
Chapter 92 Elimination Semi-finals (Part 2)

As soon as the second half kicked off, both teams went all out.

Li Ye dragged fifty steps toward the midfield and became the center. It must be said that Gao Lishi's vision was still very sharp. He saw the biggest problem of the team, which was that they played in separate formations and played in a disorganized manner.

He needs one person to organize the entire team. The Falcons can't do it, and everyone doesn't recognize him. Although the Bobcats are good, they can't shoot from long range.

After much deliberation, only Li Ye is the most suitable. He is not greedy for credit or conceited. Especially in the first half, he performed well and everyone convinced him.

After Li Ye played in the midfield, the chaos on the court changed. Li Ye gradually became the core of the team. Everyone gathered around him to play, and the team began to play in an orderly manner.

On the contrary, the morale of the Yang family polo team is on the verge of collapse, and there is a huge crisis of trust within them. This crisis is caused by the goal scorer Tiema.

Tie Ma is not a Han, but a Tie Le person. He has no problem in the Shuofang Army Polo Team. On the one hand, Shuofang Army Jiedushi Absi is one of his tribesmen. On the other hand, seven of the ten members of the Shuofang Polo Team are Iron Horses. There are only three Han people among the Le people or Uighurs.

But the Yang family polo team was different. He was the only one out of ten players, and more importantly, he scored two thousand goals in one game, which was far more than the other players. Of course, the other players were extremely dissatisfied.

In fact, only Lishi's guess is that the price of two thousand guan will be high. No one knows how much he actually got, and it doesn't matter. As long as he gets a high amount, it is enough.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have not worried about numbers but inequality. Gao Lian, the leader of Ningwang Polo Team, deliberately leaked Li Ye's income, which caused strong dissatisfaction among other players. He killed Li Ye during training, which eventually led to Triangle Snake being expelled. , to intimidate other players.

Even so, the relationship between Li Ye and other Ningwang polo team players has always been bad, but they don't dare to deliberately embarrass him anymore, but there will be no personal relationships.

Gao Lishi also knows this, so the money he gives to each player is secret. Only he knows it and is never allowed to be leaked.

Other teams are similar, either they are relatively balanced, or if they are given too much, they must keep it a secret.

The only conflict within the Yang family was between Yang Xuan and Yang Hui. When Yang Hui was drinking yesterday, instead of denying it, he only added fuel to the conflict and everyone believed it.

If Yang Xuan had the authority of King Si Ning, he would be able to impress other players. However, the team belongs to Mrs. Guo Guo, and Yang Xuan is only in charge of it. Therefore, Yang Xuan repeatedly asked the players to cooperate and provide the iron horse. ball, but no player bought his account.

The game is going on fiercely, with ten polo players running on the field.

Tiema played as a passer and shooter, but he just couldn't get the ball, and the ball was passed directly to Wang Houyan at the front end.

Wang Houyan was too weak, and he could only score one or two goals in ten opportunities, not to mention the efficient interception of Yin Dao.

At this time, the Tianpeng Polo Team's opportunity came.

The polo ball was passed in the direction of Li Ye in a parabola, and the iron horse and the big yellow crossbow surrounded him. The big yellow crossbow was afraid that Li Ye would shoot directly, so he used his horse to block Li Ye's shooting route from the front.

But before the polo hit the ground, Li Ye made a cross kick while running and passed the polo to Falcon.

The Iron Horse quickly returned to defend the Falcon. He had to return to defend, otherwise the Falcon would drive the ball into the frontcourt.

Unexpectedly, Falcon didn't wait for him to get closer, and once again passed the polo diagonally to Li Ye while running. At this time, Li Ye had broken through the defense of the big yellow crossbow, urged the horse to gallop, and shot a long shot from a hundred paces away.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, the polo entered the hole.


There is not much suspense in this match between the Tianpeng Polo Team and the Yang Family. The Yang Family Polo Team itself is not as strong as the Tianpeng Polo Team. The Yang Family Polo Team has forced its way into the top ten due to its power. This is the furthest it has ever gone.

But the internal strife of the Yang family polo team was the fatal injury, leaving the strongest Iron Horse with nothing to gain. Halfway through the second half, the Iron Horse didn't score a single goal and didn't even pass the ball a few times.

"This way!"

Tiema was so anxious that he waved his hands and shouted: "There is no one to defend here!"

Yin Dao, the opponent's tackler, went to defend Wang Houyan. The other opponent's tackler was at the fifty-step line. There was no one on his side to defend him. The polo ball was passed to him, and he could shoot the ball at the hundred-step line.

Unexpectedly, the evil eagle glanced at him coldly and passed a long pass to the big yellow crossbow on the other side.

Tiema was so angry that he threw his stick to the ground. The ball was unplayable!

He didn't know that Evil Eagle was paid a monthly salary, which was forty guan a month. The monthly salary for four years was not enough to equal his income from one game.

As soon as Dahuang Nu got the ball, it was intercepted by Li Ye and passed to Falcon. However, Iron Horse was too angry to intercept. Falcon rushed to the frontcourt with the ball and shot the ball fifty steps away. The ball went into the hole.

Yang Xuan was so angry that he rushed to the sidelines and pointed at the iron horse a dozen steps away and yelled, "You idiot, raising a pig is more useful than raising you. Let me tell you, if we lose this game, we won't even get a penny." arrive!"

The iron horse was humiliated in public, and he completely gave up his game. Sometimes he would pretend to chase after a few times and then give up. Sometimes he would simply pretend not to see it. Opportunities slipped away from him again and again, attracting boos from the audience.

However, the Tianpeng polo team became more and more courageous as they played. Under the leadership of Li Ye, the whole team played extremely smoothly, and every player had a record of scoring goals through holes.

On the last ball, Li Ye received a pass from Cangsong and shot a long shot 150 steps away into the hole. The final gong sounded immediately.

There was a burst of jubilation all around the stadium.

In the final result of the game, the Tianpeng Polo Team defeated the Yang Jia Polo Team 15-5, becoming the last team to rank among the top five.

The situation in Mrs. Guo Guo's house in Xuanyangfang was a different story.

Yang Yupei was furious, "Who leaked Tiema's income? Let me find out!"

Today the Yang family polo team suffered a disastrous defeat. Even a fool could see that there was internal strife. Yang Guozhong had no choice but to report the truth to Mrs. Guo Guo.

Yang Yupei became furious and cursed Yang Guozhong and his son until they were embarrassed.

Yang Guozhong had no choice but to hand over his hand and said: "Madam, please calm down first. This time it's not that Xuan'er's organization was poor. The key is that someone leaked Tiema's income, which caused internal strife. I also believe that the person who leaked the information must be severely punished!"

Yang Yupei was so angry that her chest heaved violently. She had spent so much money, but in the end she received a huge humiliation and became a joke in Chang'an City. No one else could bear it.

She patted the table and said, "Other than you and your son, who else knows?"

Yang Guozhong looked at Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan reported in a low voice: "Yang Hui invited some old players to drink last night. It was probably him who instigated it at the wine table."

Yang Yupei sneered in his heart and scolded: "Go and check for me. If he is really the instigator, see how I deal with him!"

Yang Guozhong and his son saluted and left in a hurry.

At this time, Yang Hui walked out of the inner hall, knelt down and cried: "My aunt also saw it. If Yang Xuan can't handle the internal conflicts himself, he will only blame his nephew."

Yang Hui was the third son of Yang Sui, the young eunuch of the palace, but he was born by a maid and was not valued by his father. However, Yang Yupei, the wife of Guo State, always thought that this nephew was good.

In fact, Yang Yupei also knew that he gave Tie Ma 1,500 yuan a game. Only he and Tie Ma knew about it. Either Tie Ma himself leaked it, or the players made random guesses.

But what made her most angry was another secret Yang Hui told her. She gritted her teeth and said, "Is that Wang Houyan really Yang Xuan's brother-in-law?"

"My nephew went to the Polo Office to find out. Wang Houyan's real name is Wang Yan. He is a captain of the Jiannan Army. His cousin is Yang Xuan's wife. He is not a second-level player at all. He has always been A substitute for the Jiannan Army Polo Team doesn’t even get a chance to play on the Jiannan Army Polo Team.”

Yang Yupei clenched her fists. She was not angry that she spent 1,500 yuan to hire a loser. Moreover, Yang Guozhong and his son lied to her and told her that she was a second-level player. This feeling of being fooled and deceived was hard for her to accept.

She gritted her teeth and said: "When your wings are hard, you won't take me seriously anymore. I want to see how far this bastard can go without me?"

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