Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 615: Breaking off the Engagement in Public

"That's right, please come out quickly, my bride, I can't wait any longer."

Ding Sheng laughed, his eyes narrowed with an impatient look, and his anxious look made many people present frown.

This kind of performance is really inferior to the direct descendants trained by the big families in the Imperial City, and he is like a loser.

If he hadn't been of high birth and was the direct grandson of a powerful elder of the Zhengyi sect, how could he have married a woman with Guan Yu'er's appearance and family background?

But Ding Sheng still seemed to feel good about himself. After he finished speaking, he pretended to be coquettish and flipped his hair in front of a bronze mirror in the hall, saying: "My little lady will be here soon, I want to Let her see my most handsome side."


Many people in the hall felt nauseated. Ding Sheng looked too greasy like this.

"The bride is here!"

When the announcement sounded, two smiling ladies were seen, supporting a woman in bridal clothes and a red hijab walking towards them.

Although the face is covered by the hijab, you can still see the graceful figure. The body is graceful when walking. It is not difficult to imagine the hijab.

Speaking of which, Guan Yu'er has always been known as a beauty in the imperial capital. Although she rarely goes out and not many people have seen her, her aunt Guan Qiyun is a noble concubine who is all over the country. It is conceivable that her niece must not be the same. How bad would it be?


Many young people in the hall were sighing secretly, should such a flower be inserted into Ding Sheng's pile of cow dung?

"The auspicious time has come!"

"Start worshiping heaven and earth!"

Following the announcement of the two happy wives, Ding Sheng couldn't wait to speak: "Little lady, come to my husband!"

With that said, Ding Sheng stretched out his hand to pull the bride's arm.


At this moment, a clear and clear shouting sound like a lark suddenly exploded.

Ding Sheng was stunned by the sudden sound and couldn't help but turn around to look for the source of the sound.

As a result, it was finally discovered that the sound came from under the hijab of the bride in front of her.

Following this shouting, the bride Guan Yu'er in front of her suddenly lifted her hijab, revealing a pretty face. Her facial features were somewhat similar to Guan Qiyun's, but she was obviously much more childish than Guan Qiyun, with big eyes. , very beautiful.

"Oh, my little lady, why did you take off the hijab?"

Ding Sheng was surprised at first, and then he was happy. The bride was much more beautiful than he imagined. He was lucky this time.

"Come, cover your head, let's worship heaven and earth."

Ding Sheng picked up the hijab with a smile and tried to cover Guan Yu'er again.

"Bless me!"

Guan Yu'er reached out and knocked off the hijab again, pointed at Ding Sheng, and said, "Ding Sheng, I have asked someone to go to the Zhengyi Sect to inquire about your character. You are a wretched and despicable person. Many female disciples of the Zhengyi Sect have suffered. I won’t marry someone like you, so I’ll break off the engagement now!”


break off an engagement?

Many people at the scene couldn't help but widen their eyes. This was a good show. On the wedding day, the bride actually asked to cancel the engagement in public?

What exactly does the Guan family mean?

Or is it Guan Yu'er's own insistent request?

Elder Ding Xie couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene, anger flashed in his eyes.

Guan Fan said: "Yu'er, how can you be so willful?"

"Uncle! I don't want to get married, I want to break off the engagement!"

Guan Yu'er stamped her feet and said, "From the beginning, you said that the marriage was decided by my grandfather during his lifetime and could not be changed. You told me that I must keep my promise as a human being. I am the only direct lady of the Guan family in this generation, so I must marry her. But in fact, I don’t want to marry anyone at all, let alone someone I’ve never met.”

"Not to mention, I asked someone to inquire about Ding Sheng's character. He is not a person worthy of trusting me with my life at all. If you force me to marry him, I'm afraid I will only marry a corpse in the end."

Guan Yu'er also simply dropped the harsh words.

Many of the guests present were already in the posture of watching the show. They never expected that Guan Yu'er, the eldest daughter of the Guan family, was actually such a strong-willed person.

Ding Sheng's face had become very ugly. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Guan Guogong, we came sincerely to marry the eldest lady of your house, but we encountered such a farce. What is going on? You must give us an explanation." !”

Elder Ding Xie also put away his anger and said calmly: "Guan Guogong, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation for this matter."

"Elder Ding Xie and my nephew are very sorry."

Guan Fan cupped his hands and said, "Give me some time and I will give you a satisfactory result."

With that said, Guan Fan pulled Guan Yu'er aside and asked in a low voice: "Yu'er, you didn't make a good deal yesterday, why did you change your mind again today?"

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