Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 622: Winterland City

"Mr. Chen wants to go to the Jiu Xing Dan Association? Could it be that he is going to participate in the preliminary member assessment of the Jiu Xing Dan Association?"

Guan Fan's eyes lit up. If Su Chen could obtain the identity of a preparatory member of the Jiuxing Dan Society, he would naturally not have to worry about Zhengyi Sect's revenge.

"Roughly the same."

Su Chen nodded and said.

"You can go to King Mulangdan and ask for a letter of recommendation. As far as I know, if you want to participate in the preliminary member assessment of the Nine-Star Dan Society, you must have a personal recommendation letter from a formal member of the Nine-Star Dan Society."

Guan Fan said.

"Thank you, Mr. Guan Guo, for reminding me."

Su Chen nodded and said.

Soon, Su Chen left the Guan family, and he was going back to prepare for the trip to the Jiu Xing Dan Meeting.

After Su Chen left, Guan Yu'er couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, how superior is the Nine Star Pill Society? In our Yunyuan Empire for hundreds of years, the only one who has become a formal member of the Nine Star Pill Society is King Mulangdan. And there is no one who has become a preliminary member, so can Mr. Chen pass the evaluation of the preliminary members of the Jiu Xing Dan Society?"

"I don't know either!"

Guan Fan shook his head. In fact, he felt that it was unlikely that Su Chen could become a preliminary member of the Nine Star Dan Society.

After all, as Guan Yu'er said, the Jiuxing Dan Society is so aloof and has extremely strict requirements for its members. For hundreds of years, the only person in the Yunyuan Empire who became a formal member of the Nine Star Dan Society was King Mulangdan. And there is no one who has become a preparatory member of the Nine Star Dan Society.

Guan Fan knew that the so-called reserve members were actually a selection process for the younger generation of the Jiuxing Dan Society. Because the official members of the Nine Star Alchemy Society are all old Alchemy monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, the Alchemy attainments of young people are far from meeting the standards of formal members.

Therefore, the Nine Stars Alchemy Society has launched a reserve member system to attract particularly outstanding alchemy talents among the younger generation, so that they can join the Nine Stars Alchemy Society and become reserve members, enjoying similar treatment as full members.

Of course, the selection of reserve members is also extremely strict and even perverted.

However, although Guan Fan rationally felt that Su Chen was unlikely to pass the selection of the preparatory members of the Nine Star Alchemy Society, psychologically, Guan Fan had a vague and unexplainable expectation that Su Chen Maybe, maybe we can create another miracle.

After all, Guan Fan had witnessed Su Chen create many miracles with his own eyes. In his mind, Su Chen's whole body had already been shrouded in a layer of mystery.

After Su Chen left the Guan family, he went to King Mu Langdan's residence.

When King Mulangdan heard that Su Chen was going to the Nine-Star Dan Club, he was very happy and immediately wrote a letter of recommendation. At the same time, he also drew a map for Su Chen to go to the Nine-Star Dan Club.

Go home, pack everything, and say goodbye to everyone one by one.

Afterwards, Su Chen set off, hired a carriage, left the imperial capital, and headed for the Nine Star Pill Association.

The Jiuxing Danhui is located in the center of the thirteen countries of the Eastern Continent, the "Winter City" where the territories of the three countries intersect. This was originally an area under no one's jurisdiction. It was used by the Jiuxing Danhui as the headquarters, and the Winter City was built. Lincheng.

According to King Mulangdan, Donglin City's business is extremely developed. It is not only the location of the Nine-Star Dan Society, but also the commercial center of the Thirteen Eastern Countries, possessing the richest resources in the entire Thirteen Eastern Countries.

It can be said that many precious items from the Thirteen Kingdoms of East Continent will first appear in Winterland City, meet together, and then be transported to other places in the Thirteen Kingdoms of East Continent.

If you go there, you should have a high chance of getting core cultivation resources.

Su Chen first took a carriage out of the Yunyuan Empire, and then changed to a faster carriage. Traveling day and night, it was expected to take half a month to reach the vicinity of Donglin City.

This is a cart pulled by the fastest demon horse that Su Chen hired. It is said that it can travel thousands of miles in one day. If it were a cart pulled by an ordinary demon horse, the distance would not be long, three or four months.

Of course, Su Chen was not idle during the half month on the road, and basically stayed in the carriage to practice. The carriage was very luxurious, and the demon horse pulling the carriage was also very stable. There was only a slight bump, and basically no Affect practice.

In this way, the carriage moved forward, and finally arrived near Winterfell City on the fifteenth day.

When the carriage arrived at Donglin City, Su Chen's cultivation had reached the peak of the eighth level of the Transformation Realm. The True Yuan Sea had been tempered to an extremely solid level, and he was only one step away from the ninth level of the Transformation Realm.

Donglin City is actually the collective name for a large area. Its area is almost one-third the size of the Yunyuan Empire. It can be regarded as a super large city. Of course, it is not as dense as an ordinary city. There is a lot of farmland and wasteland, and many forces that are not affiliated with any of the thirteen countries in Eastern Continent have their headquarters here.

The center of Winterland City is the business district, so Su Chen sent the carriage directly to the business district.

The business district is extremely lively, and the behemoth Jiuxingdanhui is located in it, occupying at least one-fifth of the area of ​​the business district.

The reason why it occupies such a large area is that in addition to the main hall of the Jiuxing Danhui itself and the place where the alchemists live, there is also a giant medicinal field dedicated to the Jiuxing Danhui, which supplies the daily medicinal materials of the Jiuxing Danhui. consumption.

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