
Chapter 1151 Come and join us

At this time, Li Ye had arrived in Mianchi County and was paying close attention to the situation in Luoyang. At this time, he had received the news that Tian Shengong had been defeated. With an army of 30,000 people, the outcome could be decided in almost one battle.

Li Sheng has led an army of 100,000 to Sishui Pass. As expected, Wang Sili's army will be defeated in one battle.

All this was within his expectation. The three kings fought against each other on their own, and if they couldn't make any waves, they would be wiped out one by one by the eunuchs.

Li Ye's concern was not military, but political, and the opportunity he was waiting for was also a political opportunity.

Once the three kings are defeated by the eunuch army, the time is ripe for him to send troops. The failure of the three kings to rebel means that the three kings are completely eliminated politically and have no hope of inheriting the throne.

Coincidentally, just when Li Ye turned his attention to Lai Ai's army in the south, Lai Ai actually sent someone to deliver a message to him.

Liu Yan walked into the room with a soldier. The soldier came forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "I am the envoy from Xiangyang, your personal soldier. I am sending a letter to Your Highness on the order of my lord!"

The soldier took out a letter and presented it to Li Ye. Li Ye took it and asked with a smile: "Is there any other message?"

"The other thing I want to tell His Highness is that the King of Shu, Li Tan, has left and is not in our military camp."


This news was beyond Li Ye's expectation. He asked with great interest: "Where has the King of Shu gone?"

"I heard that he went to join General Guo. He took a thousand guards and two thousand mules, loaded with food and supplies, and left."

Li Ye nodded and then opened Lai Yi's letter. Lai Yi made it very clear in the letter that he wanted to eradicate the eunuchs and restore the power of the Tang Dynasty, but he saw no hope in the king of Shu, Li Tan, and he hoped to be loyal to him. , willing to open up the Western Region for Datang.

Li Ye completely believed Lai Yi's words. Lai Yi had followed his father to guard Anxi for ten years. Only generals from Anxi would yearn for the power of the Tang Dynasty so much and understand it so deeply.

Li Ye handed the letter to Liu Yan and said to Lai's soldiers: "Go back and tell Lai Shijun that I very much welcome him to join the Guanlong Army. I believe that under my command, he will definitely realize his ambition in life."

"You must tell me exactly what you said!"

After Liu Yan read the letter, he did not shy away from Lai's personal soldiers and said with a smile to Li Ye: "This is a good thing. I suggest that you, Lai Shijun, lead your army back to Xiangyang immediately. If Lai Shijun is stationed in Jingxiang, you don't have to worry about Li Xilie." Capture Jingxiang."

Liu Yan's suggestion touched Li Ye's heart. He was worried about Jingxiang's safety. Although it was unlikely that Li Xilie would attack Jingxiang, he could not place his hope on probability. Only by solidly stationing the army in Jingxiang would everything be safe.

Li Ye immediately wrote a letter and asked Laiqin's soldiers to take it back. He rewarded Laiqin's soldiers heavily and sent a cavalry team to escort him to Liang County.

Liu Yan retreated, and Li Ye stared at Liang County on the sand table. He did not expect that the Three Kings of Shu would end their rebellion in this way.

Although Lai Yi blamed himself in the letter and felt unworthy of the emperor's great trust, Li Ye knew that Lai Yi was still a little too naive politically and he did not see the truth of the matter.

Li Ye saw through it, and he had detailed information. The king of Shu, Li Tan, had been a very scheming person since he was a child. Among the brothers, he was the deepest in the city and was very good at disguise.

Li Tan should have seen the unreality of Lai Ai's 30,000 troops attacking Luoyang. He wanted to get rid of Lai Ai and defect to Guo Ziyi, seeking the support of the stronger Guo Ziyi.

But he couldn't find an excuse, so he deliberately had a big quarrel with Lai Ai, and then put all the responsibility on Lai Ai. So he found an opportunity to break away from Lai Ai and go get the chess piece Guo Ziyi.

It's a pity that Lai Yi didn't see this. He was loyal to him and confirmed Li Tan's accusation of betrayal.

But this is not a bad thing, at least through Lai Yi, he has completely captured Jing Xiang.

Li Ye has already thought about how to use Qi in the future. Guo Xin is good at strategy and Lai Qi is good at fighting. The two of them will sit in the river together and they will be a perfect combination.

At this time, Li Ye suddenly felt something. When he turned around, it turned out that his father Li Dai appeared at the door of the tent.

"Why are you here, father?" Li Ye greeted him with a smile.

"Isn't father studying calligraphy with Mr. Yan?"

Li Dai is a loyal fan of Yan Zhenqing. He and Yan Zhenqing live together these days, and the two talk about calligraphy together every day.

Li Dai smiled bitterly and said: "What level am I? How can I be qualified to compete with Yan Gong in calligraphy? I am asking him for advice, and he is guiding me in writing."

"A ruler is long and an inch is short. My father's calligraphy has its own characteristics. There is no need to underestimate yourself."

"Yan Gong also said the same thing. The only thing I can tell you is that regular script is okay. I have written official documents in regular script for decades, so I have some experience with it."

Speaking of this, Li Dai asked: "Are you busy now?"

"not busy right now."

"If possible, let's go for a walk. I want to see Mianchi County."

Li Ye nodded and accompanied his father to the city from the side corridor.

The defenders on top of the city were all Guanlong soldiers. The soldiers saluted Li Ye one after another. Li Ye nodded and greeted everyone. The father and son came to the east city tower. Li Dai held on to the wall and looked into the distance, but he couldn't see anything from here. Arrive at Luoyang City.

"Did you know that you almost changed your name to Li Mian?" Li Dai said with a slight smile.

"Why is it called Li Mian?" Li Ye asked in confusion.

"You are from the Shui generation, so your grandfather planned to change your name to Li Miao. At that time, he considered calling you Li Miao, which comes from Miaozhou. But your twelfth uncle's son was already named Li Miao, so your grandfather decided to name you Li Miao. The name was changed to Li Mian, which means the pond is full of water, and the family plaque has been engraved. At this time, the alchemist Liu Chujing happened to come to visit your grandfather."

Li Ye interrupted and laughed: "Is this the alchemist Liu Chujing who persuaded the emperor to move the capital?"

"Yes! It's him. Liu Chujing saw you from a distance. He told your grandfather that you have the aura of an emperor. Cao Cao arose in Ye. Ye is the land of kings and it is not appropriate to change the name. Moreover, the word "Mian" means a turtle swimming around. In the water, the turtle is the prime minister. Although you are rich, it will limit your future. Your grandfather listened to his advice and kept the name Li Ye. "

Li Ye smiled and said: "I almost fell in love with Mianchi!"

Li Dai pondered for a moment and asked: "Ye'er, tell dad the truth, what are you going to do next?"

"I will soon send troops to capture Luoyang and completely eradicate the eunuchs!"

"They deserve to be killed, and then what?"

"Then I will ask dad to be the right prime minister and Zhang Li to be the left prime minister. Maybe I can be the crown prince to oversee the country."

"Supervising the country is just your transition!"

"It's a transition. In three to five years at most, I'm going to do some big things, and then it will fall into place."

"Do you really want to seize the Tang Dynasty's land?"

"Dad, it's not a seizure, it's an inheritance. The Emperor has decreed that I have the right to inherit the throne."

Li Dai said worriedly: "That's what I say, but you and I both know in our hearts that you have indeed usurped the throne that should not belong to you. I am very worried that your grandfather will be uneasy under Jiuquan."

Li Dai said lightly: "Father, does he know what the last words my grandfather left for me? When I left Chang'an, I said goodbye to my grandfather. He was already on his deathbed. The last words he left for me."

"What is it?"

"My grandfather said he hoped I would name him Wenzong."

"Ah!" Li Dai was stunned.

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