
Chapter 1199 Emergency

Just when Li Ye arrived in Quanzhou, the four major vassal towns finally completed the alliance and formed an alliance army, named the United Vertical Army. However, the number of the army changed from the originally proposed army of 30,000, and increased to 50,000. , among which Tian Chengsi sent 20,000 troops, and the other three families each sent 10,000 troops.

The leader of the combined army was Tian Chengsi's cousin Tian Qianzhen, who was one of An Lushan's fierce generals. After the fall of Luoyang, he fled without knowing where to go. In fact, he defected to his cousin Tian Chengsi.

In the past few years, he had been helping Tian Chengsi train the army behind the scenes, and now Tian Chengsi finally pushed him to the front desk without changing his name.

Ten days after the joint army was formed, Tian Qianzhen led an army of 50,000 to launch a surprise attack on Xiangzhou.

Xue Song, the commander of the Xiangwei Jiedushi, rushed to the battle with an army of 30,000. Xue Song was not as strong as the Hezong Army and was defeated by the Hezong Army of 50,000. His fourth brother Xue Ji was killed in the battle. Xue Song led less than 20,000 troops and retreated to Wei. state.

However, after Tian Qianzhen occupied Xiangzhou, he did not lead the army south to Weizhou. Instead, the army continued northward and occupied Mingzhou. At the same time, Li Baochen's army occupied Zhaozhou.

Unexpectedly, Tian Qianzhen captured Xiangzhou and did not continue to attack Weizhou. This was Tian Chengsi's cunning. He captured Xiangzhou, let Weizhou go without attacking, and used Weizhou as a buffer. In this way, he The army will not threaten Huaizhou or Luoyang.

What is sophistication? This is sophistication. Li Zhengyi and his son thought that if they supported Tian Chengsi to attack Xiangwei Jiedushi, Tian Chengsi would get burned and become the first target of Guan Long's army.

Little did they know that if Tian Chengsi spared Weizhou and did not fight, this military operation would not threaten Luoyang's security, and its severity and urgency would be greatly reduced.

When the army was defeated in Weizhou, Xue Song immediately wrote a memorial and rushed it 800 miles to Chang'an to ask for help from Chang'an.

Xue Song's memorial asking for help was sent to Chang'an, and was sent to the White Tiger Hall by Xiangwei Jiedufu Jinzouyuan. The White Tiger Hall was designated as Class A, affixed with a red label, and sent directly to the Secretariat of the Supervisory State. Wei Yingwu sent someone to forward it. Entered the palace of King Qi.

This memorial fell into the hands of Princess Dugu Xinyue. Dugu Xinyue was a little worried. She was actually asking for help in the war. What should she do? She had never encountered such an emergency.

She wanted to invite her father to discuss it, but it felt inappropriate. After thinking about it, she found Yang Yuhuan.

"Yuhuan, look at this!"

She handed the emergency memorial to Yang Yuhuan, "Can you give me an idea, what should I do?"

Yang Yuhuan is also a simple and honest woman. She has never encountered such a thing, but she has a little experience. She thought about it: "Did your husband give you any note before he left?"

Yang Yuhuan's words suddenly reminded Dugu Xinyue that although her husband did not give her any note, he did give her a booklet for handling emergencies.

She hurried to the study and found this booklet. There were fifteen emergency plans in total, including the emergency plan for the mutiny in Hebei.

The solution written below is to submit the memorial to the Privy Council to evaluate its urgency and ask for a reply within one day. If it is very urgent, it can be approved and implemented, and the political affairs hall will discuss the dispatch of troops. If the evaluation is ordinary urgency, then wait until I come back to deal with it. .

With her husband's countermeasures in hand, Dugu Xinyue breathed a long sigh of relief. She immediately asked the female guard to forward the memorial to Privy Councilor Duan Xiushi, with the following message, 'Please evaluate the urgency of the incident and reply within one day! ’

The Privy Council is actually the inevitable development of the separation of powers between the monarch and the prime minister. Any court has three major powers, military power, official power and financial power. The emperor and the prime minister also compete for these three powers.

Military power is divided into control power and daily management power. The control power of the army has always been in the hands of the emperor, who uses military symbols or festival symbols to control and mobilize the army. The previously established Generalissimo's Mansion of the Army and Horses of the World was the institution through which the emperor controlled the army. However, in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, Controlled by eunuchs.

The Ministry of War is responsible for management matters such as local state troop management, local bandit suppression, military academies, military examinations, and map production.

The Privy Council is an advanced version of the Mansion of the Grand Marshal of the World's Soldiers and Horses. It has changed from the special control stage of war to the control stage of peacetime. The Grand Marshal of the World's Soldiers and Horses has been abolished and the Privy Council has been established instead.

The Privy Council does not belong to the Political Hall. It reports directly to the monarch. The chief officer of the Privy Council, the Privy Councilor, must also join the Political Hall and become a member of the Political Hall.

Privy Councilor Duan Xiushi has returned to Chang'an. He received the Class A memorial from the princess and immediately handed it over to his subordinates for review.

An hour later, Privy Council Governor Li Daojie walked into the official room and handed the evaluation report to Duan Xiushi. Duan Xiushi looked at the evaluation and found that the severity of the situation was major, the urgency was non-urgent, and the hazard was moderate.

The specialized evaluation agency of the Privy Council is the Intelligence Department. The Intelligence Department conducts comprehensive evaluations based on various types of intelligence, generally evaluating the importance, urgency, and harm of matters.

Events are divided into three categories: major, moderate and minor according to their importance.

According to the urgency evaluation, it is divided into urgent urgency, general urgency, and non-urgency.

According to the hazard evaluation, it is divided into high, medium and low levels.

Although the princess only asked for an urgency evaluation, since it is a formal report, all three aspects must be evaluated.

Duan Xiushi asked calmly: "Why is it a non-emergency situation?"

"Reporting to the envoy, if the army of the feudal town attacks Luoyang, it will be an urgent matter. The next level is to attack Huaizhou or cross the Yellow River. We will classify it as a general emergency event.

Now the opponent is still across Weizhou from Huaizhou, and there is no sign of crossing the Yellow River. Although Xue Song urgently asked for help at a distance of 800 miles, it is not urgent in fact. According to the intelligence we have, the opponent's target is not Luoyang. They I just want to use this method to test the combat effectiveness of the Hezong Army.

Of course, if a vassal town attacks the imperial court's land, it must be a major event, so we classify the severity of the incident as major. As for the harm, if there is no large-scale burning, killing, and rape, it is considered a medium harm. "

Duan Xiushi nodded, "The key is Weizhou. With Weizhou as a buffer, we don't have to rush to consider sending troops."

Duan Xiushi then sent the evaluation report and memorial back to Qi Palace.

With the Privy Council's report, Princess Dugu Xinyue was completely relieved. She immediately gave instructions in the memorial, "We will discuss the dispatch of troops after His Royal Highness the Supervisor returns, and other matters will be discussed by the Political Affairs Hall." ’

She forwarded the memorial and the Privy Council's report to the Political Affairs Hall, and they were quickly sent to the desk of Right Minister Li Dai.

Right Prime Minister Li Dai immediately sent people to notify the assistant ministers to conduct discussions in the political hall.

Not long after, Li Dai, the right prime minister, Zhang Li, the left prime minister, and seven assistant prime ministers, Li Mi, the official minister, Liu Yan, the household minister, Wei Jiansu, the rite minister, Dugu Lie, the military minister, Pei Zunqing, the criminal minister, Li Xian, the industrial minister, Privy Councilor Duan Xiushi and others gathered in the meeting hall to urgently discuss the response to the Hebei mutiny.

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