
Chapter 859 Patrolling Refugees

Li Ye stayed at home for half a month and then set off for Lingzhou again. Currently, the Hebei refugee issue is Longyou's top priority. After visiting his newborn son, Li Ye set off for Lingzhou again.

This time he still took Qing Yu with him, and Qing Yu followed Li Ye on horseback instead of riding a carriage.

Four days later, Li Ye arrived at Feng'an Town, which belongs to Mingsha County and has always been a mining powerhouse in Shuofang Jiedu Prefecture. There are currently nearly 20,000 people mining here.

One is a copper-iron mine, and there is an open-pit coal mine.

Feng'an Town is today's Zhongwei County in Ningxia. It has very rich coal reserves and extremely high quality. Shuofang Jiedu Prefecture sent troops to mine coal here on a small scale, mainly for smelting fuel.

Li Ye stood on a high place, looking at thousands of people digging coal in the distance, putting baskets of coal on carts, and then transporting them to the Yellow River a few miles away.

Li Ye had been thinking about the winter issue of the refugees on the road. Temporarily placing the refugees in Lingzhou was also the result of their repeated consideration. It was unrealistic to bring the refugees directly back to Longyou, and the main reason was that there was too little time.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the people of Lingzhou lost their sense of security and moved south to Guanzhong and Hanzhong in large numbers. Now that Lingzhou's population is sparse, it can accommodate millions of refugees. Considering the hundreds of people in the Lingzhou Company later Tens of thousands of Xixia people can be fed, and resettlement of millions of refugees is not a big problem.

But the most difficult thing is this winter. The winter in Shuofang is very cold and covered with heavy snow. How to survive this winter is the top priority.

The key to surviving the winter is heating, which requires fuel. Wood, cow dung, and camel dung are all fuels. Li Ye also considered coal. Burning coal is undoubtedly the best, convenient and clean, and it is even more convenient to make briquettes or briquettes.

But there are also problems with burning coal, that is, you cannot burn it in the room because it will cause poisoning, and you can only cook it outside. Of course, safety issues can be publicized so that everyone understands that it will cause poisoning, and naturally they will not burn coal in the big tent.

At this time, Wang Song, the leader of the personal guards, rode up to ask for instructions, "Your Highness, are we still going to Zhaobi Mountain?"

"Would you like to visit the iron mine?" Li Ye asked Qing Yu next to him with a smile.

"I will follow my husband, it doesn't matter to me."

Li Ye then said to his soldiers: "I won't go this time, go directly to Lingzhou!"

An hour later, the team set off again and headed to Lingzhou. Three days later, Li Ye and his party arrived in Lingzhou.

The changes in Lingzhou in the past few months really amazed Li Ye. First, with the efforts of 20,000 soldiers and 50,000 civilians, ten board-walled military camps were built around Lingwu County. Each one was very large, with a circumference of nearly At twenty miles, it can accommodate more than 100,000 people.

The board-wall military camp is not as thick as the city wall. It does not need thickness. It is made of wood as the skeleton, mud and wheat straw. It is very strong after drying. Its biggest function is not for safety, but to resist the cold. wind.

Everyone has experience that as long as there is no wind in winter, although the temperature is very low, you will not feel cold under the warm sunshine. However, once there is a strong and cold northwest wind, it will freeze people.

Therefore, building a board-walled military camp is undoubtedly the fastest and most practical method.

Several new board-walled military camps are still being built in the distance. Currently, Lingzhou has more than one million refugees. The ten refugee camps are relatively crowded, and new refugee camps need to be added.

Maybe in the Central Plains, a million refugees can only build three or four large camps that can hold up to the sky. Each refugee camp is overcrowded, with feces and urine, piles of garbage, and extremely dirty. Bearing so many refugees, but more importantly, it is a matter of attitude. Local governments are passive in accepting refugees. It would be good if they can accept them. How is it possible to live in a better place?

But Helong took the initiative to accept refugees this time. On the one hand, it was to solve the problem of Helong's insufficient population. On the other hand, it was to obtain military sources. On the other hand, the lord Li Ye could also gain world fame.

Reputation is too important. When Liu Bei becomes emperor, the world will focus on him, and there will be no resistance at all. If you let Liu Biao or Liu Zhang ascend the throne and become emperor, try it. It will be strange if you don't drown them in saliva. This is because the world's reputation is not enough.

Song Jiangwen was not good at martial arts, and his qualifications were not as good as those of Lin Chong. Why did he become the boss of Liangshan? He relied on his reputation for timely rain, and had a team behind him. After Chao Gai was injured, he cried three times in front of the hospital bed. God, he refuses to call a doctor even if he lives and breathes. He has a sinister heart.

Currently, Liu Yan is in charge of Shuofang, and Chen Huan is in charge of the refugee passage on the road.

Liu Yan and Li Baozhen accompanied Li Ye to inspect the camp. The camp was divided into ten areas with wooden fences. There were horizontal and vertical streets in the camp, which were no different from the county town.

"Your Majesty, we have used all the money we have this time. There are more than 200,000 big tents, which can basically guarantee one big tent for each household. We also carry out district management and set up a tent in each district. There are toilets and toilets in every tent. Open urination and defecation are strictly prohibited. Once discovered, you will be whipped three times. Every ten days, we have to sprinkle the camp with quicklime water. In addition, drinking raw materials is strictly prohibited. water."

Li Ye nodded and looked around. Patrol teams were walking between the tents. The tents were all arranged neatly, but there were clothes hanging in front of the tents, but it still seemed crowded.

"If it catches fire, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Liu Yan quickly said: "Your Highness, it is strictly forbidden to use fire in the camp. This is the practice since Xiangyang. Food and drinking hot water are arranged in a unified manner!"

"Can the hot water be used openly?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

Liu Yan shook his head, "There's not that much wood!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "This time I came to Lingzhou, I went to the Feng'an Town Coal Field. It is open-pit coal mining with a large output. It can mine more than 100,000 kilograms of coal every day. From now on, you will use coal to boil water. It is so hot." The water can be opened and used, especially in winter, hot water is very important.”

Liu Yan was overjoyed and said: "Your Highness's proposal is so timely. It is difficult to cut down trees now and fuel is tight. I am still worried. If necessary, I can organize tens of thousands of young people who cut down trees to mine coal."

Li Ye said happily: "Of course that's good. The more people there are, the greater the coal production. You can also mix coal powder with yellow mud and wheat straw powder in a ratio of ten to three to make coal cakes. My soldiers will teach you later." What do you do, make full use of the pulverized coal."

After walking out of a wooden fence area, Li Ye saw a long queue on the street in front of him, all of them were young and strong men, so he asked: "What are you doing over there?"

Li Baozhen bowed and said, "Report to Your Highness, they are recruiting troops over there!"

Li Ye's eyes lit up. One of his very important purposes in coming to Lingzhou this time was to see the army recruitment situation.

He quickly asked: "How many troops have been recruited now?"

"It has exceeded 50,000 in just a few days. If this trend continues, there will be no problem if it exceeds 100,000. Registration is very enthusiastic, and many of them are former soldiers of the Tang Army."

Li Ye's goal is to recruit 80,000 troops. If it exceeds 100,000, of course it is not bad. The rest can be used as militia soldiers. They will play a big role in the formation of Fengzhou.

Li Ye said happily: "Let's take a look!"

Everyone urged their horses to rush towards the recruitment point.

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