Going back from above, they really haven't tried it, and they haven't even thought about it.

It was originally coming down from there, so why go up, but when Gu Zheng mentioned it, the white Da Luo Jinxian seemed to have a sense of it, and he was also staring at the sky.

Tao didn't speak all the time, Gu Zheng looked at the sky for a while, and then said: "The other direction is not good, only the above has not been tried, no matter what, you have to try it, any magic weapon, it is impossible to have no flaws, no flaws, then It is no longer a magic weapon!"

No one is perfect, and the magic weapon is the same. It has flaws and shortcomings. It just depends on whether you can find it, or, after you find it, whether you can take advantage of this weakness.

It is the sword formation composed of the famous Zhuxian Four Swords, and there are also flaws to be found.

"You're right. We've been going down blindly before. We never thought about going up. Let's go up and have a look!"

The black big Luo Jinxian said that he was about to take off, Gu Zheng hurriedly called out: "Wait!"

"If the flaw is really there, then it won't be without cover or defense. I'll try it first!"

As Gu Zheng said, he took out a low-level fairy sword, and directly sent the fairy sword into the air, into the colorful light.


As soon as the fairy sword entered, there was a loud bang from above, and soon the shattered fairy sword fell from the sky. Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng frowned again.

Sure enough, there are defenses here.

The big black Luo Jinxian's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but said, "Why were we all right when we got down from above?"

"This should be a matter of setting. It's okay from top to bottom, but not from bottom to top!"

Gu Zheng shook his head slightly, then looked at the two big Luo Jinxians, and continued: "What defensive magic weapon do you have? If you want to go in, you must have a defensive magic weapon to support it, otherwise, even if your body can resist it, it will consume a lot of money, and you can't get it here Supplement, once the consumption is exhausted, you will not be far from death!"

"A magic weapon for defense?"

The two Da Luo Jinxian looked at each other, they understood that what Gu Zheng said was right, even if they could resist the damage above, they couldn't keep resisting, the damage of instantly turning a fairy sword into pieces is not small.

But it's a pity, it's true that the two have magic weapons, but they are both attack magic weapons, and there is no defensive type.

"At this time, we can no longer be selfish. We must work together to make it possible to go out. Don't you want to go out and seek revenge on Chief?"

"Revenge, we must take revenge!"

Speaking of revenge, the black big Luo Jinxian showed a fierce look on his face. He definitely wanted revenge, and he knew that what Gu Zheng said was right, but at this moment, the two of them really had no magic weapon for defense.

"My magic weapon is this!"

The black big Luo Jinxian took the initiative to take out his treasure, a bell, and this bell is actually a top-grade fairy weapon, but it is mainly used for attack and has no defensive ability.

The same is true for the white big Luo Jinxian, but his is not a top-grade fairy weapon, but a high-level fairy weapon.

"Forget it, we're the only ones to come!"

Gu Zheng sighed. The reason why he asked like that before was to see if they had any secrets. They took out all the top-grade fairy artifacts, but they didn't have defensive fairy artifacts. It shouldn't be because of selfishness or selfishness. Gu Zheng can only do it himself. Find a way to resist the attack from above.

Gu Zheng has a treasure that can play a defensive role, but it will consume a lot of energy to support it with his strength, so he intends to let Tao control it. As for the two Da Luo Jinxians, forget it, Gu Zheng never really believed They passed them, and his piece was a congenital treasure, who knows if the two of them will have wrong thoughts in the future.

This treasure can only be controlled in their hands, and the only thing that Gu Zheng can fully believe in is Tao.

Gu Zhengxian was not strong enough, so it was the most appropriate choice to let Tao support the life and death book. After the life and death book was taken out, the two big Luo Jinxians were stunned again, with a hint of greed in their eyes.

"You kid, don't look at how bad your cultivation is, there are a lot of treasures, what kind of treasure is this?"

The black big Luo Jinxian couldn't help asking, but Gu Zheng ignored him, just handed the life and death book to Tao, let him take it first, and go up for an interview.

Without any nonsense, Tao just nodded, activated the life and death book, and rushed directly into the sky, entering the colorful light, there was a crackling sound in the sky immediately, and soon, Tao flew down from above again.

"There is a formation above, to attack the formation, you need to find the eye of the formation!"

After returning, Tao's words were very simple, and Gu Zheng nodded lightly, which he expected, this treasure pagoda magic weapon is extraordinary, it can trap even Daluo Jinxian, even trapped to death, how could there be no formation in it.

The eye of the formation is the key, if you find the eye of the formation, there is hope to destroy this treasure.

"Two, we have to work together!"

Gu Zheng looked at the two big Luo Jinxians, and they both nodded at the same time. They understood that it would be difficult for them to destroy this pagoda and get out. Although the two identical young men in front of them were not high in cultivation, they had good means. At least, they still have heavy treasures in their hands. After the union, there is hope to go out.

They also don't want to be stuck here all the time, they want to get out.

Tao wrapped the four of them in a life and death book, and at the same time, he didn't let go of the hand holding the blood knife. He watched the two big Luo Jinxians vigilantly, and Gu Zheng also looked at them, but he didn't speak.

As long as these two people are not stupid, this meeting will not do anything to them.

Tao led them to fly into the colorful light. Sure enough, there was a complete killing array inside. If it weren't for the amazing defense of Life and Death, they would be strangled after entering. Absolutely can't stand it.

"Look for the eyes!"

After entering the colorful light, Gu Zheng immediately shouted and looked around at the same time, without wasting any time, the two big Luo Jinxians also hurriedly looked around, and they both understood the key to the formation.

"Found it, in the position of Kun!"

Gu Zheng said suddenly, Tao has been supporting the Life and Death Bo, and the yellow light of Life and Death Bo has been shining in the colorful light, making the colorful light almost become a single yellow.

"Quick, what are you thinking, only you can block a few breaths of time, go and break it!"

Gu Zheng glared at the two Da Luo Jinxians, and shouted, under the protection of Life and Death Bo, he definitely couldn't directly confront the next opponent. He needed someone to go out. Neither he nor Tao could do it, and only these two Da Luo Jinxians could. .

"Okay, let's go!"

The black Da Luo Jinxian didn't hesitate, gathered his strength, and rushed out directly. The white Da Luo Jinxian hesitated, but finally rushed out.

The formation was not far away, and after discovering it, the two Da Luo Jinxians shot at the same time, and there were crackling sounds on their bodies. Even with armor on their bodies, they couldn't stop that powerful attack. float down.


The two big Luo Jinxians shot at the same time, and the formation eyes couldn't hold on at all. Amid the roar of the black big Luo Jinxian, the formation eyes were finally broken, the colorful light disappeared, and the stone forest below disappeared. They turned into an attic. To be exact, it is a tower, they are in a tower.

"It's broken, we're out!"

The black big Luo Jinxian wiped the sweat from his forehead, and in that short period of time just now, more than half of his strength was consumed. If the two of them hadn't joined forces, he might not be able to break through that formation hole by himself. The law is really powerful.

"No, not quite out yet!"

Gu Zheng looked outside, his brows sank, they are still inside the tower now, but the trap layer is gone, but the tower itself is a powerful magic weapon, they haven't gone out yet.

"You guys came out?"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of them, who was no stranger to Gu Zheng, and it was the chieftain who trapped them before.

"Chief, I'm going to kill you!"

The enemy was very wide-eyed when they met each other. When the black big Luo Jinxian saw Chieftain, he immediately rushed forward screaming. Even though he didn't use any tricks, Gu Zheng couldn't help but support his immortal power to defend against the powerful fist wind. .

"It's useless for you to come out. This is my home field. I can kill you all!"

Chief Tian snorted coldly, stretched out only one finger, and easily broke the fist of the black big Luo Jinxian, and made the black big Luo Jinxian retreat back.

"His home field?"

Gu Zheng looked up and looked around. He was still inside the tower. As someone who had owned tower-like artifacts, he knew exactly what Chief Tian meant.

This pagoda does not only have one level of ability, in addition to the previous trapping and killing formation, this pagoda itself also has one level.

Here, the power of the master will be enlarged, and the power of the people trapped inside will be reduced, one will ebb and flow, and opponents with similar realms will inevitably suffer losses if they enter here.

"Our strength will be weakened here, everyone go together!"

Gu Zheng shouted, and the black big Luo Jinxian was shocked when he came back. After hearing Gu Zheng's words, he shouted a few more times and rushed up again.

"You kid, you can come out, it's okay, I'll clean up all of you here!"

Chief Tian was also amazed that Gu Zheng followed. Gu Zheng only had the strength of the early stage of Jinxian, so it was incredible that such strength could break the trapped killing formation inside.

If Gu Zheng, or only Gu Zheng and Tao are the two of them, it is not so easy to find the eye, but it is not so easy to get rid of it. Fortunately, there were two Da Luo Jinxian trapped in the sky before, and then they worked together , finally opened the cage.

But only one level is broken, and there is still one level left to be truly free.

"Tao, you go too!"

Two Da Luo Jinxian besieged Chief Tian together. Although the space in this tower is not large, the defense is extremely strong. Three people with the strength of Da Luo Jinxian fought together, and did not destroy anything inside. It cannot be broken at all by strength. This layer of confinement.

If he wants to really go out, the key lies in Chief Tian, ​​but fortunately, the immortal power here is not imprisoned, unlike the previous one where there was no supplement.

Tao nodded, holding the blood knife, and rushed forward at once.

A large piece of blood rose into the sky, and the blood was full of strong resentment and killing intent. Even the black and white Da Luo Jinxian was shocked. Such resentment and killing intent can only be condensed by killing many people. When they looked at Tao, There is also fear.

Tao had said before that he could hurt Chieftain, the two of them didn't believe it then, but they believed it this time.

Tao's attack was extremely sharp, even in the tower, amidst the blood stains, he hit Chieftain again, causing another wound on his body. Chief Tian was so angry that he threw away the two big Luo Jinxians and mainly dealt with Tao.

"Turn around baby please!"

There are immortal powers here, and there is no restriction on the use of magic weapons, but to weaken their power and strengthen the master's power, so that the treasures of the ancient war can be used.

The yellow gourd glowed, the lid opened, and a white light flew out.

Yitian's heart trembled, how could he forget the big weapon in Gu Zheng's hand? He thought about it before, when all the people in it were dead, he had to take out all the treasures on them. But neglected the treasure of Gu Zheng.

This is the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, even the Daluo Jinxian can kill it, so there must be no underestimation.


Chieftain roared violently, and his body suddenly split into two. Of the two identical chieftains, one of them suddenly fell off his head, while the other chieftain was still shocked.

"What a boy, you are the most damned!"

With lingering fears in his heart, Chief Tian looked at Gu Zheng even more angrily. Instead of chasing Tao, he directly captured Gu Zheng. If he hadn't practiced the puppet technique, he had also refined several puppets that took himself as the original shape. The possibility of death this time It was him, not a puppet he temporarily released.


Gu Zheng yelled, opened the life and death book, hooked the reincarnation pen in his hand, and the name of Yitian disappeared from the life and death book in an instant, and then appeared again.

The momentary ecstasy made Emirates suddenly conscious.

Before Gu Zheng's cultivation base was too low, it was difficult to hook Da Luo Jinxian. Now that his cultivation level has improved, although he can't directly hook Da Luo Jinxian's soul away, at least it can have an impact on Da Luo Jinxian.

"Don't stand still, do it!"

Gu Zheng let out a roar, and the black and white Da Luo Jinxian was in a daze, and he hurriedly attacked Chieftain together. Although Tao could hurt Chieftain, it was too difficult to kill him. These two Da Luo Jinxians were still the main force.

"Damn you!"

When they started, Chief Tian had already come to his senses, but his soul was somewhat shaken, but he understood that all of this was caused by Gu Zheng, and the person he wanted to kill the most at this time was also Gu Zheng.



Tao Yeqi stepped forward, and he would not allow others to hurt Gu Zheng. The two Da Luo Jinxians came one after the other, and their powerful forces came to Chief Tian's side, leaving him no time to continue chasing Gu Zheng.

But the space here is too small, even if Chief Tian didn't deliberately chase after him, the aftermath of Chief Heaven's angry blow just now also hit Gu Zheng, causing him to slam into the wall behind him.


Gu Zheng gritted his teeth and made another hook. Chief Tian, ​​who had just stretched out his arm, was in a trance for a moment. Tao's blood knife took the opportunity to cut his chest, and Chieftain sprayed a lot of blood, which was directly sucked by the blood knife.

The blood knife likes Da Luo Jinxian's blood very much.

The two big Luo Jinxians, black and white, were not idle either. They took the opportunity to attack, and Chief Tian was beaten out so hard that he fell to the ground, and his wound was still bleeding.

The wound left by the blood knife healed very slowly. At this meeting, Chief Tian was already covered in blood, especially the knife on his chest, which accounted for almost half of the wound, and looked extremely ferocious.

"kill him!"

Gu Zheng held the ecstasy pen, waited for the name of Yitian to appear, and then hooked it again. The newly awakened Yitian was in a trance again. Hit the vulnerable part of the back of his head.

Tao even raised his big knife and slashed at his neck.

This Chieftain is worthy of being a great power of the Wu Clan, his physical defense is astonishing, Tao's knife failed to cut off his head, but it also cut a lot of wounds, and the blood knife absorbed a lot of his blood.

Stimulated by the severe pain, Chief Tian became sober instead, roared angrily, and swept away the black big Luo Jinxian who was still attacking with his fist, and rushed towards Tao himself.

"Turn around baby please!"

A word that made Chief Tian's soul tremble suddenly resounded, and without time to think about it, Chief Tian released the puppet immediately, but Tao, holding the blood knife, rushed in front of him at once, blood stains appeared all over the sky again, the puppet he was about to release, He squeezed back abruptly.

The white light returned to the yellow gourd, Tao quickly backed away, and Emirates looked at him and Gu Zheng in disbelief, with a look of unwillingness and anger, but soon, his head tilted and fell to the ground, with the severed neck facing Squirting blood outside.

The blood knife flew over cheerfully by itself, and all the blood spurted by Emirates was sucked into it.

The black and white big Luo Jinxian looked at each other, they were not afraid, but a little scared.

Before the two of them said that they had the ability to hurt Da Luo Jinxian, they didn't believe it at all. After they came out, they believed their strong fighting power, but even if they believed it, they never dared to think that these two boys could kill Da Luo Jinxian Ability.

But right in front of their eyes, right under their noses, Chieftain, whom the two of them could not fight together, was actually killed by these two boys. They can kill Chieftain, but it does not mean that they are also capable of killing Chieftain. kill them.

Especially their treasures, whether it is the Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife or the yellow scroll, are all innate treasures, and they are very powerful treasures among the innate treasures. Da Luo Jinxian couldn't recover after being injured, which was really scary.

At this moment, both of them had a murderous intent in their hearts. Such a person cannot be kept.

Gu Zheng seemed to have seen through their thoughts, and suddenly said something, Tao had already returned to Gu Zheng's side, looking at the two of them vigilantly.

"Thinking that we have shared adversity together, we will not take the initiative to attack, whether it is an enemy or a friend, you choose!" Gu Zheng said lightly again, and there was a trace of hesitation on the face of the black and white big Luo Jinxian.

They were really unsure when they started. Chief Tian was stronger than both of them, and both of them died, especially Gu Zheng's Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife, which could kill someone if he didn't pay attention.

And the blood knife of the boy in black is so evil that they don't even want to touch it.

"Little friend is right, we share weal and woe, we are friends, not enemies!"

The big Luo Jinxian in white suddenly stretched out his hand and clasped his fist. He said so, but the big Luo Jinxian in black naturally wouldn't say anything, and suppressed all the killing intent before.

"It's so good. We want this tower. The Chieftain's Department is missing Chieftain. I believe that relying on the two of you, we will have the ability to take revenge. We will meet later!"

Gu Zheng clasped his fists and said something, the black and white Da Luo Jinxian looked around, they also wanted this tower, but they didn't kill Yitian, and they didn't dare to turn against Gu Zheng, so they could only clasped their fists and both flew away.

Without the chieftain, the pagoda has no owner. It is very easy for them to go out without any obstacles.

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