Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 527: Private Room No. 5

The old man in charge recognized the clerk at a glance. He was a confidant of the head shopkeeper Xue Ziyu. He did not dare to neglect him. He immediately left Master Lin and went to the clerk, whispering, "What does the head shopkeeper want to see me for?"

The confidant of Xue Ziyu whispered a few words in the old man's ear. After the old man heard it, his face changed slightly.

"Are you telling the truth?"

The old man couldn't believe it and whispered to the confidant of Xue Ziyu.

The clerk nodded.

The old man in charge took a breath of cold air. At this moment, he felt extremely fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't listen to Master Lin just now and didn't offend the masked boy whose origin was unknown.

Immediately, the old man in charge turned to Master Lin.

In the smug look of Master Lin, the old man in charge suddenly looked gloomy and said, "Master Lin, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Wubaotang is not a place without rules. If you want to make trouble, please go outside Wubaotang."


Master Lin's eyes widened. Obviously, he did not expect the old man in charge to change his attitude suddenly. He was obviously wavering just now, but now he suddenly became so determined.

What's going on?

Could it be that this masked kid has more face than their Lin family?

How is this possible? The Lin family is a big family, and they often have business dealings with Wubaotang. They are the first-class dignitaries in the imperial capital.

In Wubaotang, apart from the royal family members, how many families can have more face in front of Wubaotang than their Lin family?

"Master Lin, you have heard what I said. If you still want to continue to make trouble, I can only call the guards of Wubaotang and ask you to leave." The old man in charge said in a deep voice.

"Okay, very good, very good!"

Mr. Lin gritted his teeth, confused, but helpless.

The old steward no longer paid attention to Mr. Lin, turned to Su Chen and said, "Mr., don't sit in the ordinary seats. We have prepared VIP seats for you in Wubaotang. Please follow me."

As he said, the old steward respectfully made a gesture of invitation to Su Chen, and led Su Chen and others to the second floor.

A storm was eliminated, and the others around him breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but they felt strange. Why did the old steward suddenly become tough in his attitude towards Mr. Lin?

The old steward seemed to be persuaded by Mr. Lin before, so why did he suddenly change his attitude after listening to the words of the waiter?

Gu Qianxue followed Su Chen and blinked her eyes and asked in a low voice: "Brother Chen, why is the Wubaotang manager's attitude towards us inconsistent?"

Su Chen also found it interesting. The old manager had been treating him in a businesslike manner before, but now he was suddenly very respectful.

But after thinking about it, he knew that it must be Xue Ziyu who played a role in it.

At that moment, the old manager led Su Chen and his party to the private room on the second floor of the auction hall.

Looking around, there was a sign hanging above the door of all the private rooms, with numbers engraved on it, from private room No. 1 to private room No. 100.

Among them, the private rooms No. 1 to No. 10 at the front were all empty.

The old manager pointed to the empty private room No. 5 with his hand and said: "Young Master, our Wubaotang has prepared a private room for you, please come in."

Su Chen nodded and walked into the private room with a few people.

Everyone who saw this scene was secretly surprised in their hearts. As we all know, the private rooms on the second floor of the Wubaotang auction hall, including rooms 1 to 10, are reserved for big customers who have business dealings with Wubaotang.

Even if ordinary guests pay, they cannot go to these ten private rooms, and can only go to the private rooms at the back.

And now, Wubaotang actually let this masked boy and his group enter the private room No. 5...

Who is this person?

Suddenly, everyone present began to speculate in their hearts...

That Master Lin opened his mouth wide and watched Su Chen and his group walk into the private room No. 5 on the second floor, with an unbelievable light in his eyes.

"That guy actually sat in the private room No. 5 of Wubaotang!"

Master Lin was surprised and puzzled. Could it be that this seemingly ordinary masked boy really has a great background?

Staring at Su Chen in the private room fiercely, Master Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, if you have the guts, just wait for me!"

After that, Master Lin turned around and walked crookedly out of the auction hall.

"Master, slow down..." The three 10th-level guards of the Transformation Realm hurriedly chased after Master Lin to help him.

"Waste, a bunch of waste!" Master Lin was not moved by their hospitality. Instead, he vented all his unfair treatment and anger on these three people, cursing and beating them, "You are all waste. What's the use of you? Are you here to eat for free in my Lin family?"

Even when they walked far away, they could still vaguely hear Master Lin scolding these three people, mixed with the rebuke of "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and apply medicine to me."

Soon, Master Lin and his group left.

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