Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 984: Fat Roommate

Under the arrangement of the City Lord's Mansion, Su Chen and the three hundred geniuses moved into a courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

This courtyard is obviously a specially arranged residence for newcomers like them. It is relatively remote in the city lord's mansion and is not a good place to go. It is far worse than the living conditions of those veteran geniuses.

The courtyards are allocated in advance. Each courtyard houses four people, separated by men and women.

After Su Chen made sure that Gu Qianyin had moved into the courtyard that belonged to her, he entered his courtyard and greeted the other three people.

Two of them were obviously taciturn people. After saying hello, they went back to their rooms to practice.

There was another person, but he was fat and round. His fat body was almost as wide as his height. When he saw Su Chen, he grinned so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes. He looked very familiar and said : "My name is Yin Cheng, brother, what's your name?"

"Su Chen." Su Chen smiled.

"Hey, Brother Su, are you interested in treasures? I have a lot of treasures here." The fat boy Yin Cheng looked around and saw that there were only two of them, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"What treasure?" Su Chen also became interested and asked.

"Come on, let's go inside and talk..."

Yin Cheng took Su Chen to an empty training room and closed the doors and windows.

Afterwards, Yin Cheng took out a silver ball from the space ring and said to Su Chen: "This is called the Thunderbolt Silver Bullet! You just need to pull the chain on it and throw it out, and it will explode with great power. Extremely, even those at the third level of the Reincarnation Realm can be injured without precautions."

"However, this thing can only be used ten times, one less time, so it must not be used casually!" Yin Cheng added.

Su Chen glanced at it and shrugged: "It's just an ordinary silver ball. How do I know it can really have the effect you said?"

"Hey! I won't lie to you!" Yin Cheng stamped his foot anxiously, and the flesh on his body shook up and down three times. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "If you are really doubtful, I can demonstrate it to you first. have a look."

With that said, Yin Cheng pulled Su Chen back to the corner, pressed his body tightly against the corner, then pulled the chain on the silver ball and threw it into the middle of the room.


The silver ball exploded immediately, and the power was really astonishing. It blasted a deep pit about ten feet wide in the hard ground, causing the entire solid training room to shake several times.

This means that this training room is specially made to withstand impacts. Otherwise, if it had been an ordinary room, it would have been shaken to pieces.

As for Yin Cheng and Su Chen, because they were standing in the corner, far away from the center of the explosion, and they had already taken precautions and used their true energy to protect their bodies, their faces were covered with dust and they looked a little embarrassed.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Yin Cheng wiped the dust off his face, walked over and picked up the ball, shook it at Su Chen, and said proudly, "After you buy it back, don't use it casually again, use it less often. There are only ten times in total. I used it once just now, so there are only nine left. "

However, Su Chen could clearly see that when Yin Cheng picked up the ball, he clearly used a wrapping technique. When he picked up the ball, he put the ball into the space ring, and then took it from the space ring. Another identical ball came out.

In other words, the ball in Yin Cheng's hand now has been repackaged. Although it is exactly the same as the one just now, it is fake.

After all, this guy is still a liar!

However, Yin Cheng's techniques were obviously very skilled. If Su Chen hadn't practiced the Third Eye, he might not have been able to clearly see his movements.

However, even if he didn't see the move of changing the package, Su Chen's eyesight would not be able to tell the difference between the real one and the fake one.

Su Chen shook his head. No wonder Yin Cheng was so enthusiastic and took the initiative to demonstrate the effect of the ball to himself. In this way, he could not only believe in the effect of the ball, but also take advantage of the opportunity when picking up the ball. Changeling.

He repeatedly emphasizes that it can only be used ten times, and once less, so that he can easily not use it after buying it. In this way, he will not find out that it is a fake.

Even if he discovered it, he could definitely deduce that Su Chen didn't know how to use it or broke it.

"How do you like it? You can buy such a useful treasure for only three thousand spirit stones. It is definitely a must-have for home and travel, and it is a no-brainer!"

Yin Cheng chuckled, walked closer with his fat body, and handed the silver ball to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it and said in a joking tone: "You probably haven't reached the third level of the Reincarnation Realm yet. Why don't I just use it to blow you up, so that there is no need to use three thousand spirit stones."

"Haha, brother Su Chen, you really love to joke." Yin Cheng was not nervous at all, but laughed.

Su Chen suddenly pulled the chain on the ball, and then threw the ball upwards, straight towards the ceiling.

Yin Cheng subconsciously raised his head and followed the trajectory of the ball. At this moment, Su Chen reached out like lightning and grabbed a golden belt tied around Yin Cheng's waist, saying, "I don't want this silver ball. All I need is your belt."

Yin Cheng

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