
Chapter 139 Emergency Departure

After being severely punished by Li Ye and promoted to deputy captain, Yu Chiguang finally became more honest, and he began to perform his duties as deputy captain conscientiously.

"The team is unaware of something. It's not that they are free of charge. The scouts have always been a special establishment. There are only ten people in a team and a hundred in a battalion. However, the scout soldiers are all the best among the best, so there are fewer people and fewer soldiers."

"The best of the best?"

Li Ye shook his head and sneered: "Why can't I feel it?"

Yuchiguang smiled bitterly and said: "Every battalion has a saying of oxtail, which means to pick out the best, and the remaining old and weak form a team, usually the team with the last number, so the tenth team and the second team of the scout battalion All ten teams are Oxtails.”

"All teams are temporary combinations?"

Yuchi Guang nodded, "The other battalions are mobilized as a whole, but our scout battalion is a temporary combination. The main reason is that we don't need scouts at ordinary times. When necessary, we temporarily mobilize soldiers to act as scouts."

Li Ye felt a little bad, "Don't we have a dedicated scout in our team?"

Yuchi Guang chuckled, "Not only are there no special scouts, but almost all of them are new recruits. Didn't the captain notice that?"

Li Ye felt dizzy for a while. He thought he was a new recruit, but he didn't expect that most of his subordinates were also new soldiers. What kind of elite scout was this?

At this time, a young soldier ran up and said: "Commander, Colonel Han wants you to come over!"

Li Ye got up and went to the camp of the captain Han Zheng. There were already several captains sitting in the camp.

Han Zheng waved to Li Ye, "I'm waiting for you, come in and sit down!"

Li Ye sat down cross-legged, and Han Zheng said to the five teams: "Our Yingyang Army is the first batch of troops to set off. We will set off in two days. General Manager Ma has ordered the scout battalion to go first. Currently, only your five teams are present in our right battalion. , so the fifth team of you will leave first. The equipment and dry food will be sent to you in the afternoon. Go back and prepare! We must set off before dark."

Everyone looked at each other, today is only the first day, are they about to set off?

Han Zheng said helplessly: "I also know that everyone needs time to adapt, but the military orders are overwhelming. It is said that the situation in Shuofang is not good, and reinforcements are urgently urged to go north."

Li Ye raised his hand and said, "Where is our marching route?"

Han Zheng collected five maps and distributed them to everyone, "This is your mission map. Follow the route on the map and go north. If you encounter special circumstances, such as landslides blocking roads, or floods destroying roads and bridges, send people back immediately. Report!"

Everyone stood up one after another, took the order arrows, and went back to the big tent.

Li Ye also returned to his tent and said to Yuchi Guang: "Hurry up and gather everyone, we have a mission!"

Yu Chiguang yelled and cursed, and everyone entered the tent.

Li Ye said to everyone: "I just received the order. We are going to set off today. Everyone pack up. The equipment and dry food will be delivered in the afternoon, and then we set off!"

Yuchi Guang was also surprised and said: "Didn't you say you need to train for ten days?"

Li Ye shook his head, "It is said that the situation in Shuofang is critical and reinforcements are urgently needed. The Yingyang Army will set off in two days, and we are leaving today!"

Although Yu Chiguang usually had a playful smile on his face, he was also anxious now. He stepped forward and whispered to Li Ye: "Brothers have never been trained. They just know how to ride a horse. They don't even know how to ride and shoot. They don't understand the requirements of the scout army." What to do, it’s easy to get into trouble if you go north like this!”

"The military order has been issued. If you don't want to go, you have to go. Get used to it as you go!"

Yuchi Guang looked at the command arrow in Li Ye's hand. After a long while, he could only sigh, "Life and death are fateful, and death will be considered a mistake!"

Everyone began to pack their bags. In the afternoon, the logistics camp sent war horses and horses. There were fourteen horses in total. In addition to each person's riding horse, the remaining horses were used to carry supplies, mainly grain, grass and medicine. Food was mainly It's horse food. War horses can't just eat hay, but also wheat, black beans, etc. to have the strength to run. As for tents, forget about tents. Each person has a roll of military blankets.

After getting used to it for half an hour, groups of scout cavalry set off, running towards Jingyuan Road in the northeast.

It was also the first time that Li Ye led ten of his men on an expedition. Even Yu Chiguang had never been to Shuofang. Fortunately, Wang Yu's mother in the veteran fried dough sticks was from Lingwu County. Wang Yu had been to Shuofang many times and he was familiar with it. During the journey, Li Ye asked him to be his guide.

“There are two ways to go to Shuofang via the Jingshui River. One is from Yuanzhou and goes out of Xiaoguan to Shuofang. The other is from the Zomaling River Gorge, passing through Qingzhou and crossing the Qinggang Mountains and entering Shuofang. The two ways are from Pizhou. It bifurcates. Generally, Wonju Road is the main road. It is flat, wide and easy to walk, while Gyeongju Road is a secondary road. The road is more difficult and dangerous, and it is easy to encounter dangers. The map the team is getting is Gyeongju Road. Hey! It must be It’s been chosen.”

Since it is the Oxtail Team, they must have the awareness of the Oxtail Team. Naturally, it is their turn to pick the leftovers from others. Li Ye has long discovered that even their horses are picked out by others.


Li Ye looked at the sky, turned around and shouted: "Rest after entering Jingyuan Road!"

A group of cavalry sped up and ran towards the entrance of Jingyuan Road.

At the first watch, the soldiers of the scout team spent the night in a pine forest twenty miles away from Jingyang County. The soldiers had eaten dry food, drank water, and fed their horses. Everyone wrapped in blankets and slept soundly under the trees. .

At this time, Yu Chiguang stepped forward and pushed Wang Yu gently. Wang Yu woke up. Yu Chiguang hissed and whispered: "Follow me!"

Wang Yu quickly stood up and followed Yuchi Guang to tiptoe out of the pine forest.

"I discovered the captain's secret!" Yu Chiguang whispered.

"What is it?"

“Just come and see!”

Outside the pine forest was the Jingshui River. The two of them were lying on a mound. Yuchi Guang pointed to the waves on the water and whispered: "The team is practicing underwater, and the entire river surface is stirred up by him."

"Practice underwater?"

Wang Yu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. "Have you never heard that you can practice martial arts underwater?"

Yu Chiguang gave him a look of disdain, "That's because you are too low-level and ignorant. Do you know that the powerful children are practicing martial arts?"

It has been recognized by everyone that the team is the son of a powerful person. The soldiers were amazed by the black satin-like BMW, and even the captain Han Zheng was jealous.

Wang Yu was even more surprised, "I wonder which powerful family the captain is a descendant of?"

"How do I know?"

"You boast that you are a descendant of Yuchi Gong, don't you know?"

"I am a bastard, worse than a domestic slave, what a piece of shit!"

"Shh! He's coming up."

Li Ye came to the surface to take a breath, and the two quickly lowered their heads.

Yuchiguang waved his hand, meaning to withdraw. Wang Yu went down first. Yuchiguang looked at it for a while, his eyes full of envy. His ancestor Yuchigong also practiced martial arts in the Sanggan River!

Li Ye's martial arts training in Jingshui tonight was particularly effective. On the one hand, the cement and sand content in Jingshui was relatively large, and the water flow resistance was extremely high. On the other hand, he changed his weapons and no longer used a polo club, but used a knife to chop in the water. The chop was wider and almost stirred up the entire river.

Li Ye waved the knife with difficulty under the water, and the veins of the water flow became clearer. Thin water flows were like hair, sliding across his arms. He carefully captured the changes in every water flow in the water, and the sediment gave him The feeling is more acute.

The change of water flow is actually the change of power. When he feels the water flow and controls the water flow, he is actually feeling the power and controlling the power.

This was how Pei Xingyan learned his martial arts back then, polishing his rough and rough strength into something stronger, thicker, more detailed and precise.

When he was sixteen years old, Pei Xingyan mastered the Suzaku Mental Technique and became a powerful general in the world.

At this time, Li Ye was also experiencing the essence of what Pei Xingyan said. This is how it feels to embroider with a thousand-pound iron needle. It is extremely heavy, yet extremely delicate.

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