
Chapter 317 Family Reunion

Li Ye came out of Yang Yupei's house with a cold sweat on his back. He was not afraid that Yang Yupei wouldn't believe him. Anyway, believe it or not, it was a two-year appointment and she would definitely wait.

But this woman is too slutty. If he becomes her guest, he will be tricked to death by her.

Li Ye heard from his grandfather that this lady from the Guo Kingdom was actually the estranged wife of the Emperor Li Longji. She was Li Longji's woman. If he got involved with her, how could he die without knowing it?

When he returned home, he unexpectedly saw a carriage parked in front of the house. Li Ye was startled, then overjoyed and ran into the house, "Mom, aunt, are you back?"

It was Pei Sanniang who came back. She was packing her things in the room when she suddenly heard her son's voice. She was overjoyed and ran out. When she saw Li Ye, tears suddenly fell from her eyes. She sobbed and stepped forward to hug her son. Mother and son I hugged my head and cried.

After crying for a long time, Pei Sanniang wiped away her tears, took her son's hand and looked around, then touched his head. Tears welled up again, "I haven't seen you in two years, and my son has grown so tall!"

Li Ye also wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "Mother has not changed at all, she is as young as before."

Pei Sanniang couldn't help but pinch her son's ear, "You have become the governor, and you are still as glib as before."

Li Ye said with a smile: "Even if my son becomes prime minister, he will still be glib in front of his mother!"

"You're right. No matter how high-ranking my son is, he will always be a child in his mother's eyes."

At this time, Li Ye saw Aunt Mu standing at the door wiping her tears, and quickly stepped forward to hold Aunt Mu's hand, "The only thing I can't worry about is Auntie's body!"

Aunt Mu was moved and said: "Good boy, I'm in good health! Your father is very kind to me, just like his elders."

Li Ye looked at the aunt and saw that she was in good spirits and complexion. He was slightly relieved and said, "The aunt looks good. You need to eat more meat to replenish your body."

"Auntie likes to eat meat and eats a piece of fat meat every day."

Seeing his mother and Aunt Mu, Li Ye felt indescribable joy. He looked around, but his father was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's daddy?"

Pei Sanniang stepped forward and said, "Daddy went to see my grandfather. I heard that he has a new appointment. He is very nervous!"

"Daddy is going to be the Shaoyin of Jingzhao. Mom, you are going back to the capital again."

"It's a good sign to come back to Beijing. I've wanted to come back for a long time. Your father is fighting with those local snakes in Runzhou all day long. He's exhausted to death. I want him to resign and go to the Western Regions with his son. What's the point of being such a hard-working official? ?”

"Mom, the Western Region is too far."

"I know! I'm from Hexi."

Pei Sanniang held her son's hand and refused to let go, "Let's go inside to talk. You tell your mother carefully about the Western Regions. You promise not to survive the battlefield. In the end, you have the highest military exploits. What will your mother say about you?"

"Mom, pie won't fall from the sky, you have to fight on your own!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Just tell me, how did you struggle?"

The mother and son chatted for nearly an hour. Aunt Mu urged them again and again before they sat down to eat dinner. At this time, Li Dai also came back. Naturally, the father and son were very happy to meet each other. Of course, they were not as exaggerated as Pei Sanniang when she saw her precious son.

It can be seen that Li Dai is worried and a little absent-minded while eating.

After dinner, the father and son sat down in the study. Li Dai said worriedly: "Your grandfather just told me that the emperor appointed me as Jingzhao Shaoyin. It is true. I was not mentally prepared at all. This is definitely a plywood official. What happened?" You have to do it, you have to bear the responsibility, and you have to endure the anger. From the founding of the Tang Dynasty to the present, no Jingzhao Shaoyin has been in office for more than two years."

Li Ye smiled lightly and said, "It's okay to stay here for two years, and then I'll be promoted."

"If you are dismissed from office in two years, you will definitely not be promoted."

"That's not necessarily the case. With me guarding the river, the emperor will not demote my father out of the capital. It is more likely that he will be promoted or promoted."

Li Ye had already figured it out. The emperor suddenly transferred his father back to the capital to serve as Jingzhao Shaoyin. In fact, he was asked to be a hostage. Others were their sons as hostages, and he was his parents as hostages. It was actually the same thing.

"I'm afraid the Yang family won't let your grandfather go so easily."

Li Dai said worriedly: "They promised the emperor that they would not touch your grandfather, so they will definitely attack me."

"Father, don't worry about the Yang family. I have an agreement with Mrs. Guo Guo. The Yang family will not embarrass my father within two years."

Li Ye simply told his father the agreement between him and Mrs. Guo Guo.

Li Dai was stunned and said for a long time: "Just for a gem, the Yang family will let me go? It can't be that simple!"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "There are four reasons. First, my father did not threaten the interests of the Yang family. Yang Guozhong hated An Lushan more, so there was no need to deal with his father specifically;

Second, Jingzhao Yin Xianyu Zhongtong is Yang Guozhong's confidant, Jingzhao Shaoyin and Jingzhao Yin are grasshoppers on the same rope, Yang Guozhong will not embarrass his confidant;

Third, although the Yang family is domineering, they do not do many evil deeds. They are not as evil as Yuwen Siwu and Wu Gui, and they generally do not have serious conflicts with the Yang family.

Fourth, the gem that Mrs. Guo wants is not an ordinary gem, it is the Heshi Bi in the gem world. In order to get this gem, I believe she will keep her word. "

Li Dai sighed and said, "Even if the Yang family doesn't directly embarrass me, they will instigate others to cause trouble and will never let me live a peaceful life."

Li Ye said lightly: "Without a bone-chilling experience, there is no way to smell the fragrance of plum blossoms. If my father wants to move up, he must face the difficulties, otherwise, he might as well resign!"

Li Ye finally convinced his father, and Li Dai made up his mind and prepared to report to the Ministry of Personnel tomorrow morning.

After Yang Xi and Yang Xuangui were assassinated, the Yang family also made some major changes. The first was to protect themselves. With the acquiescence of Emperor Li Longji, the Yang family established Qingshan Tower and recruited a large number of warriors.

Qingshan Tower was controlled by Yang Yupei, with Yang Hui as the steward and Yang Jian as the warrior leader. The number of warriors recruited soon exceeded 300, and the Yang family's goal was 500.

The emperor Li Longji also made an exception and allowed the Qingshan Tower warriors to use crossbows and heavy weapons. This was indeed a major exception. The Tang Dynasty never allowed civilians to carry crossbows and heavy weapons. Sentry sticks were used at most. Violators were regarded as rebels, and management was very strict.

Many folk warriors or knights who use long weapons in private actually have another identity, that is, they are rural soldiers. Even if they are not rural soldiers, it is easy to spend some money to buy the qualifications of a rural soldier. Once you become a rural soldier, it is legal to carry long weapons. Yes, this is also a loophole.

However, this kind of loophole only appeared for a few individuals, and the emergence of private armed forces like the Yang family, which had as many as 500 people carrying heavy weapons and was almost an organizational structure, was unique in the Tang Dynasty, and it was only the Yang family that got this Make exceptions.

The fundamental reason is that Yang Xi and Yang Xuangui were assassinated. The Yang family has a good reason. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!

However, the five hundred warriors were not stationed in the city, but at Tianlu Manor outside the east city. This was Yang Yupei's private estate. A tent military camp was set up inside, and he began to invite the generals of the Longwu Army to train the warriors.

However, Qingshan Tower is not outside the city, but next to Yang Sui's mansion in Jiashanfang.

At this time, the warrior leader Yang Jian was pacing back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back. In the battle of Huining County, most of the fifty warriors he led were killed by Li Ye single-handedly. That bloody killing completely frightened Yang Jian out of his courage. .

Last night, he went to Li Ye's old house to look for items and found nothing. He immediately ran away with his people, not daring to wait for Li Ye to come back for questioning. At noon today, one of his men had an ear cut off, and he heard again After Li Ye's threat, he advised Yang Hui to stop immediately and not to really anger Li Ye.

In the afternoon, Yang Hui was called by Mrs. Guo Guo. I wonder what the outcome will be?

‘It’s just a gem, why bother making strong enemies for a gem? It’s unwise! ’ Yang Jian sighed in a low voice.

At this time, one of his subordinates shouted: "The Third Master is back!"

Yang Hui came back, and Yang Jian rushed to greet him and asked, "What did Madam say?"

Yang Hui smiled bitterly and said, "Li Ye went to see his wife in the afternoon."

"Ah! What's the result?"

"In the end, they reached an agreement. Li Ye promised to get his wife a top-quality gemstone within two years, and she also promised not to cause trouble to his father within two years."

Yang Jian suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief. It would be best if both parties could reach a compromise.

Yang Hui added: "Madam said, let us restrain the warriors of Qingshan Tower not to cause trouble. If we want to cause trouble, it will be up to her to decide."

After a pause, Yang Hui continued: "Madam also said that Li Xiu is a good chess piece. Let us make good use of him. I will treat Li Xiu to dinner again tomorrow!"

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