This jade is green and translucent into a half-moon shape, holding it in the hand feels a burst of icy breath, it seems that this jade has been warmed for many years.

"Okay, don't worry, I will keep my promise."

The fox demon looked around and looked at everything around with nostalgia, and finally locked her eyes on Xue'er who was still in a coma, and didn't move for a long time.

Since accepting this apprentice, it should be the happiest thing in the past ten years. Only she will carefree and want to be happy. Every time she comes here, she will chirp a lot. And say it to yourself.

Only when you lose it will you know how to cherish it, the fox demon sighed and closed his eyes.

The fox demon's body trembled violently, and the tense muscles all showed the pain he was suffering at this time. As time passed, the entire iron chain also trembled.

The corner of the fox demon's mouth was already filled with blood, but the fox demon still kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to let others see his jokes at the last moment, for the sake of Yaozu, but also for his own dignity.

Suddenly a white light flashed, and Gu Zheng couldn't see what happened for a moment. When the white light disappeared, Gu Zheng realized that the fox fairy in front of him had disappeared.

The fox fairy did not say his name until he died, and felt that it should be meaningless. In the prehistoric world, every second, how many people, demons, and immortals lost their lives. Most of them were like a grass, which could not be lifted. There was a ripple.

No one knows, and no one cares.

In front of me was only a plant about 50 centimeters high, which swayed without wind. The emerald green grass blades and messy grass stems are as inconspicuous as ordinary grass.

Gu Zheng took out a jade box, made of sapphire, bluish-white with black spots in the center, and the whole body was smooth, and carefully put the demon grass in.

Only then did Gu Zheng heave a sigh of relief, and looked around, except for the girl who was still lying on the ground, only the chains floating in the air shook slightly, and the blood left on them proved what happened.

Gu Zheng caught the little fox and handed her a pill to ensure that she would be alive and well when she woke up.

Going back the same way, the valley is the same as before, except that the black mist is lost, and many plants are about to wither. This is the result of forced alienation. However, it will not take long to restore the original scenery.

Flying through the forest that had returned to normal, Tiather was a little dim at this time. Gu Zheng did not intend to return to the city, and a white horse was waiting in front of him.

One thought within a certain distance can sense one's own thoughts.

Gu Zheng put the little fox Xueer away, watched the direction, and ran forward.

When Xueer woke up, she found herself in a cave with a blanket on her body.

Not only that, Xue'er found that she was refreshed, without any trace of previous injuries.


Xue'er thought that her master's life was in danger, so she didn't care why she was here, so she got up and ran out.

After walking a few steps, Xue'er stopped, and she found that the boy who wanted to hurt her master was standing in front of her.

A bonfire was burning brightly, illuminating the boy's peaceful face, and the smell of food filled the air.

When Gu Zheng found out that the girl appeared, he didn't say anything, just threw a jade pendant and a set of clothes over, and hovered directly in front of the girl.

At this time, Xue'er's clothes were a little damaged, revealing a large piece of white skin.

Xue'er was a little at a loss, the impression that Gu Zheng had left on her was particularly strong, and she knocked herself unconscious in a flash.

When he saw a familiar aura on the jade pendant in front of him, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the jade pendant in his hand.

In an instant, a familiar voice rang in his ears.


Xue'er understood that this was the magic mirror image left by the master.

When she came back to her senses, Xueer found that she had burst into tears, wiped it briefly, and carefully hung the jade pendant around her waist. Xueer walked up to Gu Zheng and bowed deeply, gratefully saying: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your help. Please ask for anything you need."

Gu Zheng didn't even look at it, he still sipped his wine and waited a while before answering.

"Get up, what did your master say?"

Gu Zheng is also curious about how the fox demon left the message.

Only then did Xue'er straighten herself up, and said seriously: "Young master Gu, thank you for helping my master escape from the sea of ​​suffering. The master left a message saying that he has traveled far away to heal his wounds. Let me wait by your side for the next time."

As she talked, she seemed to remember something, and Xueer's beautiful eyes were filled with mist again.

"What, didn't you say yes and just take care of her, how could this happen?" Gu Zheng originally left a mark on her body, and sensed it in time if there was any danger.

Gu Zheng has been wandering in the prehistoric world for too long, and he is going to take a good rest in the world for a while. Gu Zheng thought again in a blink of an eye, "Oh, maybe it's the revenge of the Shura people. The fox demon is really cunning, and he will plot against me after death."

Forget it, Gu Zheng decided not to think about these for the time being, if possible, find a chance to kill the Shura people once and for all.

Gu Zheng had a hunch that since he cut off his beard, he would definitely not let it go, and would find him sooner or later.

At this time, Xueer also came out with a change of clothes. As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, and horses rely on saddles. Before that, Xueer was just the clothes of ordinary people. Although her appearance was also very beautiful, the overall feeling was very ordinary.

The women's clothing given by Gu Zheng is also a low-level magic weapon, which can automatically adjust the size, automatically clean the dust, and automatically adjust the temperature, all of which were seized before.

Under the faint flames, Xueer wore a dark blue brocade dress with white plum blossoms embroidered on the skirt, and tied her slender waist with a white brocade belt. Her jet-black hair was tied with a lavender Tied up with a ribbon, only a white hosta with plum blossoms is inserted on the head. Although simple, it looks fresh and elegant.

Under the reflection of the bonfire, the green face is also a little charming.

At this time, Xue'er was also extremely happy. Although she had some beautiful clothes, none of them were as beautiful as this.

That's right, the best clothes in the world are not so good-looking, not to mention that these are carefully prepared by the doting banshee.

Gu Zheng was also stunned for a while, although he had seen countless beauties, but at this moment, Xueer still attracted his attention, as expected of a little vixen, born with the ability to charm people.

Xue'er was a little embarrassed by Gu Zheng's look, and there was a faint wine red on her cheeks.

"Cough cough" Gu Zheng coughed a few times, he had never seen such a beautiful woman before, so he couldn't lose this bit of dignity.

"Xue'er, sit down." Gu Zheng beckoned her to sit down, and then handed over the fragrant wild boar legs roasted on the fire.

Xue'er obediently took it, took a small bite, and instantly felt that her taste buds were full of fragrance, oily but not greasy, tender and fragrant meat, never had such delicious barbecue.

Not bad, Gu Zheng is full of confidence in his craft.

"How old are you this year?" Looking at Xue'er who was struggling with the pork leg, Gu Zheng asked casually.

Caught off guard that Xue'er choked suddenly, Gu Zheng hurriedly handed over a new water bag, Xue'er raised her head and gulped a big gulp before going down.

"If you go back to Mr. Gu, Xue'er is 142 years old this year."

"Don't be so formal, I'm not an antique," Gu Zheng waved his hand, "Relax, how about it, you can be my personal maid."

Some innocent Xueer believed it was true, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then smiled happily

"Okay, son."

Xue'er didn't care about being gentle, and started to eat it. It was so delicious, and she still wanted to eat it. At this moment, her mind was thinking.

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile, looking at this little girl who was still somewhat innocent, some things in her feelings were pretended, no wonder it was so unreal.

Well, now Xueer's age is only about sixteen or seventeen when converted to human beings, so she can be considered a little girl.

"Well, Xue'er, can you tell me your previous story?" Gu Zheng was curious about what kind of energy made such a virtuous person.

Xue'er's expression was a little gloomy, and a smile began to bloom at the corner of her mouth when she remembered something.

Slowly, as the light of the bonfire faded, a large piece of food was eaten up, and Xueer was already lying on the quilt that had been prepared.

Looking at Xue'er with tears still hanging from the corner of her eyes, Gu Zheng already understood Xue'er's life experience.

She is also a poor person. To put it simply, she was wandering in Donglin Valley without father or mother before, until she was seriously injured and accidentally ran to imprison the fox demon.

The fox took her in and named her Xue'er, so when she was cultivating hard and reached the third level of inner strength, the fox gave her a transformation pill, and wanted him to go to the human world to help him contact his former senior brothers. Unintentionally broke in, the fox demon asked them to go out to find the big demon to help them out of trouble.

But the information that has been returned for many years has no results, and some of them have not been heard from.

Later, except for Xueer, who would come over to chat and comfort herself every now and then, and collect medicine by the way.

Before the transformation, Xueer was hazy, but after the transformation, she came close to the white paper and met a pair of kind old people.

The old man is a doctor with excellent medical skills. He tries to help the poor and often teaches Xueer to behave in a good way. Every day Xueer helps out in the medical clinic and learns medical skills.

Even though the couple died relative to each other a year ago, Xueer insisted on treating others in the hospital, continuing the old man's instructions.

It was too late when the fox demon found out, and it was impossible to turn it around, so it could only let Xueer go.

Gu Zheng can think of a single woman guarding a medical clinic, even if she is a monster with a little strength, but this character will suffer a lot.

Gu Zheng added a few more logs of firewood to ensure that the bonfire would burn until dawn tomorrow.

I have the demon grass in my hand, but I still need some auxiliary materials, some of which are more difficult to find, but the previous preparations are also possible.

You must know that after taking the medicine that you carefully prepared, your cultivation will be temporarily reduced, and you must slowly adjust to the best state.

In this way, the peaceful night passed like this.

At dawn the next day, Xueer was awakened by a seductive fragrance,

Looking at Xueer who had woken up, Gu Zheng smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat, you can go on the road after eating."

It was agreed yesterday to go back to Xue'er's medical clinic. Xue'er's medical clinic is in the royal capital of Anhua Kingdom, which is about a day away in the northwest.

Close to the border, but far from Gary Southland.

After wolfing down the solution, Gu Zheng continued to head towards the capital with a satisfied Xue'er.

Not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not slow or slow.

"Have you seen it? Surrender quickly to ensure your safety." A tall gangster yelled on a horse, "Otherwise, this will be your end in a while."

The culprit pointed to the corpses below, and several people were wailing on the ground. It seemed that there was a battle just now, and the culprit had won.

The caravan did not expect to encounter horse bandits not far from the king. This is the only way to pass. The old consul was sweating non-stop. For several years, no robbers dared to rob near the capital. , if it is known, it will definitely face the wrath of the king.

There are bandits even near the capital, why don't you let the timid royal family and nobles not panic, if you go out, you will definitely offer a huge reward and add an army to exterminate them.

The thin layer of guards around did not give the consul a sense of security. Looking at the trembling nurse, he expressed disappointment with their fighting power.

It's a pity that the people who broke through to cover the report just now failed, and now they have to stick to the circle.

Although the gangsters were only about 20 people, they still surrounded the caravan with nearly 50 people. There was no way, most of the caravans were ordinary people, and even the guards were stronger than ordinary people.

Who would have thought that they would be robbed by bandits.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up." A cold voice sounded, and a relatively thin guy scanned the caravan with cold eyes. Everyone who met his eyes felt a chilling feeling, which made people shudder.

The gangsters didn't dare to delay for too long, after all, the capital here is too close, and someone will regularly inspect it.

The thin leader signaled his subordinates to continue intimidating them with his eyes. After all, it would be better if he could lose less people. As for if they really surrendered, hum, a gleam flashed in the leader's eyes. up.

All the gangsters mounted their horses and were ready to move, as if they were about to kill them in the next moment.

"Boss Wang, do you want to make an example to others?" One of his subordinates pointed to the wounded on the ground.

The leader named Wang Lei slowly shook his head, he keenly realized that the caravan was about to collapse.

At this time, everyone in the caravan was looking at the consul. Everyone had no intention of fighting, and there were comrades in front of them crying. If they don't get timely medical treatment, they will die.

Now the consul's clothes are soaked, and the sweat is dripping down as if he doesn't want money.

He didn't dare to surrender. Others might be fine, but something would happen to him.

Time passed by little by little, and for the caravan people, every second seemed like a year.

When Wang Lei was about to raise his hand to order a strong attack, his men suddenly shouted,

"Someone is coming over there."

All eyes were attracted to the combination turned around by the hill not far away.

As it got closer, everyone could see clearly.

A group of handsome boys and girls, one big and one small, walked towards here slowly, as if they didn't see the scene in the distance. Still walking step by step calmly.

I don't know what the boy said, but a girl's voice like a silver bell came faintly along the wind.

The expectant people in the caravan lowered their heads in frustration, and a pair of young people seemed to be in trouble.

Wang Lei squinted his sinister eyes, feeling a little unsteady in his heart. He could clearly feel that the girl's strength was not weaker than his own, or even stronger, and the young man looked as harmless as an ordinary person.

"Could it be fraud?" Wang Lei thought that no one would leak his well-planned plan, and what's more, if he couldn't complete the matter, he would die if he went back.

Thinking of what that big man said to me, I shuddered, that person, it would be easier for you to pinch yourself to death than to pinch an ant to death.

He scolded himself fiercely, if he had known earlier, he would not have dawdled, now he had no other choice, he wanted to eliminate all witnesses.

Be the first to act first, and make a quick decision.

"Come on, let's go together." Wang Lei roared angrily, calling out to his subordinates, ready to rush forward without caring about hurting others.

More than twenty horse thieves turned their horses' heads directly, and rushed over with their sabers held high. The leader of the horse bandits hid behind, waiting for an opportunity, trying to seize the opponent's weakness and seriously injure or kill him in one fell swoop.

As long as the little girl is taken down, everything will be fine.

Gu Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at the opposite side, without any disturbance in his heart.

Except for one with a third level of inner strength, all the others are ordinary people, only stronger and crueler.

The businessman saw that there was no guard here, so he quickly pulled the wounded back for treatment. Some people looked at the consul and hoped to escape together, while others simply didn't even want the goods and ran to the king's capital.

Anyway, they are all improvised teams, flying separately in the face of disaster.

No one saw the flash of disdain in the consul's eyes. If Ma Fei wins, you can run on two legs better than four.

But most of them can think of one thing, and they still look at the distance without moving.

There decides the fate of everyone here.

But this time it is estimated that there is no danger. It is really lucky, and the consul breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the unchanging expression of a young man in his twenties behind him, the old man also admired in his heart, as expected of a child of the royal family, this courage is different.

The young man clearly felt the relaxation of the old man, and asked in doubt

"You told me that the suspected immortal was him."

"Well, it must be fine." The old man was sure, this old man was actually the one who persuaded Gu Zheng to leave in the restaurant.

This horse bandit actually wanted to kill Gu Zheng beyond his capacity, the old man was the first to not believe it, his method spread throughout the small town in a short time.

Those gangsters who were full of confidence continued to speed up during the impact, wanting to kill each other with a photo.

A purple figure came up to him, Xue'er held a black wooden stick in his hand, and rushed in from the middle.

It was like a hungry tiger entering a herd of sheep. Every time he waved his weapon, a horse bandit would fly past and lie on the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Bang, bang"

Seeing the loss of his subordinates, nearly half of his subordinates fell down in just a few moments of fighting, Wang Lei finally couldn't bear it anymore, rushed forward with the horsepower and swung the horizontal knife at Xue'er who was still in the air.

Xue'er had been paying attention to him a long time ago, and when she saw the opponent attacking, she calmly took out a wooden stick to block it.

In just one face-to-face, the two sides played against each other several times.

In the end, Xue'er followed the strength in her hands and flipped somersaults, kicking a horse bandit flying with a quick touch.

Xue'er directly stabbed the horse bandit team across, and the rest of the horse bandits panicked and pulled the horse to stare at Xue'er who was standing in the middle, and pulled the horse to turn around, but they dared not go forward.

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