
Chapter 865 Preparing for war

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "The Luo family is not Liu Shengdian. I will not use violence and will only use normal market methods to compete with the Luo family. However, the government wants to control food prices from the source. The food from the Xin family manor will be sold in the future." Give it to the government!”

Hearing that violence was not needed to deal with the Luo family, Xin Yunjing felt a little relieved and bowed: "The Xin family will fully support His Highness's decision!"

"General Xin should seize the time to train the new soldiers. He should not have time to pay attention to the Luo family."

Of course Xin Yunjing understood the meaning of King Qi's words, and he quickly said: "Of course! I am very busy training soldiers in my humble position, and I have no time to receive the Luo family, and I can't help them."

Xin Yunjing bowed and left.

Li Ye then said coldly to Ji Shouchun: "Arrange people to continue to return the food, and then ask the county to send government officials to maintain order. Anyone who dares to use violence in the Luo family will be arrested!"

"I humbly obey my orders!"

The Luo family's food refund crisis has been going on for a month. Every day, the store is crowded with people who want to refund their food. The amount of food they want to refund has increased from 1,500 shi to 3,000 shi. There is not a single grain in the Luo family's grain store. Sell.

At the same time, the Jiedu government issued an order prohibiting private cross-border grain sales, declaring that grain was a strategic material. No private individuals or shops were allowed to transport grain outside Helong without authorization. Violators would be punished.

At the end of January, the exhausted Luo family had no choice but to return the food and money. However, the reputation of the store was completely ruined, and they did not sell a single bag of food in the following months.

Half a year later, Guancang purchased Luojia Rice Shop and turned it into a grain distribution center. It was not retailed to the outside world. The starting price of grain was fifty dan, which was cheaper than the price of grain in the joint warehouse of Twelve Manor.

Rice shops from all over the country come here to purchase goods. With this move, Guancang controls the price of food from the source.

In the vast snowfield, a group of about 30,000 soldiers were running mightily. It was already the end of January, and some of the ice and snow had melted, and carriages and pedestrians could already walk on the official road.

This section of the official road is the main official road from Xiangwu County in Weizhou to Jincheng County in Lanzhou. It was also the former Qinzhi Road. The distance is about 300 miles.

This section of the official road has always been the best route for the Helong Army to train. Every soldier must run at least three times.

This 30,000-strong army is a new recruit, each carrying weapons, water hyacinths and bags of dry food on their backs, running steaming along the pass.

This hundreds of miles of training is the last part of physical training. After the physical training is over, martial arts training, formation training and simulated actual combat training begin.

"Bite your teeth and hold on, you can rest after running for another hour!" Xin Yunjing, the chief training officer of the Longyou Army, shouted loudly on his horse.

Li Ye has four armies under his command, the Longyou Army, the Hexi Army, the Shuofang Army and the Anxi Army. The main generals of the four armies are Li Ye, and the deputy generals are responsible for leading the troops. The left and right deputy generals of the Hexi Army are Li Baozhen and Pei Xiu. The deputy generals on the left and right of the Long You Army are Xin Yunjing and Nan Jiyun, the deputy generals of the Shuofang Army are Lei Wanchun, and the deputy generals of the Anxi Army are Bai Xiaode.

One hundred thousand new soldiers were also allocated to these four armies, including 30,000 Longyou Army and Hexi Army each, and 20,000 Shuofang Army and Anxi Army each.

At this time, a training army also came from the opposite side. It was Bai Xiaode who was training 20,000 Anxi recruits. In addition to the Hexi recruits training in Hexi and the Shuofang recruits training in Shuofang, the Longyou Army and the Anxi Army were training on the Longyou side.

The two armies passed each other and everyone greeted each other. Bai Xiaode urged his horse forward and clasped his fists, smiling: "How many times will General Xin rest on the road?"

"I usually run fifty miles to arrange for the soldiers to rest for an hour. Where is General Bai?"

Bai Xiaode quickly said: "Me too!"

The two laughed loudly, and Xin Yunjing said loudly: "Let's fight again during simulated actual combat training!"

"I'll definitely accompany you!"

The two clapped their hands and urged their horses away. The two armies staggered past, one running to the southeast and the other to the northwest.

In the Huilong Valley in the west of Jincheng County, it is also the actual combat training base of the Tang Army. The Tang Army built a city wall about one mile long and three feet high in the valley. This is exactly the same height as the Luoyang City Wall. The ground is paved with thick bunker.

At this time, the shouts of killing on the city wall were loud, and two armies of three thousand men each fought fiercely on the top of the city. They used blunt knives and blunt spears. Although they would fall into the sand pit if they fell, this kind of actual combat training was still relatively simple. Dangerous and extremely easy to get injured. In one month of actual combat training, seven soldiers have died and more than 30 others have been injured.

But this kind of actual combat training is very effective. After a round of eight actual combat trainings, many soldiers who have never been on the battlefield feel like they have been transformed and become murderous.

This kind of actual combat also trains young generals. The offensive and defensive sides are all young generals Ying Yanglang who have just been promoted. The defensive leader is called Wang Min, and the offensive leader is called Zhou Yan. They are both from Jingzhao, testing their commanding abilities.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The armistice bell rang and the two sides stopped fighting. Zhou Yan clenched his fists in annoyance. He lost this battle.

The condition for victory was that at least a thousand people rushed to the top of the city within an hour. Zhou Yan's soldiers were never able to rush to the top of the city.

The people on the top of the city cheered, and Zhou Yan shouted: "General Wang, let's have another night battle!"

Wang Min gave a thumbs up, "Then fight at night!"

It’s not like they can fight at night if they want to. There are so many armies lining up behind a city wall!

Fortunately, a night battle at the fourth watch was postponed, and they jumped in line.

At the fourth watch, the two armies once again attacked the city. This time, Zhou Yan's army defended and Wang Min's army attacked. However, more than half an hour later, Wang Min's army attacked the city.

This time, Zhou Yan was convinced of his defeat.

In the big tent, the training leader Li Feiyuanli was so anxious that he yelled: "Every one of your men is afraid of their hands and feet, like eunuchs who have had their eggs cut off. What about the bloodiness of men? What about the ferocity of men from the northwest? No, it doesn't matter at all. No! Let me tell you, if you are so afraid of death in the next competition, I will let you become a support soldier."

Li Fei Yuanli had a bad temper and would curse loudly whenever he disagreed with him. The scolding made Zhou Yan blush as red as pig liver and he wished he could get through the cracks in the ground.

But Li Fei Shouyu was much gentler than his brother. He pulled Zhou Yan outside the tent and whispered: "I watched your two confrontations, and I feel that you made a mistake in your use of troops."

Zhou Yan quickly saluted, "General, please teach me!"

"The soldiers you used to defend the city on the front line are all the soldiers who attacked the city on the front line before, right?"

"Yes, I feel that they have all held their breath and will definitely make up for the loss."

"That's the problem. Everyone has different opinions. Of course they are not convinced, but they are afraid in their hearts and will not say it out loud, so they act timid when they go into battle. On the contrary, if you use new people to go into battle, you will Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they are not afraid of hands or feet at all, you understand!"

Zhou Yan sighed for a long time, "The general is right, you still can't judge people even if you are in a humble position!"

"Now you understand, it's your army's turn to attack the city the day after tomorrow morning. You can try using the new frontline to attack the city. The effect will definitely be better than tonight!"

"I understand my humble position, thank you General for your enlightenment."

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