
Chapter 580 Battle of the Front Army

Li Chengfu is one of the ten fierce generals in Anlu Mountain. He wields a Xuanhua ax and has the courage of thousands of men. Although he is a Han, he has become a beard, with a big beard on his face and eyes like eagles. Very fierce.

Seeing that his men were in formation, he immediately raised his horn and started blowing. Dozens of trumpeters blew the sound together, and the low sound of the horn swept across the land.

Li Chengfu waved his Xuanhua axe, and led 10,000 Yan Army cavalry to attack 10,000 Tang Army infantry.

These 10,000 cavalry are not the world-famous Youzhou cavalry. There are 30,000 Youzhou cavalry, also called Yiluohe cavalry. Their horses are covered with armor that can resist bows and arrows. The cavalry are selected from hundreds of thousands of Fan Yang's troops. With outstanding martial arts skills and well-equipped equipment, he became An Lushan's personal cavalry and rarely participated in battles.

Today's cavalry is just an ordinary cavalry. The cavalry wears leather armor, and the horses are not armored.

But no matter how ordinary the cavalry is, when there are 10,000 people, the momentum is still thrilling and frightening.

The 10,000 cavalrymen were getting closer and closer, and their appearance could be seen clearly. Almost all of them were Donghu soldiers, and they all looked fierce.

At eighty paces, the first row of Tang soldiers retreated, revealing five hundred heavily armored Mo Dao soldiers, squatting half-crouched on the ground, lined up in a row, holding their sword hilts against the ground, with the Mo Dao at a forty-five-degree angle.

Currently, the three rows of 1,500 Modao troops are all in the north, and there are no Modao troops on the east and west sides. Once the Yan army's cavalry changes formation, they will follow suit.

Behind Modao's army were two thousand spear throwers, each carrying five short spears. One thousand five hundred people were also distributed due north, with five hundred people in each row.

The cavalry had already rushed fifty steps away, and the dust in the sky rushed toward them with murderous intent, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned dark yellow.

The cavalry reached thirty steps, and the cavalry rolled and roared like waves breaking a dike. Many Tang soldiers were so frightened that they closed their eyes.

A Tang army general shouted: "Spear throwers fire!"

Five hundred spear throwers stepped forward and threw out their short spears. They immediately retreated. The five hundred spear throwers in the second row stepped forward again and threw five hundred short spears, followed by the third row. Five hundred men stepped forward and threw five hundred short spears.

This is actually a three-stage shot of a bow and arrow, but the short spear is more lethal.

This is also the experience accumulated by the Anxi Army and the Hezhong Army in countless battles, using the enemy's own horses and cavalry corpses to block the offensive momentum of the cavalry brigade.

One thousand and five hundred short spears were fired into the enemy cavalry group one after another. Suddenly, people fell on their backs, and the cavalry and horses were pierced by the short spears. Even if they held up their shields, they could not stop them.

Immediately after the second round of projection began, the Yan Army cavalry quickly learned their lesson. The cavalry behind them hid under the horse's belly, and the lethality of the second round was immediately reduced a lot.

The corpses of men and horses and short spears all over the ground still affected the Yan army's cavalry, causing their running speed to slow down. Many horses were tripped.

But this was only a small number of cavalry. More cavalry jumped over the corpses and rushed towards the Tang army's formation.

Thirty steps. Twenty steps. Ten steps.

Ten thousand cavalrymen galloped forward, like an iron current, and instantly rushed in front of Modao's army with murderous intent, 'Boom! ’ There was a loud noise, and the powerful impact of the cavalry knocked dozens of Modao soldiers to the ground.

But the Mo Dao army behind them stood as still as a mountain. They shouted in unison, and the cold gleaming Mo Dao flew, splitting hundreds of cavalry into thousands of pieces in an instant. Their limbs were broken, and the blood was pungent and choked. It makes people breathless.

The Modao Army was the nemesis of the cavalry. Although the Yan Army cavalry was exceptionally brave, they were still helpless in front of the mountain-like Modao Mountain Wall. They were pressed forward step by step by the Modao Army, killing them and retreating repeatedly. The blade passed by them, causing them to fall over and bleed with blood. Flow like a note.

Li Chengfu was so angry that he was killed. He roared, rushed forward on his horse, and struck with his ax with all his strength. With this axe, the heads of three Mo Dao soldiers flew off, and hot blood spurted all over him.

Li Chengfu burst into laughter with pride. Before he could stop laughing, two Mo Dao soldiers rushed towards him, one on the left and the other on the right. Their blades flashed past, and his horse neighed miserably. Both of its front legs were cut off, and it fell to the ground. Li Chengfu was thrown more than two feet away, and several soldiers picked him up and ran backwards.

The Yan Army cavalry no longer dared to fight the Modao Army head-on. They surrounded the Modao Army from the front and back, looking for their openings. However, the Modao Army also immediately changed their formation. They ran to the east and west. The originally three-story Modao's army became a single layer and resisted the Yan army's cavalry attack from all sides.

At this moment, a major crisis suddenly appeared behind the Yan army. A Tang army cavalry suddenly came from behind without any warning. The dust covered the cavalry attack, killing the Youzhou cavalry by surprise.

Li Ye yelled, "Charge the enemy and don't allow anyone to escape!"

Ten thousand Tang Army cavalry surged forward, and the impact swept forward like a storm, instantly disrupting the Yan Army cavalry formation. The Yan Army cavalry was in chaos. The cavalry formation, which had been slaughtered by the Tang Army's heavy armored infantry, finally couldn't hold on any longer. The cavalry were panicked, their formation was in disarray, and there were signs of collapse.

At this time, the cavalry horn of the Tang Army finally sounded, and the drums in the cavalry group were thundering. Li Ye gave the order for the final attack. He personally led 10,000 elite cavalry, the shouts of killing were loud, and the horses galloped with lightning and rolling hooves. , like a strong wind under dark clouds, penetrated the enemy's formation and swept towards the central army where the enemy's general was located.

Li Chengfu had just changed his horse, but he found that there was a chaos behind him, and the Tang Army cavalry came to kill him, which really shocked him.

"Don't panic! Hold on to me! Hold on to me!"

Li Chengfu roared loudly, but his voice was drowned by the sound of hoofbeats and the neighing of war horses.

At this time, a general beside him pointed forward and shouted: "General, that's Li Ye!"

Li Chengfu was also stunned for a long time. Didn't His Highness the Prince say that Li Ye was captured by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty? How could he appear on the battlefield?

"Is it really him?"

"Bei Zong is confirmed. Bei Zhi met him in Chang'an."

When Li Chengfu saw that there were only dozens of people following Li Ye, he had an idea in his mind. If he could capture the thief first, capture the king. If he could kill Li Ye, his army would be able to turn defeat into victory and achieve great success.

Moreover, the horse under Li Ye's crotch also made his heart flutter. What a majestic BMW! Li Chengfu, who had just lost his war horse, was particularly jealous.

"follow me!"

Li Chengfu urged his horse and rushed toward Li Ye with his Xuanhua axe, followed by dozens of soldiers.

"You little thief, take your life!"

Li Chengfu galloped on his horse and raised his Xuanhua axe.

At this time, Li Ye did not realize that the other party was the enemy general, and thought he was an ordinary general.

He waved his hand, and a bolt of lightning shot out, hitting the forehead of the war horse under Li Chengfu's crotch. The iron nail pierced the forehead of the war horse, and the horse fell forward and fell to the ground.

Li Chengfu was caught off guard and rolled more than ten feet away, and the Xuanhua ax in his hand flew out.

As soon as he got up, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, his vision went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

Li Chengfu's head was chopped off, and the soldiers behind him were so frightened that they turned around and ran away, shouting, "General Li is dead! The general is dead!"

Only then did Li Ye realize that he had killed the enemy's general.

He immediately ordered his soldiers to use spears to pick up Li Chengfu's head and declare to the entire army.

A group of Tang Army cavalry raised Li Chengfu's head high and shouted while running: "The general of Yan Army is dead! The general of Yan Army is dead!"

The Yan army, which was already unable to hold on, was completely crushed by the death of its leader, and began to turn its horse's head and flee north.

The cavalry of the Tang Army pursued and killed countless enemy troops.

The Yan army's cavalry fled in all directions, and many of them fled into the countryside, where they were surrounded and killed by the hated villagers. The Tang army's cavalry also broke into pieces and divided into dozens of small teams to chase the enemy on all sides.

In the end, less than 300 of the 10,000 Yan army cavalry escaped back to Luyang Pass.

The north side of Luyang Pass was tall and strong, but the south wall was short and the defense was weak. An Qingxu also realized that they could not hold Luyang Pass, so he simply gave up Luyang Pass and retreated back to Ye County.

In the one-month attack on Jingxiang, 60,000 Yan troops went out to fight, but in the end only more than 10,000 people retreated, with a loss of more than 46,000 people. An Lushan's southward strategy suffered a serious setback.

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