
Chapter 159 Lingwu Guo Shuai

At this time, Liu Xing ran out of the woods and shouted: "Li Canjun, don't get me wrong, they are scouts sent by Guo Shijun of Lingwu County!"

"Guo Ziyi?" Li Ye asked.

The leading scout general stepped forward, clasped his fists, and said with a smile: "I was just testing Li Canjun's martial arts skills. How offended!"

Only then did Li Ye see the general in front of him clearly. What surprised him was that this general seemed to be about the same age as him, and he was also a young general.

Li Ye nodded, "I misunderstood, I almost hurt my brother just now, please forgive me!"

The young general clasped his fists and said, "I, Lieutenant Hunyang Guoyi, originally didn't believe that Li Shenjun could single-handedly burn down the enemy's granary, but now I believe it!"

Li Ye couldn't help but look at him a few more times. It turned out that this man was Hun Yao, a famous general in the Tang Dynasty.

Hun Yao said again: "Shijun Guo found out about the fire in the county town and sent me to check the situation!"

Li Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "So, Commander Guo is nearby?"

"Just over ten miles to the north!"

Li Ye nodded, "Then please ask General Hun to take me to see Lord Guo!"

"Okay! Guo Shijun also wants to know about the fire situation in the city."

Hun Yao and his men immediately got on their horses. Li Ye ordered Liu Xing to go back to the camp and report to His Highness King Guangping for him. He himself followed Hun Yao and galloped away to the north.

Hun Yao is from Tiele. He followed his father in the war against Tibet when he was eleven years old. He is a famous young general in the Shuofang army. He has made many military exploits. At the beginning of the year, he led a thousand troops to defeat the Helu tribe and recapture Longju. On the island, he was promoted to the captain of Guoyi based on meritorious service, and his official rank was the captain of Zhaowu, which was several levels higher than Li Ye's captain of xuanjie.

After running for more than ten miles, everyone slowed down their horses. It seemed that Hun Yao was not very old, but he was actually Captain Guo Yi. Li Ye couldn't help but ask: "How old is General Hun?"

Hun Yao smiled slightly and said: "I am fourteen years old this year!"

Li Ye was stunned, "We are actually the same age!"

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

More than ten miles to the north, Guo Ziyi has been waiting for a long time with his 10,000 elite troops. According to Li Chu's deployment, Guo Ziyi's army will penetrate the enemy's back from behind when the fierce battle between the two armies reaches a stalemate, becoming the final force to overwhelm the enemy. Key strength.

At this time, Guo Ziyi was staring at the raging fire in Mingsha County. The fire not only engulfed the entire warehouse, but also ignited a large number of surrounding houses. Almost the entire northern city of Mingsha County was swept by the fire, and the sky was also reflected in red.

At this time, the Guo Yi Commander Hunyang he sent came to Guo Ziyi and whispered a few words. Guo Ziyi nodded, "Please come up!"

Not long after, Li Ye was brought to Guo Ziyi. It was the first time that Li Ye saw this legendary old general from the Middle Tang Dynasty. He was about fifty years old, tall, with a square face and tiger eyes. Nose, deep eyes.

Li Ye clasped his fists on his horse and saluted, saying: "Li Ye joins the army under King Guangping to see the Jiedushi!"

"The grain fire in Mingsha County was caused by Li Canjun?"

Li Ye nodded and said: "My humble duty is to carry out the order of His Royal Highness King Guangping and raid the grain and grass warehouse in Mingsha County."

"Li Canjun is the only one?"

"There was a companion before, who went back to report the news."

Guo Ziyi chuckled and said: "I see, I originally wanted to send people to attack the Mingsha County granary, but I didn't expect that Li Canjun would take the lead."

"Make the envoy laugh!"

At this time, an official came up and said a few words to Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi looked Li Ye up and down. He solemnly asked: "Is Scout Li who led a dozen soldiers to protect the people of Anle County two days ago joining the army?"

Li Ye nodded, "That's right!"

Guo Ziyi was moved and quickly bowed to Li Ye and said: "Guo Ziyi thanks the young general for protecting the people of Shuofang. The military and civilians of Shuofang will remember the young general's life-saving grace!"

Li Ye returned the gift and said calmly: "This is the duty of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. Lord Guo does not need to be so polite."

Guo Ziyi sighed and said: "Li Canjun didn't know something. Anle County is a resettlement county for the families of military personnel. At least three thousand soldiers' families are in Anle County. I heard that little Arbus led his army to Anle County. I was extremely anxious, but he was The main force of Absi is keeping an eye on it and they don’t dare to act rashly. I’m always on tenterhooks, lest there is news of the massacre of the city, and I won’t be able to explain it to the soldiers!”

Guo Ziyi later received news that a scout team named Li Ye was leading a dozen men to fight against Little Albus's army and shot him dead. Later, when retreating, he was chased by Nagus's army again. This was the same man. Team Li was leading tens of thousands of people to hide in the canyon, repelling the attacks of Nagus's army time and time again. Nagus finally had to retreat, but tens of thousands of people were safe and sound.

Guo Ziyi wanted to thank this savior, but he didn't expect it to be right in front of him.

Li Ye waved his hand and said: "Only with my humble position and a dozen subordinates, I cannot defend Anle County, nor can I withstand the attack of Tongluo soldiers like wolves and tigers. The key is that the soldiers and civilians of Anle County stand up to resist, including the full assistance of Magistrate Wei, and Thanks to the heroic resistance of the militia soldiers, Yang Quan and dozens of soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country. They are the real heroes, and they are definitely not the work of a humble person!"

Seeing that the other party did not take any credit, Guo Ziyi was moved and said, "It shows how righteous Li Canjun is to comment on them like this!"

At this time, a soldier rushed over and reported with clasped fists: "I am reporting to Ambassador Guo that 30,000 Tongluo troops have sent troops southward!"

Guo Ziyi nodded. There was a fire in Mingsha County, and the other party had to send troops in advance.

He immediately shouted: "Send the order to the whole army, prepare to set off!"

Li Ye urged his horse to come to Hun Yao and said with a smile: "Brother Hun, let's fight together!"

Hun Yao laughed and said: "It is my honor to be able to fight alongside Li Xiandi!"

It was getting brighter, and in the wilderness about twenty miles south of Mingsha County, the two armies were gradually approaching.

The Tang army had 55,000 men deployed in the Feiyan Formation. The 30,000 infantrymen at the head of the Yan army were the main force of the army, and the left and right wings had 10,000 people each.

The commander of the 30,000 infantry is Dugu Lie, the commander of the right-wing army is the military commander Pugu Huai'en, and the commander-in-chief of the left-wing military commander is the military commander Hun Shizhi, who is Hun Yao's father.

There are also five thousand troops called Yanwei, led by Zhang Weiyue, deputy envoy of Shuofang Army.

Dugu Lie is an important figure in the Dugu family of Guanlong nobles. He is currently the right general of the Longwu Army. His father, Dugu Wei, once served as the general of Wanqiying and the minister of the Ministry of War. He is now the grand master and is retiring at home.

This time the 30,000 Guanzhong Army went to Shuofang, and Emperor Li Longji appointed Dugu Lie as the commander-in-chief of the 30,000 Army, responsible for leading the troops.

Dugulie was once a general of Wang Zhongsi. He had served in the army in Longyou and Hexi for many years and had rich combat experience.

The reason why the Chinese army was arranged to have 30,000 men was the suggestion of Pugu Huai'en and Hun Shizhi. They knew the tactics of the Tongluo army very well. They always concentrated their forces to attack the Chinese army and used their cavalry advantage to overwhelm the opponent.

The two armies were about three miles apart and stopped advancing. Dugu Lie ordered: "The crossbow army comes forward and prepare! The chariots will follow."

Ten thousand heavy crossbow soldiers stepped forward to form a formation. The heavy crossbow they used was a five-stone big yellow crossbow. Two people needed to lie on the ground and use pedals to wind the string. The crossbow arrow was four feet long. The arrow shaft was made of jujube wood. It was very heavy. The arrow It is streamlined and has three blood grooves.

This is the famous heavy crossbow and heavy arrows. It has been a great weapon against nomads since the Qin and Han Dynasties. The famous Qin crossbow formation is this kind of heavy arrows.

Heavy crossbows and heavy arrows are mainly used to deal with war horses. When nomads fight, when encountering an arrow formation, soldiers will hide under the war horses. The arrows cannot hit the soldiers, and ordinary arrows cannot shoot down the war horses, but heavy arrows The difference is that the war horse cannot block a heavy arrow strike.

Behind the heavy crossbow soldiers were two thousand carts. The carts were neatly arranged in three rows to block the powerful impact of the cavalry. This was the method used by the Sui Dynasty army to deal with the Turkic cavalry, and the Tang army also inherited it.

The other 20,000 infantrymen of the Chinese army also formed a large spear formation, each holding a two-foot-long spear, using their collective strength to block the impact of the enemy's cavalry.


The horn of the Tongluo cavalry sounded, and the low sound of the horn echoed in the wilderness. With a wave of Absi's sword, 30,000 Tongluo cavalry launched. The overwhelming cavalry came towards the Tang army's formation like a sea wave.

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