Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 690 Condensing Spirit Platform

"There's still no news from Mr. Yao? Are you sure?"

Prince Rui asked his subordinates for the umpteenth time, but still got the same answer.

"Reporting to the prince, there is still no news about Mr. Yao, and we don't know where he has gone. And according to the reports from our informants stationed near the Marquis Mansion, we have seen Chen Shu in the Marquis Mansion in the past two days. He is obviously not dead yet. "

When Prince Rui heard the news reported by his subordinates, he also frowned deeply into the character "Chuan".

"What happened to Mr. Yao? Did he change his mind temporarily and not plan to kill Chen Shu? But even so, there is no need for him to hide and not contact me?"

Prince Rui was puzzled.

"Could it be that Mr. Yao has encountered something unexpected?"

This thought flashed through Prince Rui's mind, but he thought it was impossible. Mr. Yao was an eighth-level expert in the Lingtai realm. How could he die in the hands of Su Chen, who was half a step above the Lingtai realm?

Moreover, Prince Rui knew that there were only a few young people living in Su Chen's Marquis Mansion, and there were no powerful people stationed there at all. Su Chen did not bring the Guan family's escort team to the Marquis Mansion.

Prince Rui thought it was impossible to say that Mr. Yao would be killed by those young people.

However, Prince Rui really couldn't explain why Mr. Yao disappeared.

The cloud of confusion shrouded Prince Rui's heart, making it difficult for Prince Rui to sleep or eat well.

Half a month later.


In the training room of the Marquis Mansion, Su Chen slowly opened his eyes.

His whole body was covered with misty white air. "Chaos Immortal Record" was constantly running in his body, and combined with the effect of the healing elixir, it was constantly repairing the big hole in his chest.

Now, the big hole has been almost repaired by "Chaos Immortal Record" and Su Chen's own body's powerful recovery ability. What's left is just a little scar, which is expected to be completely healed soon.

"It's time to attack the Lingtai realm."

Su Chen murmured to himself.

He has accumulated a lot of practical experience after fighting all the way in Genius Sword.

In the battle with the Yao family elder, Su Chen's actual combat experience was further sublimated.

In the past half month, many martial arts inspirations have been constantly impacting his mind, making his shackles of the Lingtai realm continue to loosen.

Now is the best time to attack the Lingtai realm.

Su Chen had a batch of heaven and earth treasures on hand. However, going from the Half-Step Lingtai Realm to the Lingtai Realm was a sublimation of the great realm. He could not rely on the shortcut method of taking the heaven and earth treasures. He had to rely on himself to work steadily step by step and use his own power. Martial arts accumulation leads to breakthrough.

However, in Su Chen's space ring, among the materials robbed from Vice President Liu of the Jiuxing Dan Society, there were not only the treasures of heaven and earth, but also a batch of precious medicinal materials that strengthened the body and strengthened the body.

It's just right to take it now. These medicinal materials can lay a solid foundation and speed up his process of reaching the Lingtai realm. This is why he named these medicinal materials in the first place.

At this moment, Su Chen took out this batch of medicinal materials and combined them with some other raw materials stored in the space ring to refine a batch of elixirs.

In fact, Su Chen could take this batch of medicinal materials directly, but he chose to refine them into elixirs because the refining process could purify the essence of these medicinal materials and allow them to be more effective.

One day later, a batch of hot elixirs was refined. This batch of elixirs is actually the essence of medicinal materials.

Su Chen poured all these elixirs into the palm of his hand, opened his mouth and swallowed them.

boom! After the elixir entered his body, a lot of medicinal power exploded in his body. He immediately started running the "Chaos Immortal Record" to refine these medicinal powers.

He felt as if his body had turned into a pill furnace, containing medicinal powers of various attributes that were constantly colliding within his body.

Su Chen turned his body into a pill furnace to smelt these pills and nourish his body.

He felt as if his body was about to explode under the impact of these medicines.

However, this is not enough and has not yet reached its limit. Su Chen's purpose was to use these elixirs to consolidate his foundation to an unshakable level, and then break through at the moment he reached his limit.

boom! boom! boom!

The energy brought by the pills exploded in Su Chen's body. Even the body of thunder, fire and dead wood could not withstand the violent collision of energy.

Su Chen's skin continued to crack under this collision, just like the ground that had been dry for a long time was cracking open. Although there was no blood flowing out, it still looked like a strange scene.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The skin kept breaking, and there was almost no intact spot on Su Chen's entire body.

The ice and fire true sea in the dantian is also constantly absorbing the medicinal power transported from the meridians, becoming more and more pure, the color becomes darker, and it looks very rich.

at this time.


Su Chen's body suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

First is the physical body, its muscles and tendons

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