
Chapter 426 A sudden turn of events

The civilian official was Zaire, a Sogdian, who was responsible for the food arrangements for the army.

The reason why he was sent here was that not only was he a confidant of Rossini, but he was also the only official in the Khazar army who understood the Tang army.

The soldiers brought the official to the temporary marching tent. The official put his hand on his chest and saluted Li Ye, "Salute to the distinguished General of the Tang Dynasty!"

He spoke Sogdian, and Li Ye nodded, "Are you Sogdian?"

"Exactly, the villain is from Kang country, his name is Zaire."

"Please come in and sit down!"

The two sat down in the tent, and Li Ye waved his hand, "Bring it up and show it to him."

A soldier carried a human head. Zaire was startled, then looked carefully, and suddenly said with surprise and joy: "It's Ashnasab!"

Li Ye nodded, "He led an army to invade our land. The Tang army broke out in a war with him and wiped out his army. As you can see, he himself could not escape death!"

Zaire hesitated and said: "Then the general led his army to the Khazar country to raise an army and question the crime?"

Li Ye shook his head, "I have no intention of starting a war with the Khazar country, nor do I want to kill any Khazar people, let alone occupy the Khazar people's land. I just want to get back the spoils I deserve."

"The livestock general outside the city has been obtained!"

Li Ye said with some displeasure: "Not only the Tang army participated in the war, but also Ge ​​Luolu's army. The sheep were taken by them. The war horses and camels were far from enough to make up for our losses."

"What else does the general want?"

"I believe Ashina Sabu will not leave the Khazar Khanate empty-handed. We don't want the population, but I want the wealth he brings. Let me tell you, Prince Rossini, that I don't want to attack the city and get the wealth I deserve." , I will withdraw my troops immediately!"

"I understand. I will report it to the prince immediately."

Zaire bowed and left in a hurry.

The city wall of Bandar City is very high and very strong. The entire city wall is triangular in shape. There is only one gate. Above the gate is a very tall tower, which is a typical Eastern Roman style building.

Bandar City is also the largest city east of the Aral Sea. It is located in the rich Syr Darya River Delta, where there are endless fields and fertile land and a large population.

There are tens of thousands of people living in the city, but if you add the villages within a hundred miles around, there are hundreds of thousands of people living in this area.

The general Rossini was about forty years old and was the brother of King Bran. He was also the prime minister of the Khazar Khanate. This time he took advantage of Ashina Busa's eastern expedition and tore up the agreement signed with Ashina Busa. He led the army to occupy the city of Bandar and wiped out the wealth of the population left by Ashinabusa in the Khazar Khanate.

Rossini stood on the top of the city, looking at the Tang army several miles away with complex eyes. There were many civilian houses outside the city. The Tang army arrived suddenly. Thousands of residents outside the city had no time to evacuate into the city, but the Tang army did not harass them. The residents I was panicking at first, but now I am gradually calming down.

Rossini was not worried. He brought five thousand troops this time, which were the elite of the Khazar Kingdom. They had defeated Ashinabusa's army and had very strong combat effectiveness.

Moreover, Bandar is a bridgehead to defend against the Arab army. It is very solidly built. The city is tall and wide in depth. Tens of thousands of civilians can be recruited in the city. Therefore, he firmly believes that as long as he does not go out of the city to fight the Tang army, the Tang army will never be their opponent.

While he was meditating, a soldier came to report that Zaire was back. Rossini nodded and said: "Ask him to come up!"

Not long after, Zaire came up in a hurry, put his hand on his chest and saluted, "Your Highness the Prince!"

Rossini gave him a salute and asked slowly: "What did Tang Jun say?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, I saw Sabu's head!"


This news did not shock Rossini. Hundreds of Khazar Turk soldiers fled back. He had already guessed that Ashina Sabu must have been completely destroyed.

Rossini thought for a moment and said, "Who is their general?"

"Their leader is Governor Li of Hezhong whom I told Your Highness before. He was the governor-general of the Tang Dynasty in the Hezhong area."

"Just a governor?"

Rossini snorted disdainfully and asked, "Then what is his request?"

"He said that he had no intention of fighting the Khazar Khanate or occupying our land. He just came to take back the spoils that belonged to him."

This man is very good at talking! He had no intention of fighting the Khazar state, so he came all the way here, so what was he going to do to fight the Khazar army? Why occupy the land of the Khazar Khanate?

"Does he want population?"

"He doesn't want the population, he wants the wealth that Sabu carries!"

After a pause, Zaire added: "There may be Geluolu people fighting with him. Geluolu has already taken away the sheep outside the city."

"These greedy guys!"

Rossini took a few steps with his hands behind his back. The other party did not want to go to war with the Khazar Khan, nor was he willing to occupy the land of the Khazar Khanate. This humble and low-key attitude made Rossini really look down on the Tang army.

Fearing power rather than virtue has always been the mentality of small countries, and it has not changed since ancient times.

Li Ye's friendly attitude made Rossini look down on Tang Jun from the bottom of his heart.

He waved his hand and said: "Go and tell him, give them at most 300,000 gold coins, plus camels and war horses, that's enough!"

This was simply sending the beggar away, so Zaire had no choice but to bow and go to town.

Zaire returned to the Tang Army camp, saw Li Ye again, and told Rossini what he said.

Li Ye sneered repeatedly, "We Han people have a saying, which is to be courteous before fighting. I have already said my good words. Since he doesn't appreciate it, then go back and tell Rossini that I want five million gold coins, and even one less will be fine. It's dark." If the Khazars want to go to war with the Tang Dynasty, I will accompany them to the end, and I will join forces with the Food Army to destroy them together. Khazar Khanate.”

Zaire sensed the murderous intention and quickly ran back to the city. At this time, Rossini was no longer at the top of the city, but was in the council hall discussing strategies to defend the city with more than a dozen generals.

At this time, the soldiers came in with Zaire, and Zaire repeated Li Ye's words. More than a dozen generals were immediately furious and cursed the Tang army.

Although Rossini was not that angry, he could not accept the price offered by Li Ye. It was five million gold coins. Ashina Sabu only had more than six million gold coins in total. Almost all of the Tang army wanted to leave. How could it be possible? Not to mention five hundred gold coins. He won't give out 10,000 gold coins or even 3 million gold coins. He can only give out 1 million gold coins at most.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Rossini roared, and the assembly hall fell silent.

Rossini turned to Zaire and said: "You go and talk to him again, and this is the last time. Tell him clearly that I can't give you five million gold coins. I can only give you one million gold coins at most. If he wants to counteroffer, then Add another 200,000 to them, and 1.2 million gold coins is my bottom line. If he still refuses to accept it, then I am not afraid to fight him!"

Zaire had already smelled the breath of war. He was about to cry. He headed to the Tang Army camp with a depressed look on his face. He came to Li Ye tremblingly, bowed and said: "Five million gold coins are too many, Your Highness Rossini." The most you can give is one million gold coins.”

He hoped that Li Ye would counteroffer to three million gold coins, and then he would add another two hundred thousand gold coins. Finally, both parties would give in and reach an agreement for two million gold coins.

But Zaire forgot that the man opposite him was a soldier, not a businessman.

Li Ye took out a bronze medal and handed it to him, "Put it away. You can use it to save your life after the city is broken!"

"Captain Li, is there no room for compromise?"

Li Ye said coldly: "I said before, five million gold coins, not one less, he still has a chance before dark, and my army will start to attack the city after dark!"

What you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table.

The Tang army defeated the Khazar Turk army and killed more than 16,000 enemies. However, the Tang army did not get any spoils on the battlefield. The wealth of the Khazar Turks was placed in Bandar. Of course, the Tang army wanted to get its share. spoils of war.

As long as Rossini is sincere, Li Ye will make appropriate concessions, but the other party only gives 300,000 gold coins. This is an insult to Li Ye and an insult to the Tang Empire.

Since there is no sincerity, Li Ye will not make any concessions.

At this time, war is the only option.

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