
Chapter 373 Jealousy

In Qinrenfang, a man in black got off his horse in front of the Anlushan Mansion and hurriedly walked into the mansion.

In the back hall, An Qingxu was watching several dancers dancing distractedly. The more he watched, the more annoyed he became, and he couldn't help but roared, "Get out of here!"

Several dancers and musicians were so frightened that they rolled and ran away.

At this time, the man in black hurriedly walked in, bowed and saluted: "Young Master, I am responsible for monitoring Miss Suzaku, and found that she has indeed been with Li Ye after she came back, and has been for several days!"

An Qingxu was so angry that he smashed the tea cup on the ground, smashing it into pieces. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you dare to rob my woman, I will kill this son of a bitch!"

Although the last time Mrs. Dugu celebrated her birthday, Suzaku had a cold attitude towards An Qingxu, which made An Qingxu really lose face, but it did not mean that An Qingxu had given up on Suzaku.

An Qingxu met Zhuque five years ago when his eldest brother An Qingzong married Princess Rongyi. Zhuque and Princess Rongyi had a good personal relationship. She became the bridesmaid and An Qingxu became the best man.

Zhuque was only thirteen years old at that time, but she was already quite beautiful. An Qingxu fell in love with Zhuque at a glance and recognized her as his future wife. For this reason, he tried his best to please Zhuque and flattered her. Zhuque also had a good impression of him.

Later, through various opportunities, An Qingxu met Zhuque several times. Zhuque had a good impression of him. Later, as Zhuque got older, he became more and more beautiful. In addition, she had a lively personality and often participated in various social gatherings. People around her The number of suitors began to increase, and at most there were nearly twenty people pursuing her.

The young men were courting her in every possible way, and Suzaku was annoyed, so she began to wear a mask and gauze, and expressed her attitude through others. She would only take off the mask to those she liked.

At this time, An Qingxu still had hope. Suzaku had a good impression of him, thinking that An Qingxu was steady, humble, and self-disciplined. If An Qingxu could persevere, Suzaku might give him a chance.

But things went wrong for Falcon. In March of the eighth year of Tianbao, Liu Sanxiang, a famous prostitute in Luoyang, won the title of Oiran, and then eloped with an imperial student, causing a sensation in Luoyang.

You know, Liu Sanxiang was the woman kept by An Qingxu. He spent 10,000 yuan to help her win the courtship, but she actually ran away with them. An Qingxu suddenly became furious and ordered his men to hunt down the two of them. He found the two married people and drowned them in Luoshui.

Unexpectedly, the matter was not kept secret, and the parents of the students came to Luoyang to complain. An Qingxu's reputation for revenge and murder spread throughout Luoyang again, but in the end, An Qingxu spent a lot of money and the government's favoritism finally settled the matter.

Falcon happened to be in Luoyang at the time, and he learned about it. In order to fight for Suzaku, he told Suzaku about it. An Qingxu's true face was completely exposed, and Suzaku stopped paying attention to him.

Of course, An Qingxu didn't know that he had been betrayed by Falcon. He thought it was because Suzaku had grown up and became more reserved, so he didn't take Suzaku's change of attitude to heart until An Qingxu heard that Suzaku had removed his mask. Only then did he realize that a real competitor had emerged.

Zhuque is An Qingxu's most suitable match for him. She has a beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, a gentle personality, and a better family background. An Qingxu has been waiting for her for the past few years, but he did not expect that in the end he would have to fetch water from a bamboo basket. It was a waste.

An Qingxu gritted his teeth and said, "Go and find Dugu Wensu for me!"

Dugu Wensu was An Lushan's adviser. An Qingxu specially called him to Chang'an to assist him in order to let him propose to the Dugu family on his behalf.

Dugu Wensu had just arrived in Chang'an not long ago, and he hadn't had time to propose to the Dugu family on An Qingxu's behalf.

Of course, Dugu Wensu is also a member of the Dugu Family, but he belongs to the Luoyang Fang of the Dugu Family. Although he and Dugu Lie have the same ancestor, they each have their own ancestral halls. They have only gotten together three times in the past sixty years, and they don't have much contact with each other. , not to mention that Dugu Wensu was just a concubine, not a legitimate son. He couldn't hold his head up in front of Dugu Lie.

Dugu Wensu hurried over, looked at the broken porcelain pieces on the ground and said with a smile, "Why do you have to be angry, young master, over such a trivial matter?"

He had just learned the whole story from the man in black, and he advised: "Although Miss Zhuque is dating Li Ye, it does not mean that Li Ye gets Zhuque. In the end, her father still has the final say in Zhuque's marriage."

An Qingxu walked two steps with his hands behind his back: "If Suzaku has that kind of relationship with him, wouldn't everything be lost?"

"Don't worry, young master. The Dugu family has a profound family tradition and their children have always been self-disciplined. Although the children of the Dugu family have always been relatively free, when have you heard about the scandals of the Dugu family? Besides, if Suzaku is the kind of woman who gives up her principles easily, the young master will still Will you value her?"

"It makes sense, but seeing them together makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Dugu Wensu laughed, "Didn't the young master tell me that Li Ye will be leaving in the middle of next month?"

"The Ministry of War said so!"

"That's right, there are still twenty days before Li Ye is leaving. After two or three years of departure, Miss Zhuque's age is also here. She wants to wait, but her family does not allow her to wait. Young Master's The opportunity has come. During this period, the young master should find a suitable matchmaker as soon as possible."

"Can't you?"

Dugu Wensu shook his head, "My status in the Dugu family has been reduced. If I go to matchmaking, it will lower the young master's status and make Dugu Lie look down upon. I am indeed not suitable!"

An Qingxu thought about it and it made sense. Dugu Wensu could make suggestions, but he was just his retainer. Asking him to help his matchmaking would really bring him down.

"Then who do you think is suitable?"

Dugu Wensu said slowly: "The Yang family!"

An Qingxu was immediately startled, "The Yang family has a grudge against us for killing our son. How could they help me with my plot?"

Dugu Wensu sneered and said, "Speaking of it this way, was the 50,000 yuan given away in vain?"

An Qingxu also reacted, "Sir, you are talking about Mrs. Guo Guo!"

Dugu Wensu nodded, "Exactly!"

After An Lushan realized the mistakes he had made, he also tried his best to make up for it and ease the relationship with the Yang family. He also knew that he had a grudge against Yang Guozhong for killing his son, and it was difficult to ease the relationship. So he changed the direction and settled with Mrs. Guo Guo. reconciliation.

Yang Guozhong and Mrs. Guo Guo are not brothers and sisters, they are just the same clan, and Mrs. Guo Guo is very corrupt. As long as the money is delivered, the relationship can be opened. The first payment of 50,000 yuan has been given, and the second one will be given after the New Year. With a sum of 50,000 yuan, I believe we can reconcile.

Moreover, killing two birds with one stone not only eased the hostile relationship with the Yang family, but also influenced the emperor through Mrs. Guo.

Now everyone knows that the emperor and Mrs. Guo have an affair. The imperial concubine does not care about government affairs, but Mrs. Guo is keen on power and often interferes in politics. The emperor basically obeys her words.

So although one hundred thousand dollars is heartbreaking, it is worth it.

An Qingxu was convinced, and he asked: "Then what should I do?"

"The young master wants to do three things. First, write a sincere letter to his father immediately and ask him to come to Beijing to propose to the young master.

Second, I want to visit Mrs. Guo Guo and give her a heavy gift, saying that I want to marry the daughter of the Dugu family and ask her for help. Regardless of whether she succeeds or not, I will give her 50,000 yuan as a reward, so that she can The gift was received openly.

Third, the young master should try his best to be more generous, get close to Miss Suzaku, and leave a good impression on her. Dugu Lie feels very sorry for his daughter, and he will definitely seek her daughter's opinion, at least not to make Miss Suzaku feel disgusted with the young master. "

An Qingxu's mouth twitched. The third item may be difficult.

"Okay! I'm going to visit Mrs. Guo Guo. What kind of gift would you like me to give?"

Dugu Wensu smiled slightly and said, "Of course she likes her. What does she like?"

An Qingxu thought for a while and said, "I heard that she is very interested in gems recently. I plan to find her the best gemstone to please her."

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