
Chapter 340 The Beginning of the Separation

"The wheat in Guanzhong has suffered serious insect damage this autumn. Does the governor know about this?"

"of course I know!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "There is a lot of trouble in Yunyang County!"

Magistrate Chang sighed and said: "We in Huazhou and Tongzhou are the same. The autumn harvest has been reduced by nearly 30%, and the farmers are also very dissatisfied. After the farmers in Yunyang County made trouble, farmers here also began to gather in large numbers. I go to the countryside every day to appease the farmers." , the imperial court will definitely take measures to stabilize their emotions, and they were finally appeased, and the farmers did not make a fuss."

"Is there something going on in Heyang County?"

Magistrate Chang shook his head, "It's not as simple as a riot. I heard that farmers from several townships went to the county to petition. Magistrate Li led people to intercept them, but for some reason, they started fighting. It is said that the farmers were killed. There are more than 60 people. County Magistrate Li blocked the news, but the news couldn't be blocked at all. Even I knew about it. I heard that the Tongzhou Prefectural Government had reported it to the court, but there was no result yet."

Li Ye was really shocked. More than 60 people died, so more than 100 people were injured. This was the real massacre, the indiscriminate killing of innocent people!

This is not Li Yu’s first time as an official, so he shouldn’t be so confused!

"What does Magistrate Chang think of this matter?"

Magistrate Chang hesitated and said, "I think there's something fishy here!"

"What's so strange?"

"The arrests brought by the county magistrate are usually locals. The locals will never kill their own villagers, otherwise they will not be able to face their elders. The most they can do is drive them away with sticks. This is common sense, and even if a person accidentally kills someone , it is impossible for all the police officers to make mistakes. Besides killing more than 60 people, how could dozens of police officers do it?

Usually when one or two people die, all the farmers will be scared away. Only when a sudden outbreak of killings occurs and the farmers have no time to escape will so many people die at once. "

"So you think there's someone else?"

Magistrate Chang shook his head like a rattle, "I don't know, and I can't make random guesses. I just think that Magistrate Li should never block the news. Once he blocks the news, he will really jump into the Yellow River to wash away the news." It’s unclear.”

Li Ye said coldly: "You'd better tell me what you know, otherwise I will make you walk around without food!"

Li Ye's sudden change of expression made Magistrate Chang feel timid. He lowered his head for a while and said, "I also heard from several villagers involved. They fled to Huayin County and told me some situations."

"Say!" Li Ye stared at the other party with cold eyes.

Magistrate Chang was so frightened that he trembled all over and whispered: "They also helped collect the corpses and found that the corpses were full of crossbow arrows, but the county's police officers were not equipped with crossbows. Most of them didn't even have bows and arrows. Only a few Archer."

"伱 is indeed a crossbow arrow, not an ordinary arrow?"

"It's a crossbow arrow. Arrows and arrows are common sense and anyone can tell them apart."

Li Ye stared at him for a long time, his eyes softened, and he changed the subject with a haha: "He is still too young, only in his twenties. He has never had the experience of being a local official, and he will not be able to deal with this kind of thing at all. Let him When he becomes the county magistrate, it completely harms him!”

Magistrate Chang breathed a sigh of relief and quickly responded: "The governor is absolutely right. He is indeed too young. I have already said that young people are really unreliable!"

Li Ye burst out laughing. How old does the county magistrate think he is?

In fact, Li Ye also guessed that Li Yu was obviously blamed. Instead of urgently reporting to the court, he blocked the news. Did he really think that he was the one who did it?

The massacre of peasants is an intolerable event in any dynasty. The officials involved may be dismissed from office or exiled or executed.

Li Yu is the eldest grandson! Someone is obviously taking revenge on my grandfather. Who could it be?

A family suddenly popped into Li Ye's mind, the Yuwen family. This fit perfectly with the characteristics of the Yuwen family: cruel, vicious, and decisive.

But that guy Li Yu actually blocked the news, and the gods couldn't save him.

Li Ye didn't care at all whether Li Yu was dead or alive. He was just worried that his grandfather would never be able to bear the blow again.

This father and son are really stupider than the other.

Historically, after Li Linfu's death, the whole family was liquidated, and the eldest son Li Xiu did not play any role, which shows that he was mediocre.

In the Li Mansion, Li Linfu finally spoke. He asked that the Li family be divided into two, and then divided into east and west rooms. Li Xiu would continue to be the head of the east room, and Li Dai, the fifth child, would be the head of the west room.

Everyone was stunned and objected one after another, but Li Linfu was firm and would not tolerate objections. If anyone objected again, he would cancel the title and confiscate his family property.

In the face of vital interests, everyone finally agreed to separate the family. Several elders came up with a plan. All clan members could choose who to follow, and finally the family property would be distributed according to the number of direct descendants.

But there is one thing that cannot be discussed. The current main mansion and ancestral hall belong to the eldest son Li Xiu, and the title also belongs to Li Xiu.

For several days, the Li family spent their time in quarrels. Property division has always been the focus and difficulty of family separation.

That afternoon, Li Ye returned to Chang'an from Huayin County.

When Li Ye returned home, he was shocked. There were many guests at home. Pei Sanniang came to greet him and said happily: "Ye'er is back?"

"Mom, who is in the living room!"

"They are some of your uncles. I only know Xiaohe's father, but not the others. I seem to have heard that the family is going to be separated!"

Li Ye laughed. Sure enough, the family was about to be separated. This must be what his grandfather meant. The eldest son could not be relied on, so he had to rely on the fifth son. But the fifth son had no weight in the family. If he was suppressed, he could only split up and keep part of it. This It's the best way at the moment.

At this time, Li Dai walked out of the living room and waved to Li Ye, "Ye'er, come meet some uncles!"

Five tribesmen walked out of the living room, and Li Ye only knew one person, Li Xun's father Li Wei. The others were probably uncles who favored his father's faction.

Several tribesmen did not dare to let Li Ye see him. They all stepped forward and bowed, "See you, young prince!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "There is no need to be polite to these uncles, they are all family members!"

Li Dai really admired his son's foresight. He was still angry when he said the family would be separated, but just a few days later, his father actually asked for the family separation.

"Ye'er, let's come in and talk!"

Li Ye nodded and entered the lobby with everyone. There were eight couches in the lobby, four on the left and four on the left. The main seat in the front belonged to his father Li Linfu, so it was empty at first.

Due to everyone's insistence, Li Ye had to sit down in the first seat on the left. His father sat opposite. Li Ye smiled apologetically and said, "The living room is a little small!"

This sentence immediately resonated with everyone, and everyone said: "Lao Wu, even the young master thinks that the house is too small, we should fight for it, and we cannot let them bully us!"

Li Wei explained to Li Ye: "The division of the family has become a consensus. Now the main issue is the division of property. The division of property is based on the number of people. We will be divided into a manor and three restaurants. The property is nothing more. The key is that both main palaces are divided. It would be unreasonable to refuse to give it.”

Li Ye also knew that his grandfather Li Linfu had two mansions, one was a 20-acre mansion in Pingkangfang, and the other was a 10-acre mansion in Xuanpingfang. It was now occupied by the eldest son Li Xiu. If the family were separated, , the big house belongs to Li Xiu, then the second house should belong to his father.

"Who is responsible for the separation now?"

"Now the three elders, as well as Li Xiu and your father, a total of five people negotiated the division, but now it is four to one, and the four people are united in dealing with your father."

Speaking of this, Li Wei sighed: "It's okay if we don't give the secondary house, but the most important step in dividing the family is to build our own ancestral hall, and there is no room!"

The ancestral hall is equivalent to the family's court. With the ancestral hall, order can be established and there is a place to remember the ancestors. Otherwise, you have to go to the main house to offer sacrifices, and people will not be allowed in at all.

Li Ye thought for a while and then said to his father: "First use the old house in Changlefang and transform it into an ancestral hall. It's empty anyway!"

In fact, this is what Li Dai meant, but his wife disagreed. The house was bought by his wife, and Li Dai had nothing to do. But since his son spoke, his wife should not object.

Li Dai smiled and said, "Okay! Tomorrow is my day off. Let's go look at the old house and renovate it."

The five brothers are all very happy. They all live in Changlefang. It is of course best to set up the ancestral hall in Changlefang.

At this time, Li Ye said slowly: "Uncles, don't worry about being weak and having little property. This is temporary. In a few days, many clan members will defect to you."

Everyone was confused about what Li Ye meant, and Li Dai asked: "Ye'er means that my grandfather will interfere?"

Li Ye shook his head, "It's Li Yu who's going to have trouble. He suppressed farmers' rent resistance in Heyang County and killed more than sixty people. He also blocked the news and hid it afterwards. I heard the news in Huayin County. I guess the court already knew about it." ”

Everyone looked at each other and slaughtered the peasants. Is this eldest grandson mentally ill?

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