Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 700 New Enemy

After everything was settled, Su Chen took out several space rings from his body.

These space rings were taken off from Zhengyi Sect Master Feng Jinrui, Elder Xingyun and Elder Ding Xie respectively.

The reason why Su Chen took these space rings was mainly because he thought of what Elder Ding Xie said before he died: "Don't be too happy too early. If you destroy the Zhengyi Sect, those people will never let go." Pass you."

Intuition told Su Chen that what Elder Ding Xie said was definitely not groundless, and there must be some inside story in it.

Who are those people that Elder Ding Xie mentioned?

That's why Su Chen studied the space rings of several people, hoping to find some clues from the space rings.

Of course, personal space rings are usually sealed with a drop of blood. Only the person can open them. Others cannot open them even if they get the space rings.

Although Su Chen mastered several methods to unlock the seal of the space ring, with his current level of soul power, these methods are somewhat difficult.

However, even if Su Chen couldn't open these space rings, it didn't mean he couldn't find clues.

Because the space ring itself is a magical weapon with complex craftsmanship. Space rings refined by different people often have different characteristics and marks.

Many times, as long as you pay attention to a space ring, you can deduce a lot of clues and information.

Su Chen placed several space rings in front of his eyes and observed them one by one.

The space rings of Feng Jinrui and Elder Xingyun are very ordinary space rings, with no special craftsmanship visible.

But Elder Ding Xie's space ring made Su Chen raise his eyebrows slightly.

The craftsmanship of Elder Ding Xie's space ring is different from others, and it is a relatively rare craft.

This kind of craftsmanship should be impossible for the craftsmen of the Yunyuan Empire to create.

This made Su Chen interested, so he released his soul power and carefully observed the space ring belonging to Elder Ding Xie.

As a result, he really discovered something special about this space ring - on the inside of the space ring, there was a small invisible character "Yao" engraved on it!

This word "Yao" is, without exaggeration, not much bigger than a grain of dust. If Su Chen didn't have the soul power to observe the subtleties, he really wouldn't have been able to discover the word "Yao".

"Interesting, it's the Yao family again."

Su Chen thought thoughtfully. Elder Ding Xie's space ring had the word "Yao" engraved on it. This was definitely not a coincidence.

There is only one possibility, that is, the space ring owned by Elder Ding Xie comes from the Yao family.

"It seems that the Yao family has a big appetite. In addition to colluding with Prince Rui, they also colluded with the Zhengyi Sect."

This made Su Chen couldn't help but think of the time when Elder Ding Xie took Ding Sheng to the Guan family to propose marriage.

At that time, Guan Yu'er deliberately lied about losing her virginity, thinking that the Ding family would definitely break off the engagement. However, she did not expect that Elder Ding Xie was extremely persistent and insisted on marrying Guan Yu'er on Ding Sheng's behalf.

Now that I think about it, there is a problem here. Zhengyi Zong's request to marry Guan Yuer is very likely to be related to the Yao family, or even instigated by the Yao family.

The purpose of the Yao family is nothing more than to use this marriage to bring the Guan family and the Zhengyi clan into their own boat.

As a result, the first family in the empire and one of the super sects in the empire all submitted to the Yao family.

The Yao family was very confident that they were behind the scenes, pulling down Emperor Yunyuan and replacing him with Prince Rui, the Yao family's lackey.

In this way, the Yao family would become the real power controllers behind the scenes of the Yunyuan Empire quietly.

When Su Chen thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that this time he would crush the Yao family's conspiracy again without any intention.

At that moment, Su Chen took out a pen and paper and wrote a secret letter to Emperor Yunyuan, telling Emperor Yunyuan that he had discovered the Yao family space ring on the Zhengyi Sect elder.

After writing, Su Chen sealed the secret envelope, called a confidant, and sent the secret letter to the emperor.

After doing this, Su Chen frowned and fell into thinking.

He killed an old man from the Yao family a while ago. He didn't think that the Yao family, one of the eight ancient families in Dongzhou, would just let it go.

The Yao family will definitely know that the old man died in the Yunyuan Empire, and it is also very likely that they will know that the old man's death was their own fault.

Su Chen didn't like the feeling of being threatened, so he must take the initiative to do something.

Yao family!

This famous one of the eight ancient families in the East Continent will not only be the enemy of the Yunyuan Empire for a period of time in the future, but will also be the enemy of Su Chen.

Of course, Su Chen knew that it would not be that easy for him to deal with the Yao family.

As one of the eight ancient aristocratic families, the Yao family controls the power of countless countries, and its heritage is not comparable to that of other families in the imperial capital.

Even though the Jiuxing Danhui is superior to the eight ancient aristocratic families in terms of status, it cannot completely eradicate an ancient family.

What's more, I am only a preliminary member of the Jiu Xing Dan Society.

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