any good candidates you can recommend?" The great sect leader looked at everyone with expectation.

The second sect master pondered for a moment and then said uncertainly: "Perhaps we can only ask the sect master of Danxuan Sect? Or the Supreme Elder of Fendan Pavilion? If they take action, the chance of success will be greatly increased, but these two are both I’ve been living here for many years, but it’s not easy to invite anyone.”

The Grand Master shook his head and said, "It's probably impossible to invite the two of them. Are there any other candidates?"

For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but there was nothing they could do.

Someone else named several Alchemy Kings one after another, but everyone knows that these Alchemy Kings are not stronger than Long Dan King and the others. Inviting them to come over will most likely be in vain. .

You know, if these Alchemy Kings come all the way here, the Qingxuan Sect will owe them a favor, and the Qingxuan Sect cannot help but use up the favors they have accumulated over the years.

Suddenly, Li Chan'er spoke hesitantly: "Among the three sect masters, I have a candidate in mind, but I don't know..."

The sect leader's eyes lit up slightly and he urged: "You can tell me who you want to be, as long as you think it's someone with good alchemy abilities, any kind of person will do."

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