
Chapter 89 Seize the opportunity

Feng Quanong smiled at Li Ye again and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is the Falcon, the left passer, the next one is the Bobcat, the right passer, and the third one is the Silver Knife, the left tackler , the fourth is Cangsong, the right tackler, the four of them are black players like you, but they are not on the ranking list."

The four of them all nodded to Li Ye, who bowed with fists in his hands and then sat down on the empty seat.

Feng Quanong then added: "Our rematch will be held at Wubenfang Polo Ground tomorrow morning. Our opponent is the Yang Family Polo Team. Everyone knows that the Yang Family Polo Team has filled the gap of the right-back polo team. Entered the semi-finals.

They have not been idle this month. They have also recruited two polo masters at a high price. One of them is Tiema, the former main goal scorer of the Shuofang Polo Team. The other's details are unknown. There are rumors that he may be a second-tier team. "

Bobcat suddenly frowned and said, "Don't you say that second-level golfers are very stable and won't change teams easily?"

Second-level polo players are selected, and the threshold is very high. They must have sufficient qualifications and strength. They are indispensable. There are only eight people in total, all of whom are concentrated in the military polo team.

The Guanglong Wujun Polo Team accounts for half, and the other four are distributed among the Xiaoqiwei Polo Team, Longyou Army Polo Team and Fan Yangjun Polo Team. Among them, there are two people from the Xiaoqiwei Polo Team and the Longyou Army Polo Team. and Fan Yangjun polo team have one player each.

Feng Quanong shook his head, "So the details of the other party are unknown. I tried my best to find out, but the Yang family concealed it very closely. Even other polo players don't know his origin. His name is also casual, Wang Houyan."

"Mr. Feng, will the Yang family polo team have any warm-up matches recently?" Li Ye asked.

Feng Quanong shook his head and said: "They played two games yesterday and the day before yesterday, and defeated the Youwei Polo Team and the Hexi Army Polo Team respectively. The iron horses they hired are indeed somewhat capable, but Wang Houyan's performance was average and not at all like A second-level player might just be a gimmick.”

Feng Quanong then said to everyone: "Let's talk about tomorrow's arrangements. Everyone will arrive here before chen time tomorrow morning. Except for the clubs and horses, all other golf equipment is the same. You will see it in your room.

Then everyone will take a carriage to the stadium. I will make arrangements. Gao Weng has no other requirements. Everyone just needs to do their best. If they win, everyone will get a big reward. "

Li Ye lowered his head and thought silently. He had an idea before. After listening to Feng Qunong's introduction, he immediately realized that his opportunity had come.


After everyone dispersed, Li Ye found Feng Qunong and asked him, "Does the young master have any information about Tiema and Wang Houyan?"

Feng Quannong thought for a while and said: "Tie Ma is a Tielehu man and is very arrogant. Mrs. Guo Guo offered him a very high price. I don't know the specific price. And Wang Houyan was the person Yang Xuan found. I It is certain that this person is Nan Yan, who is a substitute on the Jiannan polo team. He should be the cousin of Yang Xuan’s wife, and it is said that he also paid a high price."

‘Cousin of Yang Xuan’s wife’, Li Ye’s heart was pounding. God was helping him. This opportunity was so rare that he must seize it.

Li Ye smiled quietly and said, "Don't you want Mr. Feng to make use of such important information?"

Feng Quannong was startled, "How to use it?"

Li Ye whispered his advice. Feng Quanong was adopted by Gao Lishi at a very young age. It can be said that he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Although he was very smart and capable, he was unwilling to do many things and did not bother to do them. Do.

Li Ye actually suggested that he use alienation tactics to disrupt the morale of the other party's troops. Feng Quanong frowned slightly, "There's no need to do this!"

It was related to his own future. How could Li Ye give up? He tried hard to get at it and said, "I'm just making a suggestion that can ensure victory. It's up to you whether to adopt it or not!"

Feng Qunong was a cautious person. He thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this! If you have time, you might as well come with me to the palace."

Li Ye knew very well that he must be going to see Gao Lishi.

Gao Lishi also had his own official chamber in the palace. While drinking tea, he listened to Feng Qunong's report.

"Flying Shark believes that the Yang family currently has a big weakness. Tiema is a Tielehu man, and Wang Houyan is a fake second-level player, but Mrs. Guo Guo has given them high prices. Once the prices are made public, there will inevitably be If other players are strongly dissatisfied, they will inevitably resist on the court. If the Iron Horse cannot perform to its level, if the results in the first half are not good, they will definitely break out into internal strife."

Gao Lishi understood Li Ye's suggestion. As long as they make full use of the internal contradictions of the Yang family polo team, they will definitely win.

"Is Flying Shark outside?"

"Waiting outside the palace."

Gao Lishi took out an access card and handed it to Feng Quanong, "Bring him in to see me!"

Not long after, Feng Qunong brought Li Ye into Gao Lishi's official room.

Li Ye bowed and said, "Junior, meet Gao Weng!"

Gao Lishi smiled and waved his hand, "Sit down and talk!"

Li Ye sat down on the side, and Gao Lishi smiled and said: "Erlang just told me about your suggestion. I don't object to this plan to disrupt the opponent's military morale, but there are two points. First, is it available in time? Second, is it possible in time? , where to start? Mr. Li, can you tell me more specifically?"

Li Ye said calmly: "Actually, tonight is the best implementation. As far as I know, the Yang family polo team was actually established by Mrs. Guo Guo. Yang Xuan was only entrusted with management. He has no power to adjust the field deployment." , even if he discovers a problem, he cannot make immediate adjustments and must report it to Mrs. Guo Guo, but it may be too late."

Gao Lishi nodded, "You are right, the Yang family polo team has this weakness, and tomorrow Mrs. Guo Guo will enter the palace to accompany the imperial concubine, so she will not be able to watch the game."

Li Ye continued: "Then there is the question of where to start. The junior suggested starting with Yang Hui and the shooter Xiao Li Guang."

"Yang Hui is also from the Yang family, will he cause trouble?"

"Reporting to Mr. Gao, this junior knows that Yang Hui and Yang Xuan are fighting overtly and secretly for the position of team leader. Yang Hui will definitely dismantle Yang Xuan. To be on the safe side, you can let the other team's shooter Xiao Liguang inform him about the high price. The morale of the entire team and the opponent's team will definitely be in chaos during tomorrow's game. Polo is a game between five people, so one person alone cannot win."

"Okay! I know, I'll think about it again."

After Li Ye resigned, Gao Lishi asked Feng Quanong again: "What is the relationship between this prince Yan and Yang Xuan? Why did Yang Xuan recommend him?"

"Reporting to my father, Yang Xuan's wife and Wang Houyan are cousins. I heard that Mrs. Guo Guo only wanted to recruit a second-level player. Yang Xuan might have asked him to pretend to be a second-level player and deceive Mrs. Guo. Anyway, she didn't want to He knows a lot about polo, but he tells me he is using tactics of suspicion."

Gao Lishi nodded, "Yang Xuan is deceiving him?"

"Replying to father, it is indeed true!"

Gao Lishi pondered for a moment and said to Feng Quanong: "I appreciate Fei Shark's suggestion. The court is like a battlefield, and troops must be prepared. Today you go find the opponent's shooter Xiao Li Guang and ask him to tell Wang Houyan's true story." Tell Yang Hui his identity, and then ask him to tell his friends that Tiema and Wang Houyan's income is 2,000 guan per game.

As for Xiao Li Guang, if he is unfortunately expelled, as long as he doesn't talk nonsense, I will arrange for him to join the palace as a guard. "

Feng Qunong immediately agreed, "Haier, go and get this done now!"

At the same time, on the grass in front of the guest room of Yang Mansion, Yang Xuan was also doing pre-match mobilization. It was not so much pre-match mobilization as it was to explain special precautions.

"Tomorrow our opponent is the Tianpeng Polo Team. This is Gao Weng's team. It doesn't matter if we win or lose, but everyone must have clean hands and feet. Kicking and beating are never allowed. If Gao Weng is offended, the Yang family also We may not be able to save everyone’s lives.”

Gao Lishi's team is famous for being mysterious, always making substitutions, and Gao Lishi hates unclean hands and feet the most. He will never let anyone dare to mess with his players, and will give him the lightest punishment. All are done by cutting off one hand.

In fact, everyone knows very well that Gao Lishi's team often includes the princes and grandsons in the competition. If the princes and grandsons are injured, Gao Lishi will not be able to explain to the emperor, so don't blame him for being cruel.

After the explanation, everyone dispersed. At this time, Yang Guozhong, who was sitting aside, said, "Have you never investigated the origins of the golfer Gao Lishi?"

Yang Xuan bowed and said: "Haier has investigated and found out that only Falcon is Mingqi. The origins of the other four are unknown, but Boy suspects that one of them is Flying Shark!"

Yang Xuan heard a rumor that Fei Shark no longer played for the Ningwang team, but his whereabouts were unknown.

This time Gao Lishi changed four new players at once, and Yang Xuan suspected that one of them was Fei Shark.

In fact, if Yang Xuan goes deeper into the incident of Yuwen Siwu's broken leg, he will know that Li Ye has the Baoshou card in his hand, and that Li Ye is the secret of Feisha. Yang Xuan also knows, and he can infer that Li Ye is playing ball for Gao Lishi. .

It's a pity that the Yuwen family and other families are very secretive about this matter, and no one dares to spread it, so Yang Xuan doesn't know.

Yang Guozhong shook his head, "We must learn the lesson from last time. Don't jump to conclusions without conclusive evidence, otherwise you will make a mistake in judgment."

"Haier understands that regardless of whether Feisha is in the Tianpeng team or not, Boyer will implement the established tactics and strive to win and qualify."

Yang Guozhong thought for a while and asked: "You didn't reveal Wang Houyan's identity, did you?"

"Please rest assured, father, this matter is very secret. No one else knows about it except the child!"

Yang Guozhong nodded, "It's just this once, it won't be the same next time!"

Li Ye used unfair income to provoke internal strife in the Yang family. In fact, he was using his own methods to pay back others. When he was on the Ningwang polo team, the Yang family also deliberately leaked his income, which led to internal strife. Triangle Snake was killed. expulsion,

Li Ye has a deeper intention, which is to provoke infighting in the Yang family.

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