Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 952 The fate of Elder Yao San

The confrontation between Su Chen and the fourth elder of the Yao family just now sounds long, but in fact it only happened in the blink of an eye. Before the third elder of the Yao family could even react, he had already seen his companion being beaten out and lying there with no idea of ​​his life or death.

At this moment, the third elder of the Yao family looked at Su Chen, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Su Chen looked back at the third elder of the Yao family without fear and said, "Are you coming to seek death too?"


The third elder of the Yao family shouted coldly, but he was not driven out of his mind by Su Chen. Instead, his eyes moved, and a magical sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he slashed at his back like lightning.

After Zongheng's sword energy fell, he saw a pile of wriggling magma on the ground. It was Su Chen's flame python, but it had been cut into many pieces by the third elder of the Yao family.

"Boy, do you think the same trick can be used on me?"

The third elder of the Yao family snorted contemptuously. He naturally knew that the sixth elder of the Yao family was tricked by Su Chen's strange method. Therefore, he was already prepared for Su Chen's move.

Su Chen was too naive to want to use this trick to plot against him again.

However, when the third elder of the Yao family looked at Su Chen with a sneer, he was suddenly startled. He found that Su Chen's eyes had turned red at some point, and there seemed to be two blood-red moons spinning in them. of monsters.

The third elder of the Yao family was startled, and his expression gradually became dull.

"It's over..."

The last thought flashed through the mind of the third elder of the Yao family, and then his consciousness was involuntarily scattered, and even his hands dropped unconsciously.

At this moment, the third elder of the Yao family finally understood that Su Chen's release of the flame python just now was just a way to attract his attention. Its purpose was just to distract him.

And Su Chen's real killer move is actually this strange pupil technique, which can make him lose his energy!

However, he understood now that it was too late. Those eyes that were like blood-colored moons made him lose consciousness instantly.


The long knife in the hand of the third elder of the Yao family fell to the ground.

This scene made everyone stunned. Even the dullest people understood that there must be something wrong with the third elder of the Yao family.

"Third brother, wake up quickly!"

The fifth elder of the Yao family, who still had an arrow stuck in his left shoulder, became anxious when he saw this scene.

With his extensive knowledge, he could naturally guess that the third elder of the Yao family must have been mentally affected by Su Chen's pupil technique.

When warriors fight, the situation is always changing rapidly. Even a moment of mental distraction may directly lead to a reversal of the situation, so he cannot help but not be anxious.


The third elder of the Yao family was indeed a powerful person at the fourth level of the Reincarnation Realm. He was only controlled by Su Chen for a moment, and then he immediately opened his eyes and woke up!

But the moment he woke up, he discovered that he was no longer in the Yunyuan Palace Square, but in a strange wilderness.

This wilderness has blue sky, white clouds, and green trees, but it makes the third elder of the Yao family feel an indescribable strangeness. He feels that there is an indescribable weirdness in this world.

"Where is this? How did I get here suddenly?"

The third elder of the Yao family was extremely shocked. Just now, he was in the square of Yunyuan Palace. How could he be brought here in the blink of an eye?

This place is obviously not the Yunyuan Palace, and there is no one around. All the people around it have disappeared.

Although he was indeed temporarily affected by Su Chen's pupil technique during this period, he was very sure that it was only for a moment.

How could he be transported to another place in this short moment?

What kind of evil magic can do this?

The third elder of the Yao family tried his best to suppress the surprise and doubt in his heart and began to mobilize the true energy in his dantian. Faced with this extremely weird situation, strength is undoubtedly his only reliance.

However, when he began to focus on his Dantian, he was suddenly shocked to find that his Dantian was completely empty, with no real energy left at all, let alone mobilizing the real energy.

"How can it be?"

"Where did my true energy go?"

The third elder of the Yao family was extremely surprised. The fourth level of the Samurai Realm true energy that he was so proud of had disappeared without a trace in his dantian!

How can this be? The spiritual platform and the four chakras in the dantian were obviously still there, but only the true energy had disappeared. No matter how he used the technique, he could not mobilize it.

This meant that he couldn't use his true energy at all, let alone exert his proud fourth-level strength in the Reincarnation Realm.

What the third elder of the Yao family found most incomprehensible was that the spiritual platform and chakras were still there, but only the true energy had disappeared without a trace. No matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out what happened to him.


At this moment, his ears suddenly caught an almost subtle sound.

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