
Chapter 1168 Worries of Internal Guards

Strictly speaking, the imperial court's return to Chang'an cannot be called a capital move. Chang'an and Luoyang are both capitals. The edict issued by the Empress Dowager Zhang made it very clear that Chang'an had solved the problem of food shortage. The imperial court decided to return to Chang'an, ending the temporary transition to Luoyang and supporting the government at the same time. Send the late emperor's coffin back to Guanzhong.

Going back to Chang'an is called returning. Luoyang is just a temporary transition due to lack of food.

The first batch to set off were various supplies. Last year, a large amount of supplies from Chang'an were not unpacked and were directly loaded onto the ship and shipped back.

In addition to food and military supplies, all other materials had to be transported to Chang'an, basically by water. This time, more than 3,000 large rafts and 2,000 ships were used.

Those who returned to Chang'an by land were mainly troops. Li Ye appointed Wei Boyu to stay in Luoyang and led an army of 30,000 to guard Luoyang.

The second group to set off were the senior officials of the imperial court and their families, and their personal belongings were also traveling with them. Basically, two families shared a two thousand stone passenger ship, or one family took a thousand stone passenger ship alone.

There were more than 1,000 people including Empress Dowager Zhang, the Emperor, the royal family, senior officials of the political hall, officials of fifth rank or above from various ministries, etc.

Of course, Li Ye is also the second batch of colleagues.

The fleet started from Luoyang, first traveled through Luoshui, headed east to Gong County and entered the Yellow River, then turned around and sailed west. The mighty fleet stretched for nearly a hundred miles and was huge.

The two families of Cui Huan and Pei Mian were riding on a two-thousand-stone ship. Both of them were once ministers of the country, but they are no longer. Cui Huan was appointed as the admonishing doctor and was in charge of the admonishment court, while Pei Mian was appointed as the Imperial College's minister of wine, which is equivalent to the minister of education.

At noon that day, the two of them drank and ate on the boat. Of course, senior officials were more comfortable. The small table was placed by the window. The two of them sat opposite each other, drinking and enjoying the scenery on the bank of the Yellow River.

"This Zhengshitang reform is generally highly praised. What does Brother Cui think?" Pei Min asked, holding a wine glass.

Cui Huan said happily: "I also think it is very good. For example, the establishment of a special prime minister has changed the past. Everyone has to be in charge of the affairs and everyone has to control the overall situation. It feels very repetitive and unnecessary. It completely eliminates the right prime minister.

Now each assistant minister is in charge of his own affairs and is only responsible for matters within his own scope of authority, so that things can be done well and in detail.

There is also Baihutang. I think it is a stroke of genius that standardizes everyone's duties and responsibilities, who should do what, and what level is responsible for it. This has changed the previous chaotic situation where power and authority were not divided.

More importantly, it used the system to limit the power of the monarch and clarify the power of the monarch and the power of the prime minister. This was the most powerful method since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. The supervisor actually limited his power. I am afraid that only Emperor Taizong could achieve this. "

Pei Min nodded, "This is actually because the Jianguo has learned the lesson of the eunuch's monopoly. The emperor has too much control, and he does not have so much energy, so he naturally hands over a lot of power to deal with memorials to the eunuchs and attendants, whether it is the Supreme Emperor, It is still the same problem as the late emperor. The emperor is in charge of the emperor's affairs, the prime minister is in charge of the prime minister's affairs, and the minister is in charge of the minister's affairs. Everyone performs their duties and goes their own way, and the government will run smoothly. This Baihutang system is indeed a stroke of genius, but you Still underestimated the supervisory state, he decentralized power on the one hand, but centralized power on the other.”

"What does Xiandi mean?" Cui Huan asked in confusion.

"Inner Guard!"

Pei Min said slowly: "The inner guards will definitely not be disbanded. Isn't this just to monitor everyone?"

Cui Huan shook his head, "Brother Xian, I have a bit of a misunderstanding. Supervisor Guo told everyone about this last time. The inner guard is not the plum blossom guard of the eunuch party. The duty of the inner guard is not to monitor high-ranking officials, nor to monitor local officials, nor to monitor The common people, from the beginning, have not been.

The internal guards always deal with the problem rather than the person. The first purpose of the internal guards is to fight against crimes, such as bandits who roam around. For example, the imperial court strictly prohibited private coinage, but it never stopped, even if the crackdown was not effective. In the future, the imperial court would also monopolize salt and iron, and Various bills in the counter will be counterfeited. Many major cases are now difficult to control by local officials alone and must be handled by the imperial guards.

The Supervisor also mentioned an important thing, which is to prevent the outflow of technology, such as our porcelain-making technology, sericulture and silk-making technology, textile technology, tea-growing and tea-making technology, as well as iron-smelting technology, shipbuilding technology, gunpowder and firearms technology, Once these advanced technologies were learned by the barbarians, it would affect Datang's trade at the least, and threaten the security of the Tang Dynasty at worst.

The most realistic situation is Tubo. Princess Wencheng brought many advanced technologies to Tubo. What happened in the end? The lesson is profound!

Therefore, everyone thinks that what the supervisor said makes sense, and there is indeed a need to retain the internal guards. "

Pei Mian was a little ashamed. He thought that the inner guard was the plum blossom guard, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

At this time, a boatman suddenly shouted: "We have passed Sanmen Gorge!"

The two of them quickly looked out. Both of them had participated in the management of Sanmenxia, ​​and they both felt that something was wrong.

"Why is there a pillar missing? Did I make a mistake?" Cui Huan asked in surprise.

"I didn't notice it either. Let's go out and take a look."

I quickly got up and walked out of the cabin, and found that the Sanmen Gorge had turned into the Two Gate Gorge. The mainstay in the middle was gone, the water flow became very gentle, and the former dangerous Sanmen Gorge was almost gone.

When the boat sailed smoothly through Sanmenxia, ​​the two of them were still in shock and looked at each other. What happened?

The boatman saw their shock and said with a smile: "Two officers, Sanmenxia has changed a lot. There are no pillars in the middle, and the rapids and dangerous reefs are gone. We boatmen are the happiest. How many people died every year in the past?" !”

"What's going on?" Cui Huan asked anxiously.

"A few months ago, the army fired artillery and blasted the mountain here. It took half a month to destroy the hill in the middle."


This word felt strange to them, and Pei Min asked: "What was used to explode it?"

The boatman shook his head, "We only saw white smoke from a distance, the sound was like huge thunder, and large rocks fell into the Yellow River. I don't know what they were used to explode!"

Cui Huan suddenly realized that it should be the iron fire thunder that the supervisor said could blow up the city, a sharp weapon made by the Firearms and Gunpowder Administration.

"Can the three thousand stone boats leave now?" Pei Mian asked the boatman again.

"Three thousand stone ships?"

The boatman chuckled and said, "Thousand-stone boats can go, but only three-thousand-stone boats can go to Tianbao Canal. It's not wrong to say three-thousand-stone boats."

The ship gradually moved away from Sanmenxia, ​​and the two of them became even more curious. They thought that the difficulty of managing Sanmenxia was to dig roads on the mountains on both sides, and they never thought about moving mountains. King Qi was really extraordinary. He could actually move mountains. What about the people in Guanzhong? Many waterways can be realized. For example, the Tongjing Canal connecting the Danba River and the Second River was aborted in the middle of its construction. Isn't it because the mountain could not be dug?

The westward extension of the Wei River was also abandoned because the excavation work was too large. If there were sharp excavation weapons, could all these unfinished projects be completed?

At this moment, both of them were filled with expectations.

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