
Chapter 128 The root of civil strife

Li Ye saw that his grandfather disagreed with Anlushan's statement of rebellion. He couldn't control the anger in his heart and said: "Now the Tang Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles, land annexation, the corruption of the military system, and the people everywhere are in dire straits. Anlushan has a heavy army in Youzhou and is eyeing the Central Plains." , how could he not have ambition?"

Li Linfu shook his head, "The border army is too powerful. It's not just an issue in Anlu Mountain, it's the same in other places. Gao Xianzhi can completely separate Anxi and establish his own country, and the imperial court is beyond his reach. Ge Shuhan can also separate Hehuang Longyou, Anxi Sishun can also separatize Hexi. If they have this intention, they can support their own troops. Is this a problem that only you can see and no one else can?"

Li Ye calmed down and asked, "Then how will the court deal with this risk?"

"The imperial court has a system to restrain them. One is the hostages. An Lushan, Ge Shuhan, Gao Xianzhi, An Sishun, etc. Their eldest sons are all hostages in Chang'an. At the same time, the emperor sent a supervisory army.

And on my side, I have to send someone to inspect them every three months. They don't dare to act rashly. As long as there is a strict system, it is not that easy for him to rebel. "

Li Ye was really helpless. When Li Linfu took office, the system was indeed sound. All the generals were honest, including An Lushan, who did not dare to make any small moves.

However, after Yang Guozhong took over as prime minister, various systems were neglected or abolished, which eventually led to An Lushan's rebellion.

"Grandpa, these systems treat the symptoms but not the root cause! The best way is to eliminate risks."

Li Linfu took two more steps with his hands behind his back and said to Li Ye: "You said that the people's lives are difficult, the government's finances are tight, and the land annexation is serious. These grandfathers understand. In fact, these are not the root of the world's chaos, and there are not as many foreign troubles as you said. Seriously, although Tubo peeks at Longyou and Hexi, we can deal with it.

The ambitious Western Turks were destroyed in the early years of Tianbao. Although the Uighurs gradually became stronger, the grasslands were rich and fertile, and the nomadic people had no motivation to go south. Although you were worried about the country and the people, you didn't know the source of the crisis in the Tang Dynasty. . "

Li Ye slowly calmed down, "Can you please tell me, grandfather?"

Li Linfu sat down and said slowly: "The story begins with the Six Towns Mutiny three hundred years ago. In order to deal with Rouran, the Northern Wei Dynasty set up six military towns in the grassland and moved millions of Han people to garrison the military towns. These Han people were in the grassland. After living in the world for decades, except for their appearance and language, they are still Han Chinese, and their customs and personalities have become barbaric.

Later, after the rebellion of the Six Towns garrison was suppressed, the Northern Wei Dynasty moved hundreds of thousands of Six Towns sergeants and their families to Hebei, Shandong, and Guanlong. This was the biggest mistake of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and it lured the wolf into the house.

The soldiers in these military towns are all brave and strong, and are not afraid of the government. Everyone can stand alone, and they are also very united. They bully the good, seize land, join forces to fight against the government, and kill without restraint, so that the local government has to compromise. They quickly He became a local powerful in every county or even every township.

Hundreds of thousands of people were placed in Hebei, Shandong and Guanlong, and two major power groups were quickly formed, which have been in confrontation from the Northern Wei Dynasty to today. "

Li Ye blurted out, "Hebei Group and Guanlong Group."

"That's right!"

Li Linfu continued: "Under the control of these two major forces, the Northern Wei Dynasty split into the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty. The two major power groups simply established their own countries and established the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty.

The Northern Zhou Dynasty was composed of the Guanlong power group. First, the Yuwen family won the throne. Later, the Yang family overthrew the Yuwen family and established the Sui Dynasty. Later, our Li family replaced the Yang family and established the Tang Dynasty.

Ye'er, you understand! It was not only our Li family that ruled the Tang Dynasty, but the entire Guanlong Group. The wealth and power of the Tang Dynasty were basically divided up by the Guanlong Group. Wu Zetian, like Yang Guang, wanted to get rid of the control of the Guanlong Group before moving the capital. When they arrived in Luoyang, they failed in the end, so they moved the capital back to Chang'an. "

"Where is Hebei Group?" Li Ye asked again.

"To be precise, the Hebei Group is called the Hebei Shandong Group. After the fall of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty did not kill them all, but continued to reuse them and use them to contain the Guanlong Group.

In the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, after the defeat of Dou Jiande's forces and the Wagang forces, they turned to support Emperor Taizong. The Wagang forces behind Taizong were actually Hebei and Shandong forces, while the forces supporting Prince Li Jiancheng were mainly Guanlong forces. .

However, the Hebei power group was not reused because of Taizong's victory. On the contrary, they were gradually marginalized. Especially when the emperor relied on the support of the Guanlong nobles to seize the throne, the Hebei power group was comprehensively suppressed, and the Guanlong group almost had a monopoly. With all the wealth of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor could not touch their interests, which made the Hebei power group extremely dissatisfied.

Seeing that the people in Hebei and Shandong were disloyal, the power groups in Hebei were gradually showing signs of rebellion, and the power of Guanlong was growing more and more, I suggested to the emperor that the Hu people in Guanlong should be used as border generals, especially An Lushan, who himself was A native of Hexi and loyal to the court, he was able to suppress the attempts of the Hebei power group. "

Only then did Li Ye understand the court's intention to introduce barbarian forces to balance the Hebei Group and Guanlong Group, but this was a double-edged sword!

Although it was useful in the early stage, wasn't the subsequent An-Shi Rebellion and the separatist regimes the result of the interest alliance between the Hu forces and the Hebei power groups?

Li Ye had no choice but to say again: "Grandpa, let's continue talking about Tongluo!"

Li Linfu said: "I can persuade the emperor not to let An Lushan interfere with the Absi rebellion. I think your plan is for me to lead the army to Shuofang, with Shuofang soldiers and horses as the main general, Guo Ziyi, and Beiting Jiedu as the envoy Cheng Qianli. Cut off Absi's retreat and completely encircle Absi's troops."

Li Ye leaned over and said: "My grandfather does not have to go to Shuofang in person, but he must become the commander-in-chief. He can sit in Yuanzhou and gather all the troops to go north. If this battle is handled well, my grandfather will gain great reputation, at least for three to five years." The emperor will not touch my grandfather."

Li Linfu nodded, and his grandson suggested that he should be the coach. It came to his heart, but the emperor may not agree!

He smiled bitterly and said: "In this case, the prince will usually be appointed as the commander, and military power will not be easily given to outsiders!"

Li Ye thought for a while and said: "Grandpa, you can give it a try. My grandson feels that since the emperor is very wary of the prince, he may not give military power to the prince. In addition, my grandson has another suggestion."

"Tell me, do you have any other suggestions?"

"The imperial court can send 30,000 troops, but this is only a superficial army. The purpose is to make Absi feel lucky that he can defeat the imperial army and occupy Shuofang, so that he will not escape.

Sun'er's intention was both overt and covert. Overtly, he wanted 30,000 imperial troops, but secretly he wanted Zhang Qiqiu's 24,000 Shuofang troops in Hehuang to return to support Shuo Fang. In this way, the 54,000 troops plus the one Shuofang army left behind would be sent back to Shuo Fang. Only an army of 10,000 people could defeat 30,000 Tongluo cavalry. Otherwise, the troops would be too few. In the event of a disastrous defeat, my grandfather would have a heavy responsibility. "

Li Linfu nodded, "What you said makes sense. This is a double-edged sword. It can either consolidate my phase or overthrow it. I will try my best to persuade the emperor according to your plan!"

After all that needed to be said, Li Ye left and walked to the door. He turned back and said, "What if one day An Lushan forms an alliance with the Hebei Group?"

Li Linfu nodded slowly, "I will take your reminder to heart!"

In the end, Li Min did not escape the severe punishment of his father Li Linfu. He was suspected of paying to kill others and was first dismissed from his official position. With Li Linfu's acquiescence, the county government found Li Min guilty, sentenced him to a hundred canes, and was exiled to Yunnan for three years.

His wife and several sons were also sent to live in Hanzhong Manor and were no longer allowed to live in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this moment, the top five games also kicked off. This time, the top five games included Xiaoqiwei Polo Team, Fan Yangjun Polo Team, Longyou Army Polo Team, Anxi Army Polo Team and Tianpeng Polo Team. .

Among the five teams, the Xiaoqiwei Polo Team and Fan Yangjun Polo Team are the strongest, while the Tianpeng Polo Team is the weakest. They were very lucky in the last round, drawing the Yang Family Polo Team and luckily making it into the finals. Top five.

There was no such good luck in the top five. The Tianpeng Polo Team was drawn against the Fan Yangjun Polo Team in the first match.

Many history books say that the Anlushan Rebellion was caused by Li Linfu's improper employment, but I think it should be analyzed from the historical perspective. The Sui and Tang Dynasties were actually the continuation of the Northern Wei and the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the root of the Anshi Rebellion was also in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The struggle between the two major power groups in the north did not end until the Song Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, the entire economy had shifted to the south of the Yangtze River and the north was in decline.

Just like when we analyze the Ming and Qing Dynasties, we cannot ignore the influence of the Jiangnan Chaebol for more than a thousand years.

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