Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 693 Return to the Zhengyi Sect

His partners have now ended their retreat and practice, and each of them has become stronger.

Among them, the ones with the most outstanding achievements in cultivation are undoubtedly Jian Qi and Gu Qianyin. One is a genius in swordsmanship, and has the blessing of magical skills such as the "Murder Sword". The other has a very special physique, and even Su Chen cannot be sure of his physique.

In other words, these two people are the kind of geniuses that are rare to see in a century. And now that he has the support of Su Chen's large amount of resources, he is naturally making rapid progress, and his cultivation level is not much worse than Su Chen's.

Su Chen is also looking forward to the future achievements of these two people. You must know that these two people are much more talented than himself.

However, Su Chen will not belittle himself. His advantage does not lie in his special physique or talent, but in his memory of the Alchemy Emperor from his previous life. This is a rare and hard-to-find treasure that is inexhaustible. Inexhaustible.

Su Chen arranged their training resources for the next period of time, and he only took Xiao Huo and Lu'er with him, and left the imperial capital in a carriage.

He wanted to settle the matter with the Zhengyi Sect. Now that he had broken through to the Lingtai Realm and had combat power equivalent to the eighth level of the Lingtai Realm, it was time to settle the grievances with the Zhengyi Sect.

When Su Chen arrived at the foot of Zhengyi Zong Mountain in a carriage, it was exactly nine months since Su Chen left Zhengyi Zong.

In accordance with his vow to return within a year, he made a full three months advance.

He left here with all the misunderstandings and humiliation, and now he is finally back.

Su Chen walked to the foot of Zhengyi Zong Mountain. It was late at night, dark clouds gathered, and it suddenly started raining heavily.

The entire Xuanqing Mountains were shrouded in heavy rain, including the mountain gate of Zhengyi Sect, which was also washed away by the torrential rain.

There are two disciples guarding the mountain at the gate of the Zhengyi Sect. At this moment, each of them is holding a sword and chatting in the corner under the mountain gate while taking shelter from the rain.

"Today's sect competition was so exciting. The competition for the top three positions in the end was really fierce."

"The biggest dark horse today is Ding Sheng, the grandson of Elder Ding Xie. In the past, he was only ranked in the top ten, but today he actually advanced to the top three."

"By the way, Ding Sheng went to the imperial capital to get married a while ago. For some reason, he didn't get her back. Instead, he was seriously injured. It took him more than half a month to recover. Since then, he seemed to be stimulated, and his strength Progress by leaps and bounds.”

"However, when it comes to the true number one genius of our Zhengyi sect, it must be Lu Yuan. Today, Lu Yuan showed extraordinary strength, and he deserves the championship."

"Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered a person, the Su Chen who was at odds with Lu Yuan back then. Do you still remember?"

"Remember, he quit the sect after making a furnace of pills, and he also threatened to return within a year, and also said that he would defeat the Zhengyi Sect."

"Hahahaha... It's really funny. What's so great about being able to refine a few pills? Our Zhengyi sect is a sect that uses martial arts to enter the Tao. There are so many strong people that Su Chen can't even touch it."

"Su Chen's strength is not strong to begin with. He didn't even reach the Ning Yuan realm when he left Zhengyi Sect. He still had the nerve to say that Elder Xingyun and Lu Yuan were jealous of his talent."

"It seems that it is because Su Chen's martial arts style is somewhat similar to that of Lu Yuan. In addition, Elder Xingyun had a rumor with an expert during that time, saying that there was a disciple in the Zhengyi Sect who was destined to be the son of destiny. He would be great in the future. If he has a bright future, he will overshadow Lu Yuan's brilliance. That disciple is Su Chen, so Elder Xingyun will suppress Su Chen."

"Wow, you know such a secret thing."

"Hehe, I heard this from my cousin who is an alchemy boy in Elder Xingyun's cave."

"Tsk, before that Su Chen left, he said ruthlessly that he would crush the Zhengyi Sect. In my opinion, we, the Zhengyi Sect's top brass, are the only ones who are magnanimous enough to spare his life."

"That is, if a rebellious person like him were in other large sects such as Dongchan Sect, he would have been skinned and cramped long ago."

The two were chatting when suddenly one of them narrowed his eyes and said in surprise: "Look! Who is that person?"

The two of them looked in that direction at the same time, and saw a slender figure walking through the rain curtain in the distance.

Although the rain was pouring down, the figure looked as if he was strolling in a garden. The heavy rain fell on him, but it was completely blocked by a layer of real energy released from outside, and his clothes did not get wet at all.

"Who dares to break into Zhengyi Sect late at night!"

After the two disciples guarding the mountain were stunned for a short time, they shouted loudly. Anyone who would come to correct the sect in the middle of the night must not have the sect's permission.

When the figure approached, they discovered that this figure was wearing a black mask on his face and had a mysterious aura surging around his body, but judging from his body shape, he looked like a young man.

The figure seemed to have not heard the shouts of the two disciples guarding the mountain, and still turned a deaf ear and walked towards the mountain gate.


The two disciples guarding the mountain became alert and shouted while holding their swords.

The figure stopped and looked up at the three characters "Zhengyi Sect" on the mountain gate. He smiled faintly and said, "Nine months and I'm back again."

"Who are you?" Two disciples guarding the mountain asked warily.

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