
Chapter 1158 Wei Gong’s Strategy

After Zhang Li left, Li Ye paced back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his hands. He considered the two capitals of Luoyang and Chang'an. It was more in line with his political interests to move the capital back to Chang'an, but if he stayed in Luoyang, it would be more meaningful to control Jiangnan and even the entire south. It is large, but its control over the Western Region is slightly weaker, so both places have their own advantages.

Of course, at this stage, we must return to Chang'an. Regardless of the focus of governance or political discourse, Chang'an is far stronger than Luoyang.

At this time, the soldiers reported at the door, "His Royal Highness, Mr. Wei, Prime Minister Wei is here!"

When Wei Jiansu arrived, Li Ye quickly smiled and said, "Please come in quickly!"

Not long after, Wei Jiansu walked into the lobby in high spirits. Li Ye hurriedly came forward to greet him and said with a smile: "Wei Ge is getting stronger and stronger, which is encouraging!"

Wei Jiansu laughed and said, "His Royal Highness's army has arrived, Luoyang has cleared the clouds and seen the sun, I am in a happy mood, and my health will naturally be better."

The two of them took their seats respectively. Wei Jiansu asked, "How are the Queen Mother and the Emperor doing?"

"They're all safe!"

"Then will the Queen Mother continue to attend court?"

"Do all officials support the Queen Mother's continued presence in court?" Li Ye asked rhetorically.

Wei Jiansu shook his head, "She was supported by the eunuchs, and everyone was reluctant to do so. Later, she completely sided with the eunuchs and allowed Li Fuguo to do whatever he wanted. To be honest, no one supports her now, let alone that man. "The young emperor."

"Is there a problem, little emperor?"

Wei Jiansu sneered and said: "As for the successor issue, we have been fighting with the emperor for two full years and proposed more than a dozen plans, but none of them allowed King Ding Li Dong to succeed to the throne."

"Is there something wrong with the child?" Li Ye suddenly woke up.

Wei Jiansu nodded, "The child is six years old now, but he still can't speak. Doesn't His Highness find it strange?"

"Isn't he mute?"


Wei Jiansu sighed and said, "During the enthronement ceremony, the child stared at the top of the hall for a full hour without moving. Your Highness, didn't you find it strange?"

"Autism!" Li Ye blurted out.

‘Autism! ’ This was the first time Wei Jiansu had heard of this word, but he could understand the meaning.

"It seems to be the autism that His Highness mentioned. He has closed himself off and lives in his own world, completely disconnected from the outside world."

It turns out that the current emperor is autistic. No wonder the emperor Li Heng refused to consider the son born by the queen to inherit the great cause. There was a reason. Now Li Ye understood.

Li Ye paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands. This child is autistic and is in big trouble. How can such a child be the emperor?

Li Ye's thoughts suddenly moved, and he couldn't help cursing himself for being confused. Isn't it bad for the little emperor to be autistic?

Wouldn't it be the best reason to depose him in the future, so as to save myself from having to bear moral responsibility again.

Thinking of this, Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "I have decided that the Queen Mother will be in charge of the court for the time being, and I will have to be the supervisor!"

Wei Jiansu saw that Li Ye was confused at first, and then suddenly figured out something. He knew that Li Ye had realized the use value of the autistic emperor.

Wei Jiansu couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Your Highness is wise!"

"But this is just a transition, and it will last about three or four years."

Wei Jiansu smiled and said: "When I say His Highness is wise, I mean this transition. Transition is like a bridge. It can stabilize the political situation and bring the world back to its heart. A few years later, when everyone sees the hope of the resurgence of the Tang Dynasty, His Highness will be able to ascend to the throne." It’s a matter of course!”

Li Ye smiled and continued: "I asked Mr. Wei Ge to come over to discuss the reorganization of the Zhengshitang. The eunuch party disbanded the Zhengshitang for my own selfish interests. I took over the imperial court, so naturally I want to restore the Zhengshitang. After thinking about it for a long time and balancing the interests of all parties, I am ready to set up seven phases.”

"Your Highness, please continue!"

Li Ye walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "First of all, the right prime minister is my father Li Dai. He represents my interests. Plus he has been the prime minister for a long time. I think it is not a big problem to be the right prime minister."

Wei Jiansu smiled slightly and said: "Your father's appointment as Right Chancellor is expected by everyone. He not only represents the interests of His Highness, but also represents the interests of all our courtiers. Your Highness may not know that when the court was in the most difficult time, the court officials were unable to issue messages for half a year. Salary, your father used his entire family fortune of 200,000 yuan to provide salary to all officials in the court, allowing many low-level officials to maintain a minimum living."

Li Ye was stunned, and then smiled with relief: "Could it be that when I came back last time, my mother complained that the family couldn't open the pot? I was surprised that they couldn't open the pot even though they had given hundreds of thousands of yuan. It turned out to be this reason. I really don't know. ”

"That's why I said that Li Xiangguo's promotion to the right prime minister was expected by the public. If I guessed correctly, the Li Xiangguo who escaped two days ago disguised as an old man with a hunchback must be a fake!"

Li Ye nodded, "It is indeed false. The real person has already left Luoyang with Dugu Ming. He is now on his way to Luoyang and will arrive in the afternoon."

Li Ye continued: "The left prime minister is Zhang Li, who represents the interests of the Queen Mother, and then Wei Gelao becomes the prime minister, representing the interests of the courtiers."

Wei Jiansu said happily: "Your Highness trusts the old minister so much, so I won't be pretentious and am willing to serve Your Highness!"

"That's good, then the fourth prime minister is Dugu Lie, who represents the interests of the Guanlong nobles, the fifth prime minister is Li Mi, the sixth prime minister is Liu Yan, they represent the interests of my Guanlong faction, and the seventh prime minister is Li Lin, he represents the interests of the royal family."

Wei Jiansu nodded, "Your Highness has thought carefully!"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, I am considering Li Xian to become the prime minister. He is more capable, but Li Lin can better represent the clan, so I want to hear Mr. Wei Ge's opinion."

"Hasn't His Highness made the final decision yet?"

Li Ye shook his head, "We haven't made a final decision yet!"

Wei Jiansu said slowly: "It's rare for His Highness to trust an old minister so much, so I will say a few words from the bottom of my heart."

"Please say!"

"Actually, I agree with the two-phase system established by Li Fuguo. He was motivated by selfish motives. However, it is undeniable that the two-phase system restores tradition. The multi-phase system actually disperses the power of the right prime minister and takes away the governing affairs that originally belonged to the right prime minister. The pen is given to each prime minister in turn, and the right prime minister has no meaning. In addition to convening each prime minister to discuss matters, even the power of issuing edicts has been replaced by the voting system. "

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "But the two-phase system cannot reflect the interests of all parties, especially the Guanlong forces on my side."

Wei Jiansu smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness can be flexible!"

Li Ye perked up and asked quickly: "How can I change it?"

"Your Highness can clarify the power of the prime minister. There are only two prime ministers. The power to control edicts can only be in the hands of the right prime minister. There can be seven assistant prime ministers. It is clear that they are assistants to the right prime minister. The White Tiger Hall established by your highness is a good thing to clarify the rules. Then the left prime minister controls the White Tiger Hall, and any government orders must enter and exit from the White Tiger Hall to ensure compliance, which is also a guarantee for His Highness’s power.”

Li Ye nodded, "I'll think about it. If there are seven assistant prime ministers, two more will be added."

"Since His Highness considers the interests of all parties, he cannot forget the interests of the family. The veteran recommends Pei Zunqing."

Li Ye said happily: "Consider another military representative, so that the seventh assistant minister will be just right!"

As a military representative, the first thing Li Ye thought of was Duan Xiushi. Although Guo Ziyi was good, Guan Longjun would not accept it.

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