Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 553 Announcement of Results

Sure enough, looking at the entire imperial capital alchemy world, he is the well-deserved number one among the younger generation. Others want to compete with him, but there is no way.

Lin Cheng's eyes seemed to have a tragic image of Su Chen losing to him, crying and begging for mercy on the spot.

At this time, several other contestants finished refining one after another.

However, their expressions were a bit solemn, and they were not as cheerful as Lin Cheng. Obviously, the star level of the elixir they refined was not too high.

Although this Red Flame Pill is not a very difficult pill to refine, it is not too easy to refine a high-star elixir.

In this competition, it is Cheng Dan's star rating that determines the final ranking. If Cheng Dan's star rating is not high, the ranking will definitely not be very good.

"Look what that kid is doing? I'm afraid he's still dawdling in the purification steps, right?"

Lin Cheng thought of this and looked in Su Chen's direction with a faint sneer.

As a result, he was stunned and found Su Chen sitting in front of the alchemy cauldron, controlling the alchemy fire and burning it under the alchemy cauldron.

In this state, it means that Su Chen has entered the final step of condensing the pill.

In other words, Su Chen's refining is almost over.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so fast?"

Lin Cheng couldn't help but was slightly stunned. He thought that Su Chen was just talking arrogantly, but in fact he had no real ability at all.

Unexpectedly, the speed of refining the Red Flame Pill was not much slower than his own.

However, Cheng Dan's star rating is definitely very different from his own.

When Lin Cheng thought of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


Soon, the sound of the pill embryos rolling could be heard in Su Chen's small bronze cauldron.

Immediately, Su Chen patted the cauldron, and the cauldron lid flew high into the sky. Then a red stream shot out from the small bronze cauldron, which was caught by Su Chen and put into the elixir bottle.

In addition to the time Su Chen spent thinking about which elixir to use for refining, the time it actually took Su Chen to refine the elixir was only half that of others.

"Hiss, the refining was really successful!"

"This guy is really surprising again and again."

"Haha, so what if the refining is successful? Didn't you see that he didn't dare to reveal the elixir at all, so he just stuffed it into the elixir bottle? In my opinion, the elixir he refined must be of a star quality. Very low level.”

"I think it might be a useless elixir, and it's still acting like a ghost!"

Discussions in the audience continued one after another, but most of these comments were questioning.

"time up!"

Seeing the last grain of sand in the hourglass drain away, King He Yandan stood up and announced, "The game is over!"

"Now, all contestants who have completed the refining process, hand over the Red Flame Pill you have refined to the rostrum."

As King He Yandan finished speaking, many contestants immediately left the competition position and walked towards the podium with their own elixir bottles.

Of course, there were also many contestants who did not finish refining the Red Flame Pill within the designated time limit, and had to stand there with regrets on their faces.

There were thirteen people in total who handed in the elixir.

King He Yan placed the elixir bottles submitted by thirteen people on the rostrum one by one, and opened them one by one for appraisal.

"Li Xuan, Nine Stars into Pills."

"Gongsun Lin, ten stars make a pill."

Most players' Chengdan is between nine and ten stars, which means they are just qualified.

Even so, it is already a very good result. You know, among the thirty people, there are still seventeen people who have not finished refining within the specified time. Those who can refine it within the stipulated time are considered to be among the best.

"Ju Qing'er, eleven stars make a pill."

When King He Yandan announced the result of Ju Qing'er's elixir success, there was a small commotion at the scene.

Being able to refine an eleven-star elixir in such a short period of time is indeed a genius who has reached the level of junior elixir king at such a young age.

However, after hearing the result, Ju Qing'er pursed her rosy lips, obviously not very satisfied with her performance.

"Zhang Xuan, eleven-star semi-perfect elixir..."

King He Yandan announced Zhang Xuan’s results immediately.

Wow! The scene was filled with excitement. Eleven stars were half-made into pills. This was already an incredible achievement.

Zhang Xuan's future achievements will definitely occupy a very important place in the alchemy world of the imperial capital.

"Brother Zhang, congratulations."

Immediately, some contestants began to congratulate Zhang Xuan. In their opinion, even if Zhang Xuan did not get first place today, he was still firmly in second place.

Zhang Xuan smiled politely: "Everyone, don't be busy congratulating me. It's better to listen to the results of the competition first."


There were only two pill bottles left in front of King He Yan.

An elixir bottle is Lin Cheng

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