
Chapter 147 The crisis is difficult to resolve

The battle to attack the suspension bridge was still going on. Although the centurion Adele was killed, another centurion assumed the important responsibility of command.

There was a row of wooden shelves built at the bottom of the suspension bridge. Several soldiers stood on the shelves and struggled to chop down the suspension bridge with axes.

The suspension bridge is made of dozens of thigh-thick pieces of wood nailed together, and then wrapped with iron sheets. It is very strong. There are only two ways to destroy it. One is to cut off a few pieces of wood, and the suspension bridge will become loose. The other way is to smash the upper part. There are two iron chains, but the position is too high and it is difficult to get started.

The Tongluo rebels chose the former. As long as a few pieces of wood were cut off, the suspension bridge would be destroyed.

The three soldiers chopped hard, with a suspension bridge above their heads, which could block arrows. There were dozens of soldiers around them holding shields and spears for protection.

Fire Chief Yang Li pointed to the suspension bridge and said: "As we stand, the enemy must want to destroy the suspension bridge and then hit the city gate with a battering ram."

Of course, Li Ye knew the enemy's intentions. In any case, he would never give the enemy a chance to attack the city.

Li Ye quickly inspected the enemy situation. It was said that there were three enemy troops under the suspension bridge. They could not see their figures, but the sound of chopping wood could be heard. There were more than thirty soldiers around, holding spears and shields, and the main enemy force was about three. A hundred steps away.

Li Ye lowered his head and glanced at the city wall again. The city wall was very old and many city bricks were broken. He jumped up and climbed down the city wall quickly, just like an ape. The soldiers and civilians on the top of the city were stunned.

When he arrived at the city, Li Ye saw three people chopping wood under the suspension bridge at a glance. Li Ye immediately pulled out three arrows, held two arrows in his mouth, opened his bow and pulled the string, and shot the three arrows like meteors chasing the moon.

He had to shoot three people in the shortest time, otherwise the soldiers next to him would protect them with shields, making it difficult to shoot again. His chance only lasted a moment.

Just as the leading soldier raised his axe, he was shot through the neck by a sudden arrow and fell into the water.

The other two Tongluo soldiers turned around instinctively and were hit by two arrows. "Puff! Puff!" The two arrows hit their heads. They both fell into the river, and the three axes also fell into the moat.

Only then did the dozens of soldiers protecting the three of them notice Li Ye, who was a hundred steps away. They all raised their shields high and shouted to kill Li Ye.

Li Ye took his time and shot at the legs. Every time an arrow was shot, a soldier fell to the ground with a broken leg bone.

Fifteen arrows were shot out in one breath, and fifteen soldiers were shot to the ground. Hundreds of soldiers on the top of the city took the opportunity to fire arrows randomly. All fifteen people who fell to the ground were shot dead, and most of the other soldiers were also hit by arrows. , the remaining seven or eight people ran for their lives, but in the end only three escaped back to the military formation.

In this battle, Li Ye completely established a high prestige among everyone.

The first round of attack was over. The Tongluo rebels had killed more than 170 soldiers. Little Arbus discovered that the human ladder also had a siege effect. He decided to launch another round of human ladder attack at night. He ordered the army to temporarily withdraw to Three miles away.

Li Ye also seized the opportunity to let the soldiers go out of the city and collect the enemy's weapons, shields, bows, arrows and armor. Except for the corpses, all other military supplies were returned to the city.

In the fierce fighting during the day, nearly 200 civilians in the city were killed and injured, and the funeral arrangements were left to the county magistrate.

Li Ye was concerned about the night. The opponent was a guerrilla army and did not carry tent supplies. They only carried some dry food with them, which could only last for two to three days at most. How could the opponent miss the opportunity to attack at night?

Li Ye summoned several leaders to discuss the night's defense. Yang Kan said worriedly: "The common people basically don't know how to use bows and arrows. It wasn't until the end that they became a little more proficient. I thought it was necessary to reorganize the team and gather people who can shoot bows and arrows. Those who can't shoot bows and arrows can gather the tall and strong ones with spears and let them wear armor, and then the women will be responsible for carrying and caring for the wounded soldiers, and preparing meals, etc. They are really not suitable for direct combat."

Li Ye nodded, "Captain Yang is right. We were too pressed for time before and did not subdivide it. Now we really need to subdivide it. We will start subdividing the troops after our discussion is over."

Yuchi Guang also said: "We put too much manpower on other city walls, but the rebels only attacked the North City, which is a bit of a waste of manpower. I suggest redistributing it."

Li Ye thought for a while and said: "It's okay during the day, but the opponent may also use sneak attacks at night, so it won't be limited to Beicheng. Let's discuss how to arrange the defense tonight."

"Team leader, I feel that if they attack at night, the rebels will definitely use stacked ladders, just like today during the day. The opponent only needs four floors to climb to the top of the city. It is convenient and fast, and it poses a great threat to us."

Yang Li is the fire chief of the 7th Scout Team and has rich experience. Li Ye can see clearly today that the soldiers of the 7th Team performed very well. They are not an oxtail team. They are all elite soldiers. They are led by five veterans. Five hundred civilians withstood the attack of two hundred Tongluo Hanjun.

Li Ye nodded and said: "Yu Chiguang used to be a school captain. You will be responsible for commanding the defense tonight. I will go to the outside to sneak attack on the enemy. Cooperation from inside and outside will have miraculous effects. In case of emergency, launch a rocket to notify me. Then tonight, the first officer will Ten brothers from the seventh team led a thousand men to the city to defend it."

"What about re-forming the team?" Yang Kan asked anxiously.

Li Ye waved his hand, "We can select within each team first, separate the archers and spear soldiers, and then we can regroup them after tonight is over!"

Li Ye said to Yuchi Guang again: "I found that there is a lot of wheat straw in the city. The rebels built human ladders to throw down a large amount of wheat straw and burn it."

Yu Chiguang was overjoyed, "The team leader is right, burning will definitely be effective, I'll go prepare now!"

"Wait a minute!"

Li Ye stopped him again and said, "I will deal with the rebels in Beicheng. There is no need to burn wheat straw here in Beicheng!"

Yu Chiguang knew what the captain was capable of, and when he launched a ruthless attack, even two or three hundred people might not be his opponents.

"I humbly obey my orders!"

Each team is starting to select internally, sorting out the women, and then the remaining young and strong men are divided into crossbowmen and spearmen, and everyone is busy.

Li Ye silently left the city with a bow and arrow on his back and a sword in his hand. It was not even the first watch yet. He sank to the bottom of the Anleshui River a mile east of the city and began to practice martial arts at the bottom of the river. He did not want to interrupt it, even if the war No matter how nervous he is, he still has to practice hard.

On the river bank, Zhang Wei, a soldier under his command, stared nervously into the distance, standing guard for Li Ye.

The Anle water was ten feet deep. Li Ye stood at the bottom of the river, his heart completely immersed in another world.

Li Ye felt the slightest trace of water flow, and it was particularly clear. He slashed out with his sword, and the entire river was affected by him. It was also a strong resistance, but this sword was not as strenuous as before, and instead slashed out smoothly.

After striking out eleven times in a row, he rushed out of the water to take a breath. Li Ye was also surprised that his efficiency today was so high, almost three times that of usual.

Could it be that the resistance of Anle Water is not enough? Impossible. He also practiced martial arts in Anle Shui two nights ago, but he could only make four blows. Today he made eleven blows.

Li Ye vaguely thought that this might be related to the fierce battle during the day. Could it be that Suzaku's mental skills were related to martial arts?

He took another deep breath and sank into the water.

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