
Chapter 534 The eunuch was assassinated

Bian Lingcheng has been a frontier supervisor for a long time. He has a mansion in Guangzhaifang outside the palace. He lives in the mansion in Guangzhaifang most of the time. He will only enter the palace when summoned. At night, several black people Yi quietly sneaked into Bian Lingcheng's house.

The window was pried open, and a dark figure jumped into the bedroom with an iron rod in hand, and silently entered the room.

Bian Lingcheng was sleeping soundly, and the curtain had been gently opened. Suddenly, a thick iron rod hit his leg hard.


Screams pierced the quiet night.

Before dawn, Wannian County Magistrate Feng Min personally led dozens of government officials to blockade Bian Lingcheng's house. Even Jingzhao Shaoyin Wei E also came after hearing the news.

Bian Lingcheng was a fourth-grade chamberlain, and it was a big deal for him to be plotted against him. Although he was not killed and his legs were only broken, the impact was so bad that officials at both levels of the county government had to pay attention.

Bian Lingcheng was sitting in front of the lobby, his legs were tied to splints, his whole body was like a frosted eggplant, and his expression was extremely depressed. He had a bad year in the past year. First, the wealth he had worked for for ten years was swallowed up, and now His legs were broken again.

Bian Lingcheng's future has become very gloomy, and the emperor will not use a person with a broken leg.

At this time, there was a slight commotion in front, and someone shouted: "Gao Weng is here!"

Gao Lishi came, and Gao Lishi lived in Yishanfang next door. He soon got the news. Gao Lishi didn't want to come at first, but after hesitating for a long time, he decided to come and have a look. When the emperor asked, he had an explanation.

Originally, Bian Lingcheng belonged to Gao Lishi, but Gao Lishi could not help him find his wealth. Yuan Siyi promised to get his wealth back for him, so he turned to Yuan Siyi without hesitation.

Although everyone dislikes enemies, sometimes enemies still deserve respect. The most shameful thing for everyone is traitors. Traitors are always the most hated. How could Gao Lishi sympathize with Bian Lingcheng who betrayed him.

When he heard that Gao Lishi was coming, Bian Lingcheng perked up and hurriedly struggled to sit up. The doctor quickly held him down, "I can't move my legs. If I move, they will become dislocated."

Gao Lishi stepped forward. Bian Lingcheng held Gao Lishi's hand and said in a choked voice, "Mr. Gao has to make the decision for his humble position!"

Gao Lishi pretended to comfort him a few words, and Bian Lingcheng said anxiously: "Mr. Gao, it must be Li Ye who did it."

Gao Lishi was startled and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

"Gao Weng, he swallowed up the wealth of Beizhi. Beizhi is causing trouble for him. He will definitely take revenge on me. It can only be him!"

Gao Lishi said coldly: "Then why didn't he kill you with one knife and completely swallow up your money, and still leave you here to accuse him? Is he so stupid?"

"It's a big case to kill a lowly person."

"It's a big case now."

Gao Lishi said impatiently: "I have to report to the emperor. You take good care of your injuries. I believe the government will catch the murderer and give you an explanation!"

After saying that, Gao Lishi broke free from his hand, turned around and walked out. Shaoyin Wei E and the county magistrate Feng Min quickly followed.

Gao Lishi stopped and asked, "Have you found out who did it?"

Wei Er said respectfully: "Magistrate Feng and I initially concluded that it was a bounty hunter who did it!"

"Why?" Gao Lishi was surprised.

Wei Er quickly said: "Just a few days ago, there was an incident of hurting people at the Weihe River Bridge. Li Ye was transporting a batch of supplies, but they were robbed by dozens of bounty hunters. Soon, several groups of people participated in the robbery. .

Finally, we found that the wooden box was full of stones. In that incident, three bounty hunters were killed and seven were seriously injured. When we rushed over, we caught three bounty hunters who were injured and could not escape. We interrogated and found out Knowing that Bian Lingcheng hired them to rob the wealth in the wooden box. "

Gao Lishi sneered: "It's interesting. In the end, we robbed a bunch of stones, and then what! What does this case have to do with tonight's wounding case?"

"It does matter! According to the agreement, Bian Lingcheng had to give 20,000 guan to forty bounty hunters, 500 guan each. He gave a deposit of 2,000 guan first, but because it was stones, the remaining 10,000 guan He refused to give him eight thousand guan of money, and the bounty hunters in Chang'an were very angry with him.

Based on the humble analysis, if it was Li Ye, he would just kill him with one knife. Only the bounty hunter hates him but dare not kill him, so we infer that it was the bounty hunter who did it. "

Gao Lishi said coldly: "In that case, it's easy to investigate. The bounty hunter must know who did it, find the murderer, and then offer a reward for his arrest!"

"I humbly obey my orders!"

Feng Min hesitated for a moment and then whispered: "Mr. Gao, in fact, Bian Lingcheng's 20,000 guan of money was given to Prince Qing. It is estimated that the remaining 18,000 guan of money was swallowed by Prince Qing."

Gao Lishi chuckled, "It's God's will!"

Gao Lishi was in a really happy mood. The person who betrayed him really deserved this fate.

He said to Feng Min again: "If you have any news, please inform me immediately!"

"A humble position is a must!"

In fact, the county magistrate Feng Min is a member of Gao Lishi, a distant relative of Gao Lishi. Gao Lishi returned to his hometown to visit relatives in the fifth year of Tianbao and found that he was smart and capable, so he brought him back to the capital to serve in the county government. In the seventh year of Tianbao, he was promoted to The county lieutenant got help from Li Ye when he captured the assassin Quan Furong the year before last. He captured Quan Furong. The county magistrate Zheng Keren failed to handle the case well and was dismissed. Feng Min happened to have made a great contribution, so he was recommended by Gao Lishi as the county magistrate. County magistrate.

Feng Min sent Gao Lishi out of the gate of the mansion. Gao Lishi got on the carriage and then asked in a low voice: "Who did it?"

"I suspect the prince did it!"

Feng Min handed over an iron plate with no words, "I picked this up in the corner. It should be the symbol of the Prince's warrior organization, Zhiwu, but it was not framed by someone else. I don't know about his humble position, but he is definitely not a bounty hunter." "

Gao Lishi took the iron plate and looked at it, nodded and said: "I understand, just declare it to the outside world as a bounty hunter's revenge!"

"I humbly obey my orders!"

Gao Lishi commanded, "Enter the palace!"

The carriage started and drove towards the palace.

In the carriage, Gao Lishi was playing with this polished iron plate. Not a single word was engraved on it. This was indeed the brand of the Prince Warrior, commanded by Li Chu, King of Guangping.

But was it someone who deliberately framed the prince, or was the prince deliberately exposed to warn other forces?

The key is the motive. Why did the prince attack Bian Lingcheng?

This is what Gao Lishi is puzzled about. Gao Lishi knows the prince very well and is relatively indifferent to people and things. If Bian Lingcheng colludes with An Lushan, the prince will never ask for trouble. He will only be pushed to the extreme and his life or death is at stake. He will only take action at the right moment, just like the Cheng Qianli incident.

Therefore, this case is not in line with the prince's style of doing things, but it is a bit like King Guangping's work, to please himself, beat Qing Wang Li Cong, and frighten the courtiers who colluded with An Lushan, killing three birds with one stone.

At dawn, King Qing Li Cong received the news that Bian Lingcheng's leg had been broken by an assassin. This news made him feel excited, and he quickly sent someone to invite Zhang Tongru.

In fact, Li Cong knew very well that out of a bounty of 20,000 guan, he only gave 2,000 guan to the bounty hunter in the end, and 18,000 guan was swallowed up by himself. This was actually a serious violation of the rules. How could these bounty hunters do this? Maybe give up?

But his intuition is that this case does not seem to be the work of a bounty hunter. It is probably the work of Li Ye in revenge for the small bridge on the Wei River.

Not long after, Zhang Tongru hurried over. He had been writing a report on the current situation of the court to An Lushan for the past two days and had no intention of asking about Li Cong's affairs.

In fact, Zhang Tongru was very disappointed with Li Cong. The plan he proposed to deal with Li Ye ended up in vain. This shows that Li Cong is not capable and has no say in front of the emperor. He has been busy for one or two years. The result was nothing.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Zhang Tongru walked into the hall and asked.

Li Cong said anxiously: "I just got the news that Bian Lingcheng was assassinated last night. Although he did not die, his legs were broken."

Zhang Tongru smiled slightly and said: "Isn't this a good thing? If Bian Lingcheng's legs were broken, he wouldn't come to pester the prince all day long."

Li Cong was stunned for a moment, "Sir, don't you think the other party is warning me?"

Zhang Tongru shook his head, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, since the Prince has joined in the fight for the legitimate son, he will be in danger all the time. Any warning or not will be meaningless to you. If the Prince is still thinking about seizing the legitimate son at this time, If you escape unscathed, it can only be said that the prince is not prepared at all. Your prince, the struggle for imperial power is the same as the battlefield, it is always a matter of life and death!"

At this moment, the housekeeper reported in the hall, "Your Majesty, Eunuch Yuan sent someone to deliver an express message!"

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