
Chapter 110 Companion Troubles

Li Dai saw his son and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I heard from my aunt that you are also participating in the Spring Hunting. I'm looking for you everywhere!"

Li Ye was startled, "Auntie told father?"

Li Dai let the slip and quickly interrupted the topic: "I just arrived at the Ministry of Revenue, and the new Minister Yang has assigned me too many things. I will not participate in the spring hunting this time. You come with me to see the uncle. I entrust you to he."

"Dad, I'm with the Cheng family! I have a good relationship with them."

Li Dai was stunned for a moment, "That Cheng family?"

"The prince's nephew, Cheng Ruobing, and I have a relationship with his nephew Cheng Changyin."

Li Dai's eyes showed doubts as to how his son knew the Lu Guogong family, but then he thought that they might have met while playing polo. "

At this time, a middle-aged man next to him stepped forward and said with a smile: "Jingwen, is this your master?"

Li Dai smiled slightly and said: "Exactly, my son Li Ye is a martial artist."

Li Dai introduced Li Ye again: "This is my colleague Wang Wei, you call him Uncle Wang!"

Li Ye was startled, "Reuner Mojie?"

The middle-aged man is Wang Wei. He is also the doctor of the Ministry of Household Affairs, but he has not yet called himself Mojie layman. Wang Wei stroked his beard and smiled at Li Dai: "Young master is really interesting. You call me Mojie layman." Did you teach it?”

Li Dai also smiled and said, "How could it be that I taught you this? But layman Mojie is pretty good, so why not just make the mistake?"

Li Ye thought for a while and said: "The bright moon shines among the pines, the clear spring flows up the rocks, the bamboos rustle like Huannu, and the lotus moves down the fishing boat. The younger generation feels that Mr. Mojie is actually better called Wangchuan layman."

Li Dai's face sank, "Ye'er, don't be rude!"

Wang Wei was really surprised. This poem was written by him in the third year of Tianbao and he had never published it. How did this child know?

He immediately became interested in Li Ye, "Jingwen, your master is really unique!"

He smiled at Li Ye and said, "During the Qingqiu season, I invite my friend Wang Chuan to sit down for a while. Would you like to go?"

"Uncle invites me, I will definitely go!"

Wang Wei nodded and said to Li Dai: "We have to go back. Yang Shilang is urging us. We have to finish checking the accounts within three days. It's a big headache!"

"I'll go back right now!"

Li Dai took another ingot of silver and gave it to his son, and told him: "Dad has something to do, so I won't care about you. You can go say hello to your grandfather later."

Li Ye nodded, "Father, go ahead! The child will take care of himself."

He cupped his fists and saluted Wang Wei again, "Thank you again, Uncle Wang, for the invitation!"

Wang Wei smiled and said: "Then we've decided!"

After Li Dai and Wang Wei left, Li Ye turned around and returned to Cheng's house.

Not far away, Li Min saw Li Ye. He thought that Li Ye had come to take part in the spring hunting instead of Li Huai, so he whispered to Li Xiu: "Brother, this kid is so rude! He knew we were here, but he didn't come to help the elders. Greetings."

Li Xiu snorted coldly, "Like father, like son!"

The Spring Hunting Army finally set off, with the carriage of Emperor Li Longji and his concubine at the front, escorted by hundreds of personal guards and 3,000 Qianniu Guards cavalry, and followed by more than a thousand palace maids and eunuchs.

Behind them were the processions of the princes and grandsons, then the processions of the emperor's relatives, and then the civil and military officials and their families. There were tens of thousands of people, stretching for more than 20 miles.

Of course, the team did not go along Chang'an Avenue, but across the West Inner Garden and from the outside of Chang'an City.

Li Ye rode a horse with Cheng Changyin, and his luggage was placed in the cart. Cheng Changyin's sister Cheng Xiaojiao discovered that Li Ye's polo club was actually an ironwood club. She was extremely curious and kept asking about Li Ye's nickname. , which made Li Ye quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, Cheng Changyin knew the rules. Polo players were separated from real life and would not be leaked easily. He made up an excuse and sent his sister away while Li Ye was learning to play polo at the Shengchang Polo Hall.

"Brother Changyin, where is the spring hunting place?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

"It's different every year. Have you been to Wutingchuan this year?"

Li Ye shook his head. He had never heard of it, but what he was thinking about was whether Wu Tingchuan could let him practice Kung Fu?

Cheng Changyin smiled and said: "It's just to the north of Wugong County. There are endless forests and pastures over there. It belongs to the royal hunting ground. There are more bears, leopards, wolves, foxes, deer, hares, pheasants, etc. By the way, how are you riding and shooting?" Sample?"


Li Ye was really blushing. He didn't know if he could use it to sharpen his spear in cavalry and archery.

At this time, a servant of the Li Mansion ran over on horseback, clasped his fist towards Li Ye and said, "Forty-Eighth Master, Prime Minister, please come over."

Li Ye knew very well that it was impossible for him to pretend that he had not seen the Li family. If those guys saw him, they would definitely report it to their grandfather.

"I'll go take a look and I'll be back soon!"

"Ah Ye!"

Cheng Changyin stopped him and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't come back, he is your grandfather after all!"

Li Ye shook his head, "I will definitely come back, otherwise I will go back to Chang'an!"

He urged his horse to follow the servant.

"Brother, will he come back?" Cheng Xiaojiao asked in a low voice, looking at Li Ye's back.

Cheng Changyin pondered for a moment and said, "I feel like he will come back!"

Li Ye came to the Li family's motorcade. The Li family also had seven or eight carriages with their families, and the men followed on horseback on both sides of the carriage.

At this time, the car curtain opened, revealing Li Linfu's fair and slender face.

"Why is Ye'er here too?"

Li Linfu was also surprised that Li Ye was not on the list.

Li Ye bowed and said, "My grandson doesn't know either. He came as soon as he received the invitation."

It turned out to be a separate invitation, and Li Linfu probably understood that it should have been specially arranged by Gao Lishi.

Li Linfu did not continue to ask, and said calmly: "Just come over! Stay with your family."

"Returning to the grandfather, the grandson and his friends."

"Wouldn't it be better to spend time with your family?"

Li Ye was silent. At this time, Li Min next to him said angrily: "When talking to grandfather, is there any room for bargaining?"

Li Ye gave him a cold look, "Don't interrupt when the elders are talking!"

Li Min's face turned red with anger, "You bastard, you have no respect for your elders!"

"you shut up!"

Li Linfu angrily scolded Li Min, who lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

Li Linfu smiled again and said, "Go ahead! Have fun."

Li Ye was also a little embarrassed, and bowed: "I'll go back to my grandson and say hello to my grandfather later!"

Li Linfu smiled and nodded, "Go!"

Li Ye turned the horse's head and left. Li Linfu looked at his grandson's retreating back with amusement in his eyes. This boy is really unusual! When did he hang out with the Cheng family again?

At dusk, the mighty team finally arrived at the Spring Hunting Camp. The camp covers an area of ​​several thousand acres and is divided into four camps, Juntian Camp, Xuantian Camp, Haotian Camp and Yantian Camp.

Among them, the royal family and their relatives live in Juntian Camp, Xuantian Camp houses civil and military officials and their relatives, and Haotian Camp and Yantian Camp are military camps.

The camp has been prepared in advance, and tens of thousands of guardsmen have begun preparations several months ago, such as moving a group of deer into the hunting grounds to let them adapt.

There are also safety inspections, driving away vagrants in the hunting grounds, and prohibiting surrounding people from coming to chop wood and hunt.

Finally, thousands of Qianniu Guard soldiers came to set up a camp and prepare various ingredients. Pei Min led his troops over in advance to conduct defensive patrols.

After the tens of thousands of people arrived, the camp suddenly became lively, with flags flying, horses neighing, and noisy and lively crowds everywhere, everyone packing their luggage and settling in.

The Cheng family was allocated four big tents, and the female relatives lived together. The Cheng brothers lived in one big tent, the maids and maids lived in one big tent, and then five young men lived in one big tent, including Li Ye.

The boys were relatively simple, each covered with a sheepskin and a thin military blanket, and Li Ye used a duffel bag as a pillow.

The horses were tied outside the tent, several carriages were parked on both sides of the tent, and several coachmen went to Wugong County and would come back on the return day.

One of the carriages is close to the women's tent. It is very important because it is the toilet used by the women.

Several children of the Cheng family ran over and said, "Aye, let's go for a walk around!"

Along the way, everyone was familiar with each other. Li Ye stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

Everyone walked quickly outside the big tent.

Li Linfu is very realistic. Once Yang Yuhuan has an adopted son, he will definitely threaten the crown prince's position. Although Li Linfu spared no effort to attack the crown prince and launched the Wei Jian case and the Du Youlin case, seeing that there is no hope of bringing down the prince, he is on the decline again. , it is impossible that he does not have the idea of ​​​​reconciling with the prince in his heart.

Then joining forces with the prince to deal with the Yang family is an opportunity.

Although the prince Li Heng deeply hated Li Linfu for harming his wives and concubines, compared with his position as prince, his wives and concubines were nothing.

So when he heard that his grandson Li Ye had close contacts with the Cheng family of the East Palace faction, Li Linfu would certainly be tempted.

Lao Gao had previously arranged for Li Ye to buy second-hand kitchen utensils and find things belonging to the Cheng family, just to bury this clue and set up a line with the prince through the Cheng family.

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