
Chapter 825 Emergency Operation

Chang'an Chongrenfang, like Pingkangfang, is also a place where restaurants are concentrated. Dozens of large and small restaurants are concentrated in the first half of the main street of Chongrenfang, while hundreds of restaurants are gathered in the second half of the main street. Jinzouyuan of each state.

There are people coming and going on the street, and it is noisy and lively.

The Jinzou Yuan of Helong Jiedu Prefecture covers an area of ​​about five acres. It was formerly the Jinzou Yuan of Longyou and Hexi Jiedufu established by Ge Shuhan. It is the largest Jinzou Yuan in the entire Jinzou Yuan, and one of the Jinzou Yuan is very large and magnificent. of archway.

Jinzouyuan is not only the office in Beijing, but also an inn and post office. It has eighty upper rooms. Officials who come to the capital for business and tribute scholars who come to the capital to take exams will stay here. There are also many large amounts of letters that need to be delivered.

There are currently more than a dozen permanent officials stationed in Jinzouyuan, and the chief officer is Yan Quanming. In the morning, several messengers came galloping on horseback, "Eight hundred miles urgent, get out of the way!"

The people in Chongrenfang have long been accustomed to this kind of fast horse delivery. There are more than ten calls every day. Everyone moves out of the way and gives way to the road. Several horsemen gallop on their horses and rush to the front of Jinzou Courtyard in a moment. He got off his horse and quickly walked into the Helong Jin Memorial Hall.

The courier handed a red sealed package to the official. The courier was not a post courier, but a special courier sent by the Longyou Jiedushi Prefecture. This indicated that the thing was very important. The official asked someone to arrange for the courier's food and lodging, and then he hurried to the official room. Handing the package to Yan Quanming, "Your Majesty, this is an urgent package specially sent from Longyou!"

Yan Quanming quickly opened the cloth bag with a knife. Inside were two memorials from Jiedu Mansion, a small cloth bag and two letters. One of the letters was to Yan Quanming, and the other letter was to Dugu Ming. The memorial It is for Shangshu Province.

Yan Quanming opened the note, looked at it, and said, "Arrange a carriage and I'll go to Dugu Prince Consort's Mansion."

In the back hall, Dugu Ming read Li Ye's handwritten letter carefully. Li Ye's letter was three pages long, describing his ideas and strategies in detail, and he needed Dugu Ming to cooperate with him.

Dugu Ming nodded and said to Yan Quanming: "His Royal Highness King Qi needs to purchase a large amount of honeysuckle, let me arrange it!"

Yan Quanming sighed and said, "His Royal Highness King Qi wants me to persuade my second uncle to go to Longyou. It's very difficult!"

Yan Quanming's second uncle was Yan Zhenqing. He had just taken office as the Jiedushi of Western Zhejiang and had a bad relationship with Li Long, the governor of Jianghuai. He was impeached by Li Long for arbitrarily using troops. The emperor Li Heng immediately issued an order to make Yan Zhenqing the minister of the Ministry of punishment and issued an imperial edict. Return to Chang'an.

Dugu Ming smiled slightly and said, "I heard that your second uncle was appointed as the Minister of Justice?"

Yan Quanming smiled bitterly and said: "My uncle thought that Liu Zhan, the deputy envoy of Huaixi Jiedu, was going to rebel, and asked the Jiangdong states to prepare for war. However, Li Long, the commander of the Jianghuai capital, impeached my uncle for using troops without permission. It's hard to explain in one sentence."

Dugu Ming sighed: "Mr. Yan is too upright. He is a rare and famous official in the court. It's a pity that he never met his master. What a pity!"

Yan Quanming hesitated and said, "Perhaps please ask His Highness King Qi to recommend my uncle to serve in Longyou, and he will be appointed by the court. My second uncle will then go."

"This is not the same as His Highness King Qi's expectations. The key is whether your uncle can accept being loyal to King Qi instead of being loyal to the emperor. This is the key."

Yan Quanming said after a while: "Let me find a chance to talk to my uncle!"

Dugu Ming then said slowly: "Li Xi's excuse to impeach your uncle was actually ordered by the emperor. Uncle Qi supports His Highness the Crown Prince and has become a thorn in Li Fuguo's side. When he comes back, let him be careful and be careful with his words and deeds to avoid being castrated." The party has a handle."

"Thank you Dugu Prince Consort for reminding me. I will definitely tell my uncle. I will take my leave now."

After Yan Quanming said goodbye and left, Duguming found the housekeeper and handed him a small sealed package, "Go to Li Fuguo's mansion and give this package to him. Say it was given to him by His Highness King Qi. It is of great importance." , must be handed over to Li Fuguo himself. If he is not at home, you can either wait or get it back!"

The housekeeper took the package and nodded: "Don't worry, sir, it will be done!"

The housekeeper hurried away, and Dugu Ming read Li Ye's letter carefully again.

He was also a little shocked. In the past two days, there had been a commotion in the DPRK about the Uighurs. The Uighur envoy stationed in Chang'an accused the Helong Tang Army of obstructing the Uighurs from going south in Fengzhou and killed tens of thousands of Uighurs. This made Khan worried. Death from disease.

The Uighurs had torn up all the agreements signed with the Tang Dynasty, and the Uighur envoys also returned home angrily.

There was an uproar in the imperial court, and they all personally condemned Li Ye for ignoring the overall situation and damaging the relationship between Tang and Hui, and demanded that Li Ye be severely punished for sending troops without authorization.

Only now did Dugu Ming know that the Huihe Khan was killed by the Tang army on the battlefield. It was so surprising. With such an army in the Tang Dynasty, why worry about Shi Siming's immortality?

Li Fuguo happened to be in the mansion. He had to rush back to Daming Palace after dinner. He heard that Dugu Ming sent a housekeeper to deliver a package to him and insisted on delivering it to him personally. Li Fuguo immediately understood that it must be Li Ye who was looking for him.

He immediately ordered the young eunuch to bring the steward of Dugu Mansion to see him.

The butler bowed and handed the package to Li Fuguo, "My master has nothing to say. There is a letter here. Mr. Li can just read the letter."

Li Fuguo asked his men to take one or two pieces of silver as a reward to the housekeeper. The housekeeper felt contempt in his heart, but pretended to be grateful and left.

Li Fuguo opened the package, and inside was a letter. It was indeed Li Ye's personal letter, and there was a medium-sized gold box next to it.

Li Fuguo suddenly became very interested. He picked up the gold box and slowly opened it. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes. There were gems inside, all of which were top-quality gems. There were more than thirty of them, and their quality was better than the gems in his collection. .

Li Fuguo was extremely greedy for treasures. He collected countless gems, jades, pearls and other treasures. The high quality of these thirty gems, each worth at least thousands of gold, made him so happy that he narrowed his eyes with a smile.

There was also a note inside, which read: ‘The trophies of the Huihe Khan were captured and shared with the public. ’

Of course Li Fuguo knew that Li Ye would not give him tens of thousands of dollars of treasure in vain, and he must be asking for something.

Li Fuguo opened the letter and read it carefully. He nodded. The request was not difficult and could be implemented.

Li Fuguo still had this bottom line of taking people's money to help them eliminate disasters. If he just takes money and doesn't do anything, who will give him gifts in the future?

Li Fuguo threw the letter into the copper furnace and burned it, put the gems into his treasure house, and then hurried back to the palace.

The emperor Li Heng was very angry these days. Of course he was angry with Li Ye. First, Li Ye captured Shuofang without permission. Although it was a good thing to regain Shuofang, he sent troops without his consent, which made Li Heng hate him even more.

It was fine to regain Shuofang without authorization, but he went north to Fengzhou to start a war with the Uighurs. He was still waiting eagerly for the Uighur army to go south to help the war. Li Ye actually fought with the Uighur army, which angered the Uighurs and canceled all cooperation, including the plan to send troops to reinforce. This made Li Heng not angry.

What worries Li Heng even more is that the Uighurs originally wanted to send troops to cooperate with Shi Siming. He went to great lengths to send Pugu Huai'en to negotiate with the Uighurs, and finally persuaded the Uighurs to support the Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly, Li Ye interfered. Yellow.

Thinking that all his hard work would be ruined like this, Li Heng had the desire to kill.

At this time, a palace maid came forward and whispered: "Your Majesty, Aweng is here and says there is something important!"

Li Heng was upset and originally wanted to say goodbye, but then he changed his mind and sighed: "Let him wait in the outer hall!"

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