"Stop." Colonel Lu roared to stop the group of soldiers who wanted to attack, some of them pretended not to hear, speeding up and trying to shoot the bows and arrows in their hands at a closer point.

Seeing this, Xiaowei Lu rushed forward, beating those soldiers until they vomited blood.

"Put down all your weapons immediately and return to the team." Lieutenant Lu ordered very sternly, "The rest of you stand up for me, and the teams return to their positions."

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by the whole school.

Lu Xinghe, as the guard officer of a small border town, his position is the school lieutenant, and as the chief instructor, he is responsible for the training of all soldiers. He is now on the second floor of the inner strength.

In the military, besides the immediate boss, Xiaowei Lu is the second person in charge. As a loyal person, he was also thrown into prison. Of course, he is now the first person in charge.

The accompanying few people also have a great reputation here, helping to maintain the discipline of the school grounds.

Captain Lu's arrangements were very useful, and soon the noisy crowd settled down again.

"Report, all personnel are due." After the arrangement was completed, Captain Lu came to Zhao Man and replied.

Zhao Man stood on the high platform, surrounded by kneeling soldiers who resisted, all of which were subdued by their own soldiers.

The dense group of people below made Zhao Man, who had never experienced this kind of battle, feel a little excited in his heart.

"Lieutenant Lu, you go and send a team to inform them, let some people go to the City Lord's Mansion to prepare, and I will be there in a while."

"Yes." Captain Lu quickly sent someone to handle it.

In fact, these soldiers didn't understand what happened. A few days ago, many big men in the army disappeared, and the city was under martial law, and many officers were airborne, which made everyone dissatisfied.

Originally, this time was to see what City Lord Liao said, but as soon as the assembly was completed, City Lord Liao was injured by a young man, and the officer who had disappeared before also appeared, and it seemed that he was with him, so everyone waited quietly.

Just because he trusts Xiaowei Lu, it can be said that Xiaowei Lu is in charge of the entire army, and Xiaowei Lu manages the army well, so all the soldiers respect him.

Xiaowei Lu took a deep breath and said loudly: "This is the sixth prince of the kingdom, Mr. Zhao, who came here to arrest the traitor because he discovered the betrayal of City Lord Liao."

After a brief introduction, Captain Lu stepped back and let Zhao Man out.

Zhao Man took a simple step forward, and the soldiers felt a overwhelming force of Mount Tai sweeping over them, making people take a breath.

"Soldiers, in the past City Lord Liao colluded with outsiders and intended to rebel. This kind of treason will definitely be punished. Now some people are hiding among you. Those who report will be rewarded, and those who hide will be punished."

Regarding the second master in the country, especially the status of the prince, the soldiers dared not disobey, and soon a group of people who were hiding deeper were pushed out, and some people fled from their masters and apprentices, and were directly arranged by Captain Lu. Hacked to death.

"The death of these rebellious officials and thieves is not a pity, tell me why we have to train hard."

"Defend the family and defend the country." The uniform slogan resounded throughout the sky, and many residents could feel the vibration.

"Yes, to defend one's own country is to protect one's own home. Some people want to take away your wealth, wives and children, you are willing."

"I don't want to, I don't want to." The soldiers roared angrily. The army has been instilling this kind of thinking. Under Zhao Man's guidance, the blood of a group of people slowly heated up.

"The time has come to prove you. Tell me, have you been fooling around since you joined the army?"

"No." Lieutenant Lu took the lead in shouting, and the soldiers behind him also shouted in unison.

Every soldier trains hard, and every drop of sweat is sprinkled all over the training ground.

"Then you are a group. You can't even hold your weapons steadily on the battlefield, so you dare not face the enemy's team?" Zhao Man asked again.

"No." The soldiers below roared angrily, and it could be heard that the people below were very unhappy that Zhao Man suspected him.

"The problem is that I don't believe it!" Zhao Man yelled directly, pointing the knife in the direction of the capital, "There are more enemies there now, waiting for us to defeat them, what you can do now is to use a field Win to prove all this, tell me, can you do it, no matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how much suffering we have, we will definitely go head-on and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop, tell me loudly, can you do it. "

"Yes." Some people shouted hoarsely, and continued to shout. The dignity of a soldier cannot be trampled on.

"Since you can, then follow me. Soldiers, it's time to prove yourself. You have to be rich or die. There is no other choice. It's all up to you." Zhao Man shouted, "Pack up everything now and prepare to leave in the afternoon. "

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

City Lord Liao looked at everything in front of him, and he knew the fighting power of this army, but the people in charge of this army were all sent by the royal family themselves, and no one else was tolerated. As for the general, he was just a puppet, and it was useless at all. .

"Sixth prince, please forgive me. I am willing to turn my back on my evil ways. I can be your internal support." In order to survive, City Lord Liao didn't care about his face. His face was covered with tears and snot, and his subordinates begged for mercy one after another.

"Didn't you think so, Captain Lu, you are in charge of everything below, and you have the full power to kill first and then play later."

"Yes," Captain Lu hurried away after receiving the order. There were so many things to be arranged in such a hurry, so hurry up.

"As for you, I wanted to play with you at first, but unfortunately there is not much time, so all of you will be beheaded for public display."

"No, the sixth prince, spare your life, I am willing to repent, and I am willing to be a striker." A group of people were crying and howling, trying to save their lives.

is it possible? It was only at this time that I thought of this, what did I do before, I only thought about prosperity and wealth, didn't I realize the risks behind it?

Soon, the dead heads of this group of people were hung on the school grounds to warn those miscreants.

Including City Lord Liao, the bloody scene made many people who passed by here vomit.

After Gu Zheng waited for the informant, everyone came out from inside, and the long-lost sunshine made these people greedy breathers.

Gu Zheng didn't go to the conference hall with these people, and went directly back to the original mansion. Shuang'er was already restless, walking up and down in the yard.

On the contrary, Xueer still has leisure time to enjoy the flowers next to her,

"Sister Xue'er, aren't you worried?" Shuang'er didn't understand why Xue'er was so calm in this scene, isn't she afraid of them killing people? After all, Zhao Man is in their hands.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Xue'er comforted her forehead. In fact, this conversation has happened many times, and Xue'er didn't tell Shuang'er about the strength of Gu Zheng.

Think about it, even Zhao Man regards this as an ordinary person, can it be an ordinary person?

Just as she was talking, the door outside suddenly opened, and Xuehe Shuang'er became nervous for a while, and it turned out that it was Gu Zheng who came back.

Xue'er glanced at Shuang'er triumphantly, saying that she is very good, and she already knew the result.

Shuang'er returned the past with helpless eyes.

"Why are you alone, Zhao Man?" Xue'er knew that Gu Zheng must be fine, but she was still a little worried when she didn't see Zhao Man.

"It's okay, we'll be able to make a sword for him when we go to the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion." Xue'er was relieved.

"Then hurry up, don't wait." Shuang'er urged

"Okay." Since he was so anxious, Gu Zheng took the two of them with him.

When passing by the door, Xue Er was surprised to find that the guard at the door was there. She remembered that it was still there just now, but who cares.

When the three of Gu Zheng arrived at the meeting hall, there was an earth-shattering roar from a distance, and even here they could hear it softly.

Looking at these two curious babies, Gu Zheng said directly: "Just ask Zhao Man when you come back, I don't know anything."

If things go on like this, I am not only a tuba, but also a part-time know-it-all position.

There are only three of us in the empty hall, and the others are still simply cleaning up. After all, after staying in such a bad environment for a few days, who can bear it if we don't hurry back to clean up.

Regardless of the reaction of those people back home, the three of Guzheng found a good seat and sat down.

Shuang'er found that there was no one in the huge city lord's mansion, so she had to pour tea and water by herself, since she was used to it anyway.

One after another, the previous people came here, and the hall was no longer deserted, but it was also bustling. They were all discussing what to do next. They didn't know that Zhao Man decided to set up camp in the afternoon, and the soldiers were very fast. .

When everyone arrived, Zhao Man happened to come over too.

Greeted a few words with everyone politely, and pointed to the first person in the prison who spoke to him, "The principal."

"Sixth prince, my servant is Liu Wei." Liu Wei, the chief executive, quickly stood up and introduced himself.

"Yes, Liu Wei, now I order you to be fully responsible for all the operations of this city, remember to comfort everyone, I have decided to take the soldiers to set off in the afternoon."

Liu Wei's mind went blank, he was stunned by the huge pie, looked at the envious eyes of his colleagues around him, and forgot to answer for a while.

Zhao Man didn't care, and took Gu Zheng and the others out.

"I am willing." By the time Li Wei came back to his senses and replied, Zhaoman had long since disappeared.

This is a step up to the sky. You must know that the city lord is usually a royal noble. Generally, there is no credit for the sky. How can you get it? You must seize this opportunity.

Ignoring some people's jokes, Liu Wei began to issue his first order, and everyone obeyed.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In the afternoon, Zhao Man set off with the army, each with three days' rations.

The scorching sun had already set, and the golden afterglow shrouded the earth. A team of nearly 2,000 people marched forward with high morale, a belief that shredded all the enemies in front of them.

It is about 300 kilometers from the border town to Wangyue City, and it takes about seven days. If you speed up, you can get there in five days. If you don’t consider physical fitness, you can get there in three days, but the soldiers are completely useless. Not only is there no fighting power, but also has to rest for quite a while.

Zhao Man will definitely not be like this. He is discussing with a simple map now.

As for Gu Zheng, under Xue'er's favor, he sat in the carriage and followed leisurely, enjoying the time he wanted.

"Sixth prince, I think so. We will pass here according to the original plan." Captain Lu pointed to a place on the map, "This place is a small valley, there is nothing special about it."

After a pause, Captain Lu went on to say: "The main thing is our next move. It takes about half a day to go north. There is a city called Luoye City. We can go there directly to supplement it, or continue to move forward. Also, slow down and wait for the supplies later.”

Zhao Man took the map and planned repeatedly for a long time. The second plan is undoubtedly the safest. There is no need to take risks, just wait for the logistics to catch up, and start here.

The first one needs to go to Luoye City, but I don’t know if the opponent has surrendered to the rebels. Although I can single-handedly make seven ins and seven outs, what should I do if the opponent jumps over the wall and burns the food and grass.

Zhao Man decided to be on the safe side and use the second option directly.

Zhao Man had a vague premonition in his heart that the city lord had also rebelled, and had joined the rebel army with his private soldiers and army.

In this case, if you take your troops there by yourself, you will get nothing, which will not only waste time, but also greatly waste the soldiers' physical energy.

Having decided on the route, all that remains is to move forward, to move forward, to move forward.

In the endless wilderness, a group of people move forward slowly, not knowing what the future holds, wealth or death?

Three days later, a gust of wind whizzed past, billowing yellow dust flying all over the sky.

Zhao Man and the others have come to this valley, and now Zhao Man is listening to the news from the scouts.

This is the scout arranged by Zhao Man when they set off, and they went to inquire about the news of the king's capital.

When I came back, I happened to meet here.

After letting the scouts rest for a while to drink, Zhao Man couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

Under the scout's messy hair was a delicate face. Hearing the sixth prince's question, he put down the things in his hands and stood upright, "The situation is not optimistic now."

The young scout knew what Zhao Man wanted to know, "Now the army led by the eldest prince has withdrawn from the capital and is now stationed outside. The general is Lord Lin Zui, and it is said that we lost in a big battle three days ago. "

All kinds of unfavorable news came to his ears, Zhao Man wanted to fly over, but it was useless.

Looking at the uniform army behind, this is the key to turning defeat into victory.

"Thank you, go down first." Zhao Man waved back the scouts anxiously, Captain Lu was also on the side, and said to Zhao Man, "The situation is a bit critical now, or we should rush over there."

"No, the more you get here, the more you have to be steady." Zhao Man categorically rejected this suggestion.

"Cross the canyon as soon as possible, the scouts have seen it just now, there is no enemy ambush." ​​Zhao Man ordered.

"Yes" Xiaowei Lu received the order, and the army continued to march.

If you go around the canyon, it will waste nearly a day. Now time is the most precious, and the enemy did not expect this army. From Captain Lu, I learned that even City Lord Liao wanted to keep this army inside. in the city.

Because these people are the real direct descendants of the royal family, every year the descendant troops will go to the border to train soldiers. It was only when Zhao Man was arrested that City Lord Liao wanted to escort them over. Can't afford any waves.

The army passed by, and the momentum was soaring. All the beasts in the canyon disappeared without a trace, and it was unknown where they were hiding.

Just walking in the middle, suddenly, the sky was dark, and the dark clouds appeared out of nothing, and in a short period of time, they became denser and covered the area for tens of miles, and gradually became bigger and bigger.

There was a sound of heaven and earth cracking in the air, and dazzling flashes of light shuttled through the black clouds, one after another straight into the sky, and then hit the ancient trees and rocks on the edge of the cliff.

The whole world fell into panic. Did gravel fall from the top of the mountain, which made the already panicked soldiers even more panicked.

If there is an ambush at this time, the headless army can be easily defeated, but there are no enemy troops on the top of the mountain.

Except for a few unlucky ghosts who were injured, everything else was fine. With the support of the officers, the army gradually quelled the riot.

But the thunder dragon in the sky kept rising into the sky, and even a few bolts of lightning struck Zhao Man in front of him.

Captain Lu persuaded Zhao Man to retreat temporarily to avoid the danger of the world.

Zhao Man stubbornly refused to give orders, because if he retreated, he would be tired. It can be seen that God would not let everyone go, which would be a great blow to morale.

Zhao Man shouted: "Bring the battle flag."

The people nearby heard it, and hurriedly handed the battle flag to Zhao Man from the side. Zhao Man held the battle flag high, dismounted, and moved forward slowly, even though there was still lightning shrouded in front of him, even if he died in the next moment. Between heaven and earth, nothing can stop the thought in my heart.

Everyone looked at all this in amazement, watching Zhao Man move forward step by step, even sporadic lightning struck Zhao Man's side, and the sputtered gravel hit Zhao Man, but Zhao Man didn't care, he was determined. Moving forward.

As if there is a road leading to the sky in front of you, hold high the belief in your heart and continue to move forward without flinching.

Lieutenant Lu looked at the high-raised battle flag constantly ringing in the wind, slowly moving forward with a straight back, his eyes were moist for some reason, and he roared in a hoarse voice

"Go forward." After speaking, he was the first to keep up with Zhao Man's pace.

The soldiers next to "Go Forward" felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts, wanting to jump out of their chests,

"Forward." With the sound of advancing,

"Go forward." Everyone knows when to post,

"Advance." Every advancing soldier shouted angrily.

No matter what is ahead, no matter what is ahead, everyone will follow the man holding the battle flag in front without hesitation. If there is hell ahead, then we will go to hell bravely.

The sky seemed to be enraged, all the lightning was retracted, a thick light gathered, shining the whole sky, trying to accumulate strength, and wiped out the insects who despised him at the bottom with one blow.

"Boom" The lightning that gathered all the power shot straight down, and there was only that thick white light left in the sky and earth, and nothing else could be seen.

A louder sound of "bang" emerged from the air, and something with blue light exploded from the side, blocking the beam of light falling from the sky like lightning.

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