
Chapter 834 Dugu’s Internal Split

At noon, Li Ye arrived at Wude Restaurant, where Dugu Ming had been waiting for a long time.

This is not a formal reception, but Dugu Ming invited Li Ye to have a drink and meet each other. Tonight is the grand reception banquet held by the Dugu family for Li Ye, with hundreds of guests attending.

"Third uncle, long time no see!" Li Ye saluted with a smile.

Dugu Ming smiled and patted his arm, "Today I no longer regard you as the prince, but as my niece-in-law."

"I feel like my third uncle is one year younger than last year!"

"Hey! Are you complimenting me or mocking me? Okay! Just treat it like you're telling the truth!"

The two of them chatted and laughed and went up to the third floor. There was a private room specially reserved by the Dugu family. It was very soundproof. You could talk in there without worrying about ears through the wall.

Li Ye entered the room and unexpectedly found that Dugujun was also there. He quickly saluted, "It turns out that my second uncle is here too!"

Dugujun smiled slightly and said, "I heard that the third child invited me to drink at noon, so I came too."

A flash of displeasure flashed in Dugu Ming's eyes, but Li Ye didn't notice it.

The three of them sat down, and soon the bartender and the maid brought the wine and food. Dugu Ming nodded, and three young and beautiful maids poured wine and food for them. Dugu Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, the three of them can't listen or speak."

It turned out that the three maids were all deaf-mute, and the Dugu family really wanted to use deaf-mute people as maids so that they could speak freely.

Li Ye nodded and asked Dugujun: "Excuse me, second uncle, who is the governor of Beiting now?"

Dugujun smiled and said: "Now the governor of Beiting and Anxi is still Feng Wang Li Gong, and the others are in Chang'an."

"What about the specific stay and troop strength?"

"The one who stayed in Beiting was Zhou Yi, the military envoy of Xizhou, with about 6,000 troops. The one who stayed in Anxi was Yang Zhilie, the original envoy of Hexi Jiedu. After the fall of Hexi, he led part of the army to retreat to Anxi and was appointed by the imperial court as the governor of Anxi. The chief historian is also the military envoy of the four towns, with an army of ten thousand people."

Li Ye nodded secretly. After saying this, he knew it in his heart.

The three of them drank a glass of wine, and Dugu Ming said with a smile: "When Ah Ye comes to Beijing this time, the entire court will worship you like a Bodhisattva. Even those who hate you will greet you with a smile.

But a month ago, everyone in the court wanted to cut you into pieces. This change in attitude is really interesting. "

"Is it because of Huihe?" Li Ye asked with a slight smile.

Dugu Ming nodded, "You don't know that the moment the Uighur envoys cursed the court and tore up the troop negotiation, all the officials in the court felt that the sky was falling. Without the Uighur troops to help, how could we defeat the rebels?

Many people thought that the Tang Dynasty was about to perish, and pessimism enveloped the court. You can imagine how much everyone hated you at the time, but after your military report was delivered to the court, everyone suddenly realized that even the Uighur Army was not yours. opponent, then why not let the Helong Army send troops to fight against the rebellion?

It can be said that you have turned around overnight. One day, you were called a traitor to the country, and the next day, you are praised to the heavens as a pillar of the country. Your face changes so quickly that you have not seen it in decades. "

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "In principle, I agree to send troops, but sending 5,000 troops is sending troops, and sending 50,000 troops is also sending troops. The key lies in the sincerity of the court."

"What does Aye want?" Dugujun asked.

Li Ye smiled apologetically, and Dugu Ming quickly smiled and said: "Second brother, let's not ask, this is their major secret!"

In fact, Li Ye originally planned to tell Dugu Ming, but Dugu Jun was still a little uneasy, especially since Dugu Qiming married the prince, Li Ye had to have reservations.

Dugujun nodded silently, a little unhappy in his heart. He knew that Li Ye refused to say anything because of him.

At this time, Li Ye changed the subject and asked Dugu Ming, "What's going on with the Supreme Emperor?"

Dugu Ming sneered and said: "I originally thought that there was only a battle for the throne between the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor, but I didn't expect that there was also a fight between King Yong and the Supreme Emperor. In the end, the Supreme Emperor gave up and went to Qingcheng Mountain to become a Taoist priest. He gave up the idea of ​​ascending the throne again. , the plan he proposed for the Crown Prince was the result of him admitting defeat."

This statement is basically consistent with Li Ye's guess. If there is no special reason, Li Longji will not give up his own interests and support the interests of King Yong. Li Longji recalled King Yong to Bashu because he wanted him to support his restoration, and then He was appointed as the crown prince, but there was no hope of restoration in the end. The crown prince became the crown prince's younger brother, and Li Longji was eliminated first.

"But the emperor hasn't approved the crown prince's request yet. What are you waiting for?" Li Ye asked again.

"It should be soon. Yesterday, the five prime ministers went to visit the prince. If the prince's condition is really bad, the political affairs hall will approve the prince's resignation, and the emperor will announce the restoration of the prince. It is estimated that it will be in the next few days."

Just as he was talking, Dugujun stood up and said with a smile: "You guys can continue talking! I have to go back and help my elder brother. I'm afraid he can't do it alone."

Dugu Ming nodded, "I'll go back later."

"Then Aye just eat slowly, I'll go back first."

Dugujun smiled, turned and left,

Watching Dugujun walk away, Li Ye asked lightly: "Second uncle, what's going on?"

"It's because of his daughter! He wanted the Dugu family to contact the Guanlong nobles to oppose the deposed crown prince, but the eldest brother didn't agree. He has been feeling uncomfortable for a while. He suddenly came over at noon to persuade you to persuade your father-in-law, but I won't do it. He had a chance, and I had a quarrel with him before you came."

Li Ye smiled and said, "How can I be so easily persuaded about such a major matter?"

"That's the problem!"

Dugu Ming knocked on the table angrily and said: "It is such an important decision to dissuade the emperor from deposing the prince. What can the Dugu family gain and lose? How sure is it of success? If it fails, how much trouble will it cause?" trouble?

He acted rashly without thinking anything carefully, just to keep the position of the crown prince Liangdi. It was childish to the extreme and ridiculous. "

"My father said that the prince felt like he was poisoned and was in a very bad condition."

"It was poisoning! But no one poisoned him. As far as I know, the prince took a chronic poison himself. He was not pretending to be sick, but deliberately destroying himself."

"Take poison yourself?" Li Ye asked in shock: "Why do you do this?"

"You should be resentful in your heart! The emperor forced him to pretend to be ill and abdicate. He was unwilling to do so and did not dare to disobey his father's orders, so he used this method to torture himself to express his anger."

Li Ye was speechless. He originally thought that Prince Li Yu should bear the humiliation and persevere, but he didn't expect that he would collapse under such a little pressure.

Li Ye shook his head, "He should learn from his father's forbearance, so that he can succeed."

"This is also an important reason why the eldest brother is unwilling to help him. He has even given up on himself, so who else can help him."

Li Ye didn't want to mention the prince's matter anymore. He had another important thing to ask Dugu Ming.

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Does Third Uncle think Yu Chaoen will hand over the Jingyuan Army to me?"

Dugu Ming immediately reacted, "One of your conditions is to get the Jingyuan Army?"

Li Ye nodded, "The other condition is Shuofang Jiedushi. I don't think it's a big problem. The key is that I have to get 10,000 Jingyuan troops and 5,000 Shangzhou troops."

Dugu Ming pondered for a long time, "It is difficult to say it is difficult, but it is not difficult to say it is not difficult."

"Third uncle, what do you say?"

Duguming smiled and said: "It's difficult because the court's decision cannot affect Yu Chaoen. If Yu Chaoen doesn't agree, the emperor will have nothing to do with him, let alone the political affairs hall.

But it is not difficult to say. This is what Yu Chaoen said. If he gets enough benefits, he will accept the emperor's arrangement. "

"Are we still going to bribe him?"

Dugu Ming smiled bitterly and said: "It would be best if he could hand over the army smoothly, but if he refuses, I can't think of any simpler way besides using money to make up for it."

Li Ye nodded, "Let's discuss this matter later! If I need to take action, I still have to go through the Dugu family."

"it is necessary!"

Dugu Ming said solemnly: "Although bribing the eunuchs is a last resort, it will still affect your reputation if word spreads. Colluding with the eunuchs has always been hated by the officials. Let the Dugu family handle it, which is a kind of protection for you."

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