
Chapter 103 Crisis Reappears

Yang Shenjin's case was tried by three courts, that is, officials from the Yushitai, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Dali Temple were dispatched to form the third trial officer.

Yang Shenjin was the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, with a very high rank, and the officials who tried him were also of a correspondingly high level, including Censor Zhongcheng, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and Shaoqing of Dali Temple, commonly known as Dashantang.

The benefit of the three-court trial is, on the one hand, to prevent frame-up and frame-up, but more importantly, to prevent favoritism and perversion of the law.

In the inner hall of Dali Temple, more than a dozen officials from the three departments were jointly reviewing the evidence found and comparing it with the search list.

To everyone's surprise, the book found in the secret box in Yang Shenjin's study turned out to be a Northern Dynasty almanac with exquisite calligraphy. It looked like it was written by a famous person, but it had nothing to do with the prophecy. This made all the officials present confused. Uproar.

Left Prime Minister Chen Xilie hurriedly came to Zhongshu Province and found Zhongshu Ling Li Linfu.

"Xiang Guo, something very interesting happened!"

Li Linfu took a sip of tea and asked calmly: "What's something interesting?"

"It was rumored that a prophecy was found in Yang Shenjin's study. After three checks, it was found that it was not a prophecy at all, but a Northern Dynasties almanac written by Zhao Wenyuan. It's so ridiculous."

Li Linfu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "It can't be that he has been replaced!"

"How is it possible? There are so many eyes staring at it. There is a search stamp on it. How can I change it?"

Li Linfu secretly praised this plan. It was indeed a good plan to remove people's salary from the bottom of the cauldron. Without the prophecy, it would be difficult to convict the crime of rebellion. Without the crime of rebellion, it would at best be inappropriate and unbecoming behavior, so Wulang Li Dai would not be implicated. .

"Has Yang Shenjin's trial started?" Li Linfu asked again.

"The trial started in the afternoon. He admitted that he was superstitious and had engaged in many ridiculous behaviors to exorcise evil spirits. However, he flatly denied that he had any thoughts of rebellion, nor did he collude with anyone to conspire against him. The three trials could not find any evidence that he had rebelled. , and could not find any evidence related to him and the fire case in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and finally agreed on an unseemly charge."

Li Linfu nodded. There is no doubt that Yang Shenjin was deposed. The key depends on whether the emperor accepts this result. If he accepts this result, then his son will be fine and the fire case will go away.

But if the emperor must put Yang Shenjin to death, then the fire case will definitely cause trouble again.

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Li Longji was extremely annoyed and paced back and forth in the room. Yang Guozhong stood aside, too nervous to even take a breath.

This time they messed up. Li Longji not only wanted Yang Shenjin's household, but also wanted to use this opportunity to completely wipe out the Yang family of the Sui Dynasty.

How could I attack the Yang family now? Li Longji was extremely disappointed with Yang Guozhong. If he couldn't do this little thing well, what big things could he do?

"How did the prophecy turn into an almanac? Who made the mistake?" Li Longji stared at Yang Guozhong with sharp eyes.

Yang Guozhong wiped the sweat from his head and whispered: "Wei Chen doesn't know either. This matter was handed over to Shi Jingzhong. Wei Chen doesn't know how he arranged it."

"You useless thing, get out!"

"Wei Chen resigns!"

Yang Guozhong retreated in panic.

Li Longji secretly shook his head. This Yang Guozhong was too immature in the officialdom. He couldn't even see the secret fight between him and Li Linfu.

Of course Li Longji knew that it was Li Linfu who did it, and he was afraid that Yang Shenjin's rebellion case would involve him. It was understandable that Li Linfu did this, but if he didn't deal with him severely, he would not put himself in his eyes.

"According to my decree, continue to strictly investigate the fire case in the household department warehouse!"

Li Linfu waited uneasily in the court room. At dusk, news came from the imperial study room that the emperor was dissatisfied with the conclusion of Yang Shenjin's case and demanded that the fire in the household warehouse warehouse continue to be strictly investigated.

This news made Li Linfu feel cold, but the emperor still refused to let him go.

In the carriage, Li Linfu was worried. He knew full well that the emperor must know that he had changed the prophecy, which made him very angry, and ordered to continue the rigorous trial of Wu Lang's case.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, Li Linfu realized it too deeply. There are rumors that the imperial concubine may adopt a grandson from the harem as an adopted son. If that is the case, the crown prince's position will be in trouble again.

The emperor will definitely fully support the Yang family, and he will become a roadblock.

Li Linfu was very anxious. He could not fall under any circumstances. Once he fell, his family would be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Li Linfu said to his confidant Wang Kuan: "Go and find Forty-eighth Lang to see me!"

Li Linfu was really exhausted mentally and physically. At this time, he thought of his smart and mature grandson. He needed a military advisor he could completely trust.

At this time, Li Linfu's carriage slowly stopped in front of his house, and the housekeeper ran up to report: "Master, the head of the Yuwen family is here. He said he has something important to discuss with the master!"

"Is he in the guest room?"

"Here! I've been waiting for a long time."

"Tell him that I will be there soon. Also, if Forty-Eight Masters comes, take him to my study and wait!"

The housekeeper left in a hurry, and Li Linfu felt an ominous feeling in his heart. If Yu Wenjing came at this time, he might not do anything good.

In the distinguished guest hall, last night he was finally persuaded by his brother Yuwen Tong to jump off the old ship Li Linfu and join the Yang family in order to protect the wealth of the Yuwen family.

Just to break up with Li Linfu, there are still many things to do. The most important thing is that his daughter Yu Wenluo and Li Dai are getting divorced.

The marriage between Yu Wenluo and Li Dai is a typical political marriage. This marriage is the link between the Yuwen family and Li Linfu. This link must be severed before it can be called a political separation.

Divorce is not a big problem. Xianbei women have always had the autonomy to divorce, and divorce is also very simple. They can leave a letter and take away their property. Even if they are divorced, their husband's consent is not required.

In fact, Yu Wenluo's dowry of three thousand acres of fertile land was with her, and she carried it with her, as well as the dowry of gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, etc., all of which were stored in the Baoji Cabinet, and the receipt for the withdrawal was also there. On her.

Now she needs her father to come forward and tell the Li family to return the bride price, and the marriage will be over.

Yu Wenluo wanted to divorce Li Dai ten years ago, but her father suppressed her and she couldn't divorce. Now that her father agreed, of course she no longer had any scruples and decided to divorce.

At this time, Li Linfu walked in with a smile, "Brother Yuwen, which fragrant wind blew you away?"

Yu Wenjing forced a smile and said, "I'm here to find out about Wu Lang's situation!"

The smile on Li Linfu's face froze slightly. Of course he knew that the other party was here for Wu Lang, but judging from his attitude, it was not that he was concerned, but more like he wanted to decouple.

"Please sit down!"

The two of them sat down separately, and Li Linfu said calmly: "Wulang was framed and imprisoned. I am doing my best to rescue him from prison. It's just that the case is a bit repetitive, so it will take some time."

As the Minister of War, Yu Wenjing certainly knew very well that who dared to frame the prime minister's son so blatantly, and the prime minister was still helpless. No one except the emperor had such great ability.

The emperor did not want to frame Li Dai, but he clearly wanted to take this opportunity to depose Li Linfu. He originally thought that Li Linfu could survive for another two years, but now it seems that this old broken ship is about to sink, and the Yuwen family must jump off the ship immediately. There is no reason to hesitate. of.

He thought for a moment and said: "When our two families got married, we made an agreement to respect the Xianbei customs of the Yuwen family. According to Xianbei customs, concubines and illegitimate children are not allowed to enter the house without the consent of the eldest wife. But unfortunately, the Li family did not abide by this Agreement."

Of course Li Linfu knew full well that the other party was making excuses!

His face also dropped, and he said coldly: "My grandson, of course I want him to come in!"

"In this case, it may be difficult for this marriage to continue!"

After saying that, he took out Li Dai's marriage certificate and put it on the table, "I will send someone to return the betrothal gift tomorrow. Say goodbye!"

"Please! I won't send it away."

Yu Wenjing didn't dare to say anything, so he stood up and left in a hurry.

"Shameless villain!"

Li Linfu slapped his hand hard on the table. He was completely a villain who followed the crowd. When he was in power, he tried his best to build relationships and friendship with him, and took the initiative to propose marriage. Now that he is in trouble and he can run faster than a rabbit, divorce is on the cards. Like splashing water, clean and neat, for fear of being implicated in the slightest.

At this time, the housekeeper said in the hall: "Master, Forty-Eighth Master is already waiting in the study."

Li Linfu nodded, whatever, the departure of the Yuwen family might be a good thing for his son and grandson.

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